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Posts posted by PonyHooves

  1. "Your too kind Applejack." Gerty spoke kindly before she jumped into the carriage. The middle aged mare quickly found her seating comfortable. A smile had crept up on her face. The earth pony kept both her mind and her eyes wide open. "I'm ready when you are Applejack... Oh, and feel free to gallop if you get the urge to cut loose and let the wind flow through your mane." She added. Gerty always liked fast moving objects. It was the feel of the wind. It was so awakening and refreshing. It made her feel alive and the air seem clear when it was crashing into her face. However, the mare didn't mind if Applejack didn't feel like galloping. She was respectful of the orange earth pony. After all, Applejack was offering her a free ride in the carriage which, the apple bucking mare kindly offered to pull.

  2. It all started when I was twelve years old. It was a lazy summer afternoon. My dad was working and it was during the summer holidays. I couldn't go hiking on my own as my dad wouldn't allow me to go out only to get lost in the middle of nowhere. I was trapped in the house. There was nothing on tv that caught my interest and I had lost my favourite board game, Snakes and Ladders. So, I sat by the computer. I just happened to be typing random words into google search. I browsed the odd web page and then returned to google search. But then I found a web page that I wanted to stay on...

    I had typed into google the word 'wolf'. I then clicked on the first link I saw. It was the link to a text based role play website. It was about wolves. The role play website was known as Blossom Forest. I had to fill in a wolf form, and wait to be accepted before I could role play my wolf character. When I had been accepted, the joy of role play had begun to set in on my heart. I role played with people from different parts of the world. It felt as though we were writing a story at first. But as we role played together more and more, the role play began to feel real as if the character I was playing, was who I really was. It felt amazing and my features lit up before me as I sat at the keyboard and typed. It was as if I had found my calling.

    Though as I grew up, I discovered my true calling was to be with the animals. I may have been gifted with a large imagination and good control over the use of an artists pencil, but I knew I could still enjoy role playing.

    I role play today because I enjoy role playing. It helps me release my imaginative energy. It also helps me to clear my mind when something is troubling it. I still get that feeling of becoming my character every time I type my part of the role play like I would if it was my turn to tell the story over a camp fire in the woods on a hot summer night.

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  3. Whisperpaw looked at Hookline and replied. "Yep... I help animals, conduct all kinds of censuses and treat the sick animals. I release every one I help. Usually they're glad to go back... But there can be exceptions." He then heard the stallion talk about an aquarium that he owns. Whisperpaw rarely got to see any marine or sea life. It had sparked a sense of curiosity in his gentle beating heart. "An aqaurium... Sounds wonderful! You must love working with water life." He added. Whisperpaw loved animals. It didn't matter if they lived in the water, the sky or on the ground. They were all living things and creatures that shared the planet they trotted on. He was happy to be with other animal loving pony folk.

    Whisperpaw heard a thank you from Seaspray. "Your very welcome... A clean beach is a happy beach for both ponies and wild animals. I was only glad to help." He spoke in a whisper of kindness.

  4. Gerty had seen Applejack walk off. She hoped that the land pony didn't feel too guilty about one small accident. She looked down with a deep look of thought set in on her face. 'Accidents happen... But even so, a pony with a caring nature like her can take the past to heart. She can dwell on the past, but it can never be changed. Somepony, should tell her to think about now and not a past event or something that could happen tomorrow. Everypony does things they regret... It's how we learn. I hope that she'll understand that some day... And Valen... I know he'll grow to love Applejack. He just needs to get used to her over friendly way of enjoying other pony folk's company. They're all good ponies, each and every one of them.'

    Suddenly a voice snapped Gery Greetings out of her thought. "Alright, Gerty, did you get a chance to see some of our newer Pink Lady apple trees towards the back of the farm. Their apples are ripe, and the picture perfect shade of red for drawing, I reckon. Wanna go check 'em out?" It was Applejack. After hearing her speak, Gerty replied. "I haven't seen them yet... But I sure would like to though."

  5. Kawaii!

    I've made part of my bento today. I know I haven't got a proper bento box yet, but I am waiting until spring break from college. Then I'll be in when it arrives at my door. I haven't made desert. But this is what I have made!


  6. Have you ever tried to make your meals look cute? Perhaps you've decided to make deco bento, just like the Japanese do. Either for yourself, to show how much you care about your loved ones or you fancied a change of food. Or do you just like to wow other people with your culinary masterpieces. Whatever the reason, it makes a meal look great and it tastes pretty good too. I'm still new to the decorative meals and found tutorials to guide me on what to do for my next meal. Here's what I've done so far.

    A college lunch. For those of you who want the video tutorial, it is on youtube and I apologise for the terrible picture quality on the photos.


    A light supper. Chick tutorial on this website.



