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Posts posted by Tam

  1. Very nice, I like the effort in the backstory!

    Be careful about referencing to close to Pinkie Pie with the pet alligator thing though. Seems like a pop-star to have an exotic pet so I won't dismiss the idea.

    All in all, approved!

  2. Oh oh, since Cloudsdale is near Trottingham maybe he can gamble there? It's a higher-class small town that has plenty of richy-ponyfolk so I can imagine gambling would take place there if you wanted to make a reference. C:

    Looks good, nice to see a pegasus in Cloudsdale. lol Approved

  3. Hey, it's fine to make the smug references to sex in passing or in humor. But again I will repeat there will be no tolerance for sexual RP here. As long as you fully understand that, it's fine.

    He's just a colt with a bit of a sleezy side. As most boys growing up lol. More or less just don't reference it so heavily like "Fillies on his bed". That's a bit to sleezy, but the Playcolt was a clever and lol way to put it which is much more approving. Just be sure not to heavily reference it.'

    So clean up that summary a bit and you'll be approved. Post to let me know when you've updated!

  4. I gotta ask...

    >Residence: A small carrot farm outside of Ponyville to the southwest (but born in Fet Loch)

    Where is Fet Loch? We have out own maps here so if you would please use them to reference about your ponies that would be wonderful so people are all on the same page.

    Other than that tid bit, looks nice! Approved.

  5. Oh not at all, you're fine with your quill cutie mark, it's a very common idea/symbol so as long as no one has a fuss over similar cutie marks you're all fine. No need to change that part Sterling.

    Though all the markings and coat colors put me off for pony design it seems well enough. Approved for RP.

  6. Hot DAMN you did a fantastic job with.. Well all of it! You went out of your way to make sure everything had a great reference and your own spin on it. I love it, I adore it, of course you're approved.

    Also, squee the island is my favorite so I'm glad to see others putting ponies to rp there too!

  7. I hate them. Snow, ice, wind, flat lands, all of it. I hate it all. >:C

    I hate them sooo much. I sincerely can't wait to move away from my top northern state and never ever EVER deal with this experience again. lol Why the sudden RRRage? I just got trapped in a car for 11 hours straight, 7 of which were spent in the middle of the highway in a snow drift on a bridge. I never want to see snow ever again. Winter, I'm done with you, go away now. I haven't slept in 4 days, eaten in what seems forever, and now I'm going to crash harder than I ever have before after a quick breakfast.

    Go ahead and talk about your horrible weather crisis experiences.

  8. Okay! I finally watched the episode. And I have to say, after the disappointment of the previous ep, I really really liked this one. I laughed a LOT, and it was all around just a fun show.

    I really dig Spike, and this was a great episode for him. I also haven't been a fan of Rarity's at ALL -- she's one of my least favorite characters, and probably my least favorite out of the core... but they explored the character and actually showed some growth there. She expected a lot of Spike but was strangely kind to him with the gem, and I got the sense her voice actress REALLY had fun when it came to the whining. xD

    "Balls Drop Spike" was funny as hell, but I liked the touch that the DRAGON was a WHITE KNIGHT in his fantasy. Also, when the ponies were sliding and jumped the gap... was that an Indiana Jones ref? I know I'd seen that in live action but couldn't remember where.

    The animation jumped in quality, again, I think, and all around it just felt like everyone was having a lot of FUN working on it... and I really liked that.

  9. This is basically a discussion of dominant and recessive genes. Generally speaking, if a Parent one has blue eyes, and Parent two has brown eyes, the child's more likely to have brown eyes. (I think. I haven't taken biology in a long time, but the principle stands.)

    I suspect ponies of all shapes and sizes breed and have children, but the "alicorn" combination is particularly rare, and has only happened very few times.

    As far as taboo, I don't know! Maybe that will play into my Cliff character I'll be posting later today... I might borrow that. Thanks. :)

  10. About the tail, I just meant is it still a normal horse like hair? Because it looks like a cat's is all. xD Sometimes people like to mix animals with ponies so we're just making sure. But if it's just a normal horse tail that's white that's fine.

    Good to see you took your own spin with the character, much more centered around her now. C: Approved.

  11. That's really nice of you to offer, but I actually plan on keeping him in-active for a while until I decide what to do with her parents officially. So he'll be just that shadow/faceless/nameless dad for the time being. But should I change my mind I'll be sure to message you! C:

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