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Posts posted by Tam

  1. I think there is a lot of potential as a weaving pony here with a hint of spooky she could even probably be friends with a couple of the spooky ponies I've already accepted. C:

    Don't fret to much Puck, this was just a minor case of jumping before you look!

  2. Welcome to the herd, Thunder. :) I think we've got a pretty good group here! Take a look around and say hi a few times to work up that 5+ post count and the rest of the forum will open up.

  3. I know you're still working on this, just had to pop in and say REALLY GOOD JOB at using member effort and jotting down all your ideas to get an extra boost during the character concept. I love love love seeing people work together like this. C:

    GOOD LUCK, I'll read more officially/give tid bits tomorrow after my trip!

  4. Welcome to the herd, Anuvia! I understand what you mean about looking at ponies; thankfully I'm married and people don't ask too many questions when a married couple looks at the toys. ;)

    But! I will say that it looks like the vast majority of us here are in our 20's... so you're definitely not alone. :o

  5. Welcome to the boards, Tawa. :o We've got a pretty friendly bunch gathered here! Check out the links in my sig if you have any questions - and if you have some that aren't answered there feel free to PM me.

  6. There are no elements so please take out that little bit. Be sure to look at the already accepted characters to make sure you're not cutting to close to others, much like Willow Wisp here. It's a cute idea and can work with just a few more minor tweakings. C: Be sure to fit our form a little more closely too.

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