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Posts posted by PonyHooves

  1. Golden Heart quickly scrubbed up for surgery. He attatched a heart moniter to the stallion as well as a breathing tube. The doctor worked carefully. His consentration didn't falter in the slightest. The stallion was careful and level headed. He knew the responsibility that weighed down on his shoulders. But Golden was used to it. He went to medical school and got the grades. He got the experiance. Golden knew what he was doing. He knew it would be a long operation, considering that he had more than just a lung to repair. The operation lasted three hours.

    Once it was completed, Golden Heart added the antidote to the IV drip fluids. This would allow his patient to wake up gently. He removed the breathing tube and replaced it with an oxygen mask. All that was left was the wait for him to awaken.

  2. Pixie looked at Newsworthy. "She said that about me? Oh that Ditzy... If ever there was an award for a mare with a big heart, I would nominate her." She smiled softly. "When I see her again, I'll give her a basket full of muffins."

    Gerty looked at Silver Note and said. "Well... You know what they say... Dreams really can come true."

    Golden lifted the silver lids off different food platters. There were hay fries, different types of soup, Pumpkin pie, apple pie and a big chocolate cake. He smiled as inhaled all of the different scents. The stallion hoped that the others would enjoy the meal.

  3. "No... I can't..." Pixie replied in a dull tone.

    She knew that hiding her feelings solved nothing. She was worried and she just wanted to be told that everything would be okay. The mare cared a great deal about the friends she had made. It didn't matter to her that they had all disbanded after the unusual incident. The mare thought about all of them. Pixie Parcel remembered that day well. She cried for him. Pixie really cared. On that day, she thought she was going to lose him. Even though he had survived, Pixie still worried. She always worried about those who she cared for. But she never had shown it very much before. This time, she had decided to let it show.

  4. "The x-ray is already done... And you are correct." Golden Heart replied as he turned to the pony who had now coughed up some scarlet liquid bubbles. He quickly grabbed an oxygen mask and placed it over the patient's face to make it easier to aid the flow of oxygen to his body. He looked closely at the size of the wound... It was too large for a specialised bandage. It looked as though it wouldn't heal on its own. He had to break it in the correct way towards his patient. He wasn't paid to lie. Golden knew what had to be done and he knew it would be for the best. "The only way I can fix this is by operating... You'll by asleep in minutes and won't feel a thing." He told his patient.

  5. Paw Print had spent the night at the cafe in Stalliongrad. However, the mare was an early riser. She had got up and left the cafe. The mare did not leave Stalliongrad. She only seeked the glory of watching the sun rise up. Oh it was a beautiful sight. She thanked Celestia for such glorious mornings. They always left her feeling warmth on the inside while sending a chill down her spine. The day coming and passing seemed enchanting to this earth pony. She respected both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna for the hard work they had done to make such a beautiful sight. Their hard work was never un-noticed. This mare always got up early for the sun and she stayed up to see the moon. The mare let out a gentle sigh and trotted peacefully around Stalliongrad to stretch her legs in the fresh morning air.

  6. "Please enter, Bowie." Golden spoke as he saw the stallion had not crossed the door way.

    "Yeah, that's right... I'm Pixie Parcel. I don't live with my parents though. I just came from Cloudsdale to visit them." Pixie Parcel spoke. Gerty smiled. "Oh, he's a cute little guy... He reminds me of our twin sons. They never kept in tough with us when they left home though." Gerty Greeting's stopped to think. "Oh I'm sorry... I didn't tell you my name. I'm Gerty Greetings, Golden's wife."

  7. [Twilight Sparkle]

    When I was just a filly I found it rather silly

    To see how many other ponies I could meet

    I had my books to read, didn't know that I would ever need

    Other ponies to make my life complete

    But there was one colt that I cared for

    I knew he would be there for me

    My big brother, best friend forever

    Like two peas in a pod, we did everything together

    He taught me how to fly a kite

    (Best friend forever)

    We never had a single fight

    (We did everything together)

    We shared our hopes, we shared our dreams

    I miss him more than I realized, it seems

    [Rest of mane six]

    Your big brother, best friend forever

    Like two peas in a pod, you did everything together

    [Twilight Sparkle]

    And though he's oh so far away

    I hoped that he would stay

    My big brother best friend



  8. It took them about 10 days to make my order and ship it to me in the states, so I'd say it might take a week for them to make your order; as far as sending it, I'm not sure how long that might take!

    That's brave paying for the international shipping from them; it's ridiculous! (But it also shows me what a dedicated pony fan you are!)

    Well then... I guess I'll have to learn patience...

  9. "You can eat now. I'm not too hungry, and then m-maybe tomorrow we can go out for br-breakfast? I know a small café nearby that's always quiet."

    Seaspray was being kind about Whisperpaw eating because he was hungry. She cared about his needs. It was clear that this mare was kind and considerate. She even offered the idea of eating out for breakfast. Whisperpaw was unsure about going out to a cafe at first because of all of the loud ponies. But when she mentioned a quiet cafe, the stallion felt a sense of relief. Seaspray had thought of everything. She cared so much. Whisperpaw felt the love radiating off her body. It made him feel a sense of warmth deep down inside. It was a sensation that he loved.

    "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

    Whisperpaw leaned in closer to Seaspray and lightly kissed her. He loved her so much already and yet there was so much more the stallion had to learn about her. He was willing to learn as much as he possibly could.

  10. Pixie Parcel smiled brightly. "It has been a long time father... Too long..." She spoke as she looked into his eyes. "Too many days off means that ponies will rely on me less. Who would be there for them?" Golden replied. Pixie Parcel nodded in understanding. She had accepted that her father's job was very demanding. Even more demanding than that of a postal worker such as her self.

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