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Posts posted by PonyHooves

  1. "It sounds like everypony learns something about themselves with the help of another." Gerty Greetings spoke as though she was deep in thought. "And even as we grow... We are forever learning something new about who we are and our place in the world." A butterfly landed on the tip of her ear. It stayed for a moment and then it flew away. "Its why I cherish every moment of every single day... Because I know that each day brings a new lesson about life."

    Golden Heart arrived at the clinic. He clocked in, two minutes early. After putting his belongings in a locker, he put on his white doctor's jacket. He knocked his stethoscope of its hook with his tail and caught it around his neck; just where it was meant to be. Golden Heart then entered his office.

  2. "Are you sure?" Golden Heart asked. "I really don't mind paying for them like any other pony would." He was being kind because he wanted Firework to make a profit. Golden Heart knew that it would be rewarding for the pegasus to have made a sale. Also, making his father proud would be an even bigger reward. Golden Heart thought that Firework deserved it.

    "Oh I'm fine... I've had worse accidents." Gerty replied. "Oh and my husband told me to be careful before he left for work... It seems the harder I try, the more the accidents happen." She spoke quite thoughtfully. "Never mind that... I'm Gerty Greeting's."

  3. "The name's Gerty Greetings... But you can just call me Gerty. Everypony does." Gerty spoke kindly to Valen Orange. She kindly shook his hoof, before placing the piece of paper back in her saddle bag. Gerty then looked at Granny Smith. "I'm doing fine... I've only had thirty little accidents this month. I only needed to go to my husband's clinic for twelve of them. Maybe one day I'll stop having little accidents." After speaking to Granny Smith, Gerty turned her attention to Applejack. "Your quite right there Applejack... It looks like this year's crop is the best so far." She smiled at the three of them. Even though they had seen her little slip up nothing was going to ruin her day. She'd met a new pony who seemed to be quite friendly and both AJ and Granny Smith seemed to be in the best of moods. "As usual I really have to thank you for letting me draw your apple trees. My cards never seem to look right without them being there."

  4. "Yeah, that's right. I'll take two reds and two purples... She always said she loved those two colours." Golden Heart Replied with a smile. He was also wearing a saddle bag that contained his lunch and some money. "How much do I owe you?" He asked kindly.

    Gerty had started to sing a little tune. She had a soft gentle singing voice, but it wasn't that loud. That's what made it impossible for her to be a singer. Her singing voice just wasn't strong enough. "The birds are chirping around me... The sun is shining so brightly... Everything seems to just be going the right way." She sung with a kind hearted melody. Gerty Greeting's stood up. She began to dance. She was in her own little world and wasn't looking where she was going. Gerty suddenly bumped into Amaranth. She fell to the ground with a thud. "Oh... I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." She apologised.

  5. "Its okay... I don't mind looking after your handsome pal. I've always liked ravens." Whisperpaw replied. "But my favourite animal will always be the wolf." Whisperpaw looked at Corvus and smiled gently. Then he looked at Inkblot. "Animals will like you if your quiet and speak softly. If you move to fast they'll see you as a threat. Bu if your quiet and calm, they will be drawn to you." He explained kindly. A badger came wandering across the path Whisperpaw smiled with his gentle nature starting to show. "Hey there little guy... You look a little lost." He whispered gently to the badger. The badger walked closer and nudged him. Whisperpaw looked at Inkblot again. "I forgot to mention that I help lost animals find their way back to their homes. They always seem to find their way to me when then need help."

  6. "Well, I need to keep a count of the population of the wild animals... Otherwise, no pony would know if they needed a little help to stay populated and then we could end up loosing them forever." Whisperpaw replied. "I'm also taking care of some bunnies that aren't feeling too well. They need alot of care and they aren't eating solids so I have to mash up their carrots. They've already taken their medicine, but when I get back they'll be hungry." He took a moment to think about the other things on his list. He was quite suprised with his self. That was the most he had ever said to any pony and he had more to say. Sure he whispered every word he had said, but this pegasus was listening and was acting very kindly. Could this possibly mean that Whisperpaw had made his very first friend? Then again he needed to concentrate. Which was just what he did. "I also need to release four squirrels back into the wild. They're healthy now." He added.

