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Orange Dart

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Posts posted by Orange Dart

  1. Maybe not exactly a zoo, I mean I could see it further away from ponyville possibly like in Fillydelphia. Big city, big sights.

    But maybe a "sanctuary" idea since it's about rehabilitation for animals? That way they come and go, lots of new and difference animals to work with. c: But not exactly caging them into a zoo-setting.

    I like that idea. Sanctuaries can also double as educational places for people (or in this case, ponies) to tour and learn about different animals and maybe interact with critters they wouldn't normally get to.

  2. I would like to read a bit more about the 'type' of character she is, that is to say, what it'd be like interacting with her. A little bit about her personality and how she views the world. I like the part about animal rehabilitation, perhaps she could have something to do with the zoo?

    Added a blurb about her personality and a little explanation of how she behaves around other ponies.

    There's a zoo? That'd be awesome! It would definitely allow for more opportunities to interact with the ponyfolk.

  3. So, she's basically the exact opposite of Fluttershy in everything but occupation. :)

    Haha, kind of, I guess! But she focuses just on animal rehabilitation. Fluttershy does all the census and daily care stuff, while Dart only deals with sick or injured animals.

    I didn't even realize that I was making an anti-Fluttershy. XD

    I just happened to notice that Orange Dart's personality is the antithesis of Fluttershy. :D

    It is. Oops.

  4. So, she's basically the exact opposite of Fluttershy in everything but occupation. :)

    Haha, kind of, I guess! But she focuses just on animal rehabilitation. Fluttershy does all the census and daily care stuff, while Dart only deals with sick or injured animals.

    I didn't even realize that I was making an anti-Fluttershy. XD

  5. [ Pony Related Character ]

    Name: Orange Dart

    Gender: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Light Pink

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Her mane is long and straight on the crown of her head, but kept short along her neck. One half of her face is usually completely covered by her mane. Her tail is long and straight. The primary color is Orange Peel, with Very Light Amber Yellow streaks.

    Eye Color: Strong Green

    Cutie Mark: A red paw print inside a white cross

    Physique: Tall, average build. Wings are better suited to strength and sharp turns than to speed.

    Residence: South of the Nimbusgait Lakes

    Occupation: Animal Rehabilitator

    Motivation: Dart lives for her work; there's little she loves more than seeing an injured animal healed and returned to the wild. Second to her animals are her books. She has a massive collection that she is constantly adding to. The library is actually one of the few reasons she ever travels to Ponyville.

    Likes: Birds, books, thunderstorms, swimming

    Dislikes: Crowds, bees, competition, dresses

    Character Summary: Dart was born in Cloudsdale; both her parents worked the weather machines. She was a mediocre student and was never terribly popular in the highly competitive pegasus community. Once finished with school, she chose to leave Cloudsdale to discover her Cutie Mark, which had still not appeared. She didn't go far, only moving down to the Nimbusgait Lakes. There she built a simple house in the trees along the southern shores.

    One day she discovered an injured raven near her home. Taking pity on the bird, she brought him home and healed his damaged wing. The raven stayed with her afterwards, so she named him Damian and he became her closest friend.

    With Damian healthy again, Dart knew she had found her calling. She finally earned her Cutie Mark--a red paw print inside a white cross. She decided she would open an animal rehabilitation center. She traveled to Ponyville, had flyers made, and began posting them around the towns surrounding her treetop home. Whenever ponies discovered sick or injured animals, they brought the critters to Dart.

    Dart is not at all competitive, and prefers to avoid conflict whenever possible. She does this not because of a lack of confidence, but because she feels it's a waste of time and energy. In fact, she is fairly confident, but not to the point of boastfulness. She considers herself more of a realist; she is aware of her weaknesses, even if she tries to hide them from others. She's polite, but not friendly, and struggles to make friends. She doesn't dislike other ponies, she's just very awkward in social situations.



    This is what I have so far. I originally chose a green feather for her Cutie Mark, but it doesn't make much sense with her occupation. I'm thinking maybe something with bandages, but I'm not the best at Cutie Mark designs, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm also thinking of making another character alongside her, a younger brother, if that's permitted.

    All right, I've picked a new Cutie Mark for her and added some new art.

  6. I bet there's a factory somewhere in Cloudsdale that makes specialized carts and carriages made from light wood and probably a little something else (Cloud magic of some sort?) to make them stay aloft.

    I was actually thinking of making a character living in Cloudsdale who specialized in making the flying carts. I was gonna name him Cartwright XD

  7. Hello, fellow newbie!

    Which generator by the way? I tried one with three gender options: male, female, and undecided. I picked undecided because that's how I roll. Got nothing but "Loser." ;_;

    This one.

    You can pick what "type" of pony: Fancy, generic, male, speed, and tasty (lol) It's a really bizarre generator, but I've seen some cool names come out of it. Just not for me. ;)

  8. I really wish I could jump into this, but, sadly, I am not up to speed on every pony/creature in the RP.

    Haha, same. I only joined, what, 3 days ago? XD

    But I'm gonna say Dart x Aylbirt, 'cause Alybirt's player is a friend of mine and their colors would look lovely together. I LIKE MATCHING THINGS.

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