    If you have any pictures of your own cute food creations, then please post them. I'd love to see your cute food. And if you haven't got any photos feel free to comment on the photos already shown or discuss your feelings about cute food.

  7. "This happens to her quite alot. It seems that I spent more time with my wife than any other of my patients." Golden Heart replied an honest answer. He never told a lie. He couldn't tell lies. Sometimes his the truth was hard to take. But, he took it straight on and came out with an honest answer. Golden Heart looked at his daughter. "She gets her attitude towards work from me you know... Putting others first and forgetting about her own needs. She learned from a fool to not think about what's best for her in times when she needs to do something for her self."

    Gerty regained consiousness a few minutes later. "Oh, my aching head!" She groaned, while she rubbed her head with her hoof. She then blushed. "I did it again... Didn't I?"

  8. "My name is Whisperpaw... I came here to take a break away from home." He whispered in a gentle tone. When their work was done, Epistola perched his self on the tip of Whisperpaw's horn. "I'm an animal conservationist... I found Epistola when he was only a hatchling. He was starved and hurt. I've tried to release the little guy now he's all grown up. But he keeps coming back to me." Whisperpaw paused for a moment as he felt Epistola playing around with his spiked mane. He smiled softly and chuckled before whispering. "So I'm letting him decide when he's ready to leave me." Whisperpaw liked Seaspray. She helped out sick and injured animals too. The stallion respected those who treated animals with an equal amount of respect as they would with other pony folk.

  9. Gerty Greetings saw all the commotion. She heard Valen let out a painful cry. It sounded awful. But when Applejack tried to explain what happened, Gerty saw a tear forming in her eye. As an accident prone mare it was only instinct that lead her to comfort the shameful mare. "It was just an accident Applejack. I have accidents all of the time. Your not used to the fragile kind of foal. Your little sister is a tough little one... But Valen hasn't got that toughness yet because it's only his first day." Gerty spoke in a soothing tone to try and calm down the situation. "It's like the first time I ran head first into something. I was knocked out for three days. But now, my head's so tough that I just get back up again. What I'm saying is, it takes time for a foal that's not used to farm life to become tough." Gerty hoped her explanation had helped to calm down the situation. Using her first accident seemed like a decent example considering the situation.

  10. Just as Amaranth walked out of the room, Gerty stepped backwards and tripped over the door stop which she had accidentally knocked off the shelf only seconds ago. The middle aged me fell backwards onto the floor with a thud. "Oops..." She spoke while blushing out of embarrassment. She was getting clumsier by the minute it seemed. That wasn't helping anything any quicker. Gerty Greetings spent more life in a hospital bed than with her family. She couldn't help having little accidents. The mare was always thinking. She worried about her husband because of the number of times he'd forgotten to come home and the times he had forgotten to eat beacause he had put others before his self. Now she was faced with a severly ill daughter. Gerty was wishing that it had been her instead of Pixie in that state. But when she thought about that, then Pixie Parcel would be sad and start to feel bad about wanting to leave her family. It seemed like an endless cycle of guilt. A cycle which confused Gerty more than any pony. She was so confused that when she had stood up, the earth pony started pacing back and forth until she eventually walked head first into the wall and knocked her self out.

    "No, not again!" Golden Heart groaned in despair. Two ill loved ones was more than he could cope with. He wasn't emotionally attatched to his patients, but his family meant the world to him. "Of all the ponies I could have married, I chose to marry the pony who spends most of her time in an intensive care unit. But she's all I've ever wanted... I'm getting too old for this..." Golden Heart mumbled softly to his self as he put his wife in the recovery position. He grabbed an ice pack and gently placed it on her head. 'She's going to have one big headache when she comes around... Then again, this day is enough to give any pony a headache. I'm used to treating my wife's injuries, but something doesn't quite add up. My daughter isn't a fragile pegasus. She's as tough as nails... Well she was, before she worked her self beyond the stretch of imagination. Just like me... I'm a bad influence. I made her into a workaholic. But that still doesn't explain why her immune system isn't working correctly. Even an over worked pony can fight a chest infection while being exhuasted.' Golden Heart had trailed off in his own thoughts. This was highly unusual for him as he wasn't known for being absoarbed into a world of thought.

  11. "Oh I'm fine... The sound of the glasses cracking beneath my hoof startled me." Whisperpaw whispered in his usual shy tone. "Let me help you finish... It's the least I can do since my stepping on the sun glasses caused more mess." The tawny owl flew off his back. It began to collect wrapers and paper off the sandy floor. "Epistola wants to help too!" Whisperpaw added. "He's my owl friend." Whisperpaw picked up the sun glasses using the tiny amount of magic he had in his horn. He smiled a gentle smile as he did so. He really wanted to help after he had caused so much worry between two peaceful ponies. Whisperpaw felt that he should help as the litter on the beach could harm the wildlife that call the beach home. He didn't want any animals getting hurt because of the litter. As an animal conservationist he wanted to make sure all of the wild animals had the best chance possible of surviving. A polluted beach would make it harder for wild animals to survive. He didn't want that at all. Whisperpaw may have taken some time off to relax, but he couldn't stand the thought of a wild animal choking on some litter.