  7. It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. Gerty Greetings had just said her goodbyes to her husband, Golden Heart. She watched him until, she could no longer see his figure in the distance. A gentle sigh escaped her mouth as she closed the door. Gerty Greetings hummed a little tune as she cleaned up the mess left over from breakfast. The day seemed to have got off to a great start. The earth pony had managed to avoid falling down the stairs and didn't break anything for a change. Just as she finished cleaning, she heard a loud knock at the door. Gerty headed over to the door and answered it.

    "Hello mother... I'm here to deliver some letters for you and father. Speaking of which, is he in or did I miss him again?" Pixie Parcel spoke. The young winged mare, stood in the doorway wearing her saddle bags that were filled up with letters and packages.

    "I'm sorry Pixie, your father left about ten minutes ago... But, I'll tell him you thought of him. I see your working hard today." Gerty replied. "Your just like you father. A hard worker!"

    "Aww.. I can't believe I keep missing him. It seems like no matter how early I start work, he's always gone." Pixie Parcel sighed. She took three letters out of one of her saddle bags. Two of them were addressed to Gerty and one of them was adressed to Golden Heart. "I have to work hard. Pony folk rely on me to send them imporntant letters. Anyway, I best be off. Goodbye mother."

    "Goodbye Pixie... Have a nice day." Gerty Greetings waved goodbye and watched as her daughter flew off out of sight. She Peaked out of her door way and smiled. It was ever so sunny. It was so nice that she decided to take a gentle stroll. Gerty Greetings took a few steps outside and inhaled the fresh air before trotting her way around peacefully at her own gentle pace.

  8. "Oh yes please... I have so much work to do and any help is appreciated." He whispered a reply. Then he felt rude. Whisperpaw hadn't even told the stallion his name. He felt that he was being irresponsible for neglecting the use of manners. His aunt had taught him to be well mannered and he felt as though he was letting her down. "I'm sorry I'm being so rude... My name is Whisperpaw... Pleased to meet you." He introduced his self. Whisperpaw hoped that an apology would make up for his belated introduction. He never wanted to be thought of by any pony as an ill mannered thug. Whisperpaw only wanted to be thought of a a kind soul because that was the way he had been brought up to be. He watched the pegasus in hope of a positive response.

  9. Whisper saw black wings and hooves. At first, he jumped a little bit because he was given such a scare by the black pegasus. Then he saw a raven resting on the back of the stallion. 'He must be a nice pony... He's letting such a beautiful bird perch on his back. I should try and speak to him.' He thought to his self. He knew that his voice was going to be a whisper, but he tried as hard as he could. "Yes it is a nice day... But a busy day." He spoke in his usual whisper. His horn started to glow a shade of dark blue. Whisperpaw smiled. "Wild vegetables are growing around here. These are just what those sick bunnies need." He whispered. Whisperpaw began to dig at the ground. It was soft. Vegetables could easily grow there and he knew it. After a moment, he noticed out of the corner of his eye, that carrot tops were sticking out of the ground. Carefully, the unicorn dug them up. He gently placed them in his saddle bags and filled in the holes with the misplaced earth. He let out a gentle sigh of relief. 'That's one job completed...' He thought to his self. His horn stopped glowing and returned to its normal state.

  10. ((OOC: My character. http://www.canterlot.com/topic/6218-whisperpaw-final/))

    It was just an average day for Whisperpaw. He was sitting at home giving some sick rabbits the medicine they needed to get better. "This will make you big and strong... Then you can go back into the wild with your bunny friends." He whispered softly to them. Whisperpaw made sure the two rabbits took all of their medicine. Then he gently wiped their mouths. After that, he placed them in a little basket that was cusioned with a pillow. He placed a blanket over them. "Take a little sleep... And I'll come back really soon with some fresh food for you both to eat." He told them. Whisperpaw watched them fall asleep. Then, he signaled for three humming birds to perch upon his back. The humming birds perched on his back ever so gently. He was already wearing saddle bags. That meant he was ready to leave. As usual, he left his home in silence.

    After walking for a certain distance, he suddenly whispered. "Fly on home my humming bird friends. Your well enough to go back into the wild where you belong." He stood there for a moment as he watched the humming birds fly off into the distance. Their beautiful voices, made him smile brightly. When the sound of their hum died down, Whisperpaw continued to walk on. He happily passed a few farms. The small stallion was out on a trip to bring back food for the two sick wild rabbits that he was nursing back to health. But he also had another mission. He needed to keep a count on the other wild animals. After all, if their numbers were getting low and no pony was out to keep count of them, then no pony could save them from extinction. He always seemed busy. But without any friends, what else could he do other than take on all of the jobs by his self.

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