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Posts posted by DalkrinTheWanderer

  1. Well, there can be two schools of thought on goodhood. One is, it's an actual state of being governed by laws and requirements that dictate what is and what is not a god. Another is the belief method. Basically, if enough people believe you to be a god, then you are one, powers or no. I imagine being an immaculate inconcieveably powerful winged unicorn helps with this method if that is in deed the case.

    If the first is true however, then just because they have powers akin to a god doesn't make them one. They would also have to meet whatever other requirements are present.

    there may be more routs to godhood that I've never considered but these two are what I know.

  2. Welcome Enigma! I'm the Wanderer. Name's Dalkrin. Nice to make your aquaintance!

    Digital Artist and alleged monk eh? I do some traditional art but by trade, I'm a writer! (or will be when someone pays me to write...)

    For some reason, I can't help but remember Austin Powers when I read your Intro Title.

    "Allow myself to introduce... myself..." Lