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Posts posted by shreddedpegasus

  1. Just popping back up to say that I've come back from Boston with a successful procedure done and a stent well fit! I'm a leetle achy at the moment, but that should go away after a bit of rest for a few days. Otherwise, I'll be integrating myself back into the RPing scene. :)

    I remember you telling me about this on IRC a while back. It's great to know everything has gone successfully. I wish you all the best to a nice and speedy recovery.

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  2. Welcome to the real world, it takes longer to walk in real life than it does in games, even for horses. I should know, I walk a lot. 2 hours every day and where does it get me? up the hill back down again to the grocery store then back home. Driving my car? could do it in 5-10 minutes.

    You realise this is a game right? Just a hunch, but I don't think a game centered around My Little Pony is going to exactly be realistic.

  3. Ironmane ran his hoof through his mane checking for imperfections. Sighing, he stopped in his tracks and fixed his mane a bit till it was back to it's original state of elegance. "Mmph, such a hasty move.. Hopefully this .. "spelunking" will help to calm my nerves.. after all a lot of ponies from this region are different from back in Stalliongrad.." Ironmane proceeded to mutter to himself. Looking at his hoof watch he starting contemplating whether he was late or not. Not really giving it much thought after that picked up his pace a bit whilst fixing his REA branded beret.

    Seeing a grouping of ponies gathering under a tree Ironmane decided that must be the group for this little.. 'spelunking' adventure. Approaching the group, he recognised the pony in charge based off the description he was given. Ironmane stopped short of said pony. "Pierce, right?" he said whilst extending a hoof out.

  4. The help-staff work from bottom to top, so if you keep bumping it you're just delaying it yourself further.

    Just as a personal critique, you may want to describe the character in question in further detail as the character summary doesn't give much information apart from his lifestyle and minor history. Such as how he obtained his cutie mark and his personality.

    Also a picture of the pony would be good. (Which you can just go make in the pony creator, export and then upload it to a file-sharing website and edit it into your original post.)

  5. "For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer."

    "Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."

    Arnold Schwarzenegger and Muhammed Ali.

    And this is probably one of the greatest motivational videos I've seen. (Shock and horror, it's bodybuilding stuff but still worthy of a watch none the less.)

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