  12. Gerty looked at the opening door. She didn't notice that as she was looking with great interest in who was at the door, she was leaning forward. Because she was tood in a top heavy position, Gerty Greetings fell face first onto the floor. The mare quickly straightened up onto her hooves. She blushed slightly out of embarrassment. Gerty had hoped that no pony saw her slight blunder. The middle aged mare then sat back in her original position. At the same time, Gerty watched the door way. It was then she saw who it was. She was sure that she'd passed that mare a couple days ago when she was skipping happily along through Ponyville. Although, Gerty never had any time to talk to her that day because when she was skipping, she got her hoof stuck in a bucket. That meant it was a trip to the clinic where her husband had to surgically remove the tin bucket. It was embarrassing her just thinking about it.

  13. Pixie Parcel sighed. Her job would never be done. But the nurse at the hospital's front desk had every right to stop the mare from leaving. She had been electricuted, was cold, exhausted and was in more pain than she'd felt in her life. "Fine... I'll stay.. A... Ah... Achoo!" She sniffled slightly. The pegasus no longer had the strength to stand. She wobbled unsteadily on her hooves. Her back felt awful. Occasionally her body would zap and crackle with an electric charge. She was still feeling the after affects of that prank with the lightning bolt. She sneezed a few more times before she fell over. The mare couldn't hide her pain anymore. She groaned in agony as the fall caused her back even more pain than it was before. Pixie Parcel looked up. She felt weak and helpless. The mare hated that feeling. She much preferred to feel as if she could help her self through every challenge that stood in her way. Howevever, this time she really had bitten off more than she could chew. Her work load had done her back in. She'd been flying for hours and had pranks pulled on her. "I just hope I don't disappoint any pony because they won't recieve their letters on time..." The mare spoke with kindness in her tone. She had good intentions but she never took care of her self. It was always work that came first. She looked at the doctor that stood before her. "I'm Pixie Parcel... Achoo!" She shivered slightly.

  14. "It's delicious." Gerty replied as she'd finished the last of her soup. "You always make the best food..." She complimented the elderly mare. Gerty greetings beamed a bright smile. She felt very happy. But the middle aged mare always felt happy to come to Sweet Apple Acres. It was a beautiful place. The ponies who work there and call it there home were always so nice and thoughtful. Age never mattered there. Both the young and the elderly worked together in harmony. It was that harmony which made Gerty Greetings glad to be a visitor.

  15. Gerty gritted her teeth together and closed one eye when Granny Smith started yelling. For an elderly mare, she sure could shout loud enough. After that loud outburst, the earth pony relaxed and opened her eye. She continued on to eat her soup. It's taste seemed to cradle her taste buds with a warm, tingling sweetness. It was so delicious that Gerty Greetings beamed a great big grin while she ate. She'd heard that voice somewhere before though. While she ate, Gerty began to wonder where she'd heard that voice from. 'I know that hungry pony from somewhere... I'm sure of it... If I saw her face, I'm sure I'd know instantly who she is.'

  16. "Usually about six or seven... Sometimes it can go as high a thirteen." He replied with a smile "Anyway, I really do need to release these squirrels back into the wild. They're healthy now and I shouldn't keep them away from their homes." Whisperpaw opened the door. The squirrels seemed to instantly know what to do. They calmly scurried out of the door and up the nearest tree. Whisperpaw closed the door and smiled. A few moments later he heard a pecking on the window. Epistola had returned. Whisperpaw opened the window. Epistola was holding a package He flew inside and dropped the package infront of Whisperpaw. "Thank you... A promise is a promise. You may hunt now." Whisperpaw told him. Epistol flew out of the window once more.

  17. "Sure you can help." Whisperpaw replied. He handed a letter to the owl. The owl carefully held it in his beak. "Take this letter to my aunt and when you return, you can go and hunt for your next meal." Whisperpaw told the owl. The unicorn opened a window. The owl flew out of the window off to deliver the letter. Whisperpaw then closed the window. "Sorry about that... I trained him to deliver letters to my aunt."

  18. "Your too kind..." Whisperpaw replied. The owl that had cleverly perched his self upon Whispwerpaw's head, hooted calmly while watching Corvus with some form of fascination about the bird before him. "I raised him up and made him strong again. When he was old enough, I tried to release him back into the wild on several occasions. But he kept returning to me." He explained. "After a while I decided that he would leave forever when he was ready. He's been with me for a long time and still I haven't named him."

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