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Posts posted by Teh_Brawler

  1. Also, having ponies pull the train creates more jobs.

    I'll be honest. My first reaction was to reply with some snark about how Equestria isn't exactly driven by the American economy. But as I reached for a chip I realized, wait. Maybe the reason why ponies seem so well-adjusted and connected is because they believe in working for "the better good".

    I'm not talking socialism; I just mean, maybe their society is less focussed on economy. It's pretty common in cartoons, after all. So everyone's presented with the ideal that "everypony can help", be it making baked goods or growing apples or dressmaking, or...


    ...says the communitarian of the forum

  2. Well WillowWisp told me about it when a friend told her about it... I kind of wasn't sure but she showed me and I got hooked. Yeah we watch ponies together and I don't care. I like to make her sing the songs.

    I would pay to see that.

    Heck, I would pay to see fanart of that.

  3. I'm beginning to feel that this may be getting a little heated, so for the sake of the community, I say that, for now, we should just agree to disagree. However, if you'd like to continue this in a PM, I'd be more than happy to keep discussing it.

    That's cool, although I didn't think it was heated at all. ;)

    Then I am terrible at interpreting emotion through text. :D

  4. I'm preeeeeeeeeetty sure they've discovered bacterial remains in rocks on the surface of Mars, that there was life -once- on Mars, but it's been long long since gone. No currently -alive- life, that I'm aware of, though. Of course, I could be wrong.

    Really? I feel like it would have been broadcast more, but I could be wrong.

    hi hi
    Take for example the theory that life has existed on Mars at one point or another.
    You're confusing the two definitions of theory here. What people normally refer to as a theory in everyday conversation, scientists call a hypothesis. A scientific theory is something else.

    Fair enough, but I feel like my point still stands.

  5. Well, now you've covered everything that I would have used. :D

    I'm in complete agreement. I've never found faith and science to be mutually exclusive, simply because the difference between the two is how much evidence you have to support your theories.

    In science, a theory needs a body of evidence to support it. A theory in science explains some observations in the material universe, and these include explanations and predictions that can be tested. If you cannot test these explanations or predictions, or they are not falsifiable, then it isn't a theory of science. Usually a theory is based on a long term body of work built over time on experimental observation and repeated testing by various people (if others cannot repeat your experiments using the same conditions and methods, then the theory also fails). Faith does not come into it, as it is all about what can be shown, measured, and repeated, not what is believed.

    I wouldn't completely agree with that, personally. While there is definitely a strong basis of evidence involved in science, there will also always be a level of faith involved in believing the theory to be correct. That faith may not be blind, but it still exists.

    Take for example the theory that life has existed on Mars at one point or another. Multiple studies have been done to test if life is possible, which is centered around three ideas: the presence of heat, the presence of organics, and the presence of water, water being the most crucial. Scientists at this point have found two out of those three, the third being organics. As such, many scientists believe life has existed there. Do they have 100% definite proof of this? No. Will they ever? Who knows. And if they do find organics, will that give them definite proof? Of course not; the only way they would have 100% proof is if something living actually came into sight and proved itself to be living. And yet many scientists hold strongly to the idea of life on Mars simply from sources of water because they have faith.

    A closer example to home would be gravity. In short, there is no defined source of gravity. No one knows how or why gravity exists. And yet gravity is an accepted idea in every day life. Why? Because when you jump up in the air, you come down again. But jumping up and coming down isn't definite proof that gravity exists, it's only an effect that means something is keeping us from floating away. And while we have no definite proof that gravity exists, we believe that it does, because we have seen results that match up with what gravity is supposed to do.

  6. Already pretty much overanalyzed to death by TVTropes. Basically the conclusion they came to is that it was more of a Batman gambit. The difference can be pretty subtle though.

    Anyway, yeah, it makes quite a bit of sense.

    Oh, really? Man, I haven't even been on the MLP:FiM page yet on that site. So much for that :(

    And I tend to group all of those under the "Xanatos Gambit" term regardless of alignment or plan.

  7. Just for discussion, do you think Princess Celestia already knew about which ponies embodied the spirits of harmony? After all, she didn't have much control of the situation as it was happening, which leads me to believe that she had already planned out who Twilight was supposed to meet. This, of course, is thrown off by the fact that Pinkie Pie had no specific job in the ceremony, meaning that Celestia had to have somehow premeditated that meeting, or had already known that the instance of meeting Pinkie Pie would happen because of her personality. That or the plot resolution was created entirely by chance and Celestia isn't as in control as they'd like us to think.


  8. Oh, not that I know of. I was more going off of the idea of, "paw seems to fit within the context of drag", "Horses will paw at the ground (or whatever you call that motion", and that he's a father so "Paw" would also relate to that. I don't know, it was just a quick idea.

  9. I really wish I could jump into this, but, sadly, I am not up to speed on every pony/creature in the RP.

    Haha, same. I only joined, what, 3 days ago? XD

    But I'm gonna say Dart x Aylbirt, 'cause Alybirt's player is a friend of mine and their colors would look lovely together. I LIKE MATCHING THINGS.


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