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Posts posted by SilverSwirl

  1. I guess that is a Kirby fan forum I neglected to search out for.... I am less of a Kirby fan then I thought.... even considering I beat Dreamland (both of them, the GB ones) and 100% Normal and Extra for Nightmare in Dreamland and 100% on Amazing Mirror.

  2. Sorry for my RP absence. I've kinda been going through a lot. I was on a 3-4 week trip to visit family in Washington. Then, after we got to talking, I decided to move to WA. Well, part of the reason was to help take care of my great-grandma, who was generally bed ridden. She'd recently been diagnosed with cancer and given six months to live. I was going to be paid to watch her during the week while my uncle and aunt were both working. I was basically going to be there in place of a caretaker. Well, I was here for about a week, and then Tuesday she passed away. So now I'm still here in WA, I have food and housing, but now no job. The rest of my family, who had just gotten back to Arizona on the 3rd (I went with them and then flew back on the 7th), turned around and came back for the funeral. Also my uncle and his two daughters were here, so the house gained +10 people in a day (for a few days). Blah, it's just been kinda stressful with the sudden move and being away from regular family and now the passing of my great-grandma. I've just been in an RP funk. Sorry.

    I can relate to that, my great-grandmother also passed away recently, she had been in a nursing home for the past year or so but I always made a point to visit her as much as I could. The last time I saw her, I at least got to tell her I loved her, but I said I would come see her again, a promise I was unable to keep. I will keep you in my thoughts, Tales. I am still struggling with it right now. In fact, as I write this I am starting to break up again.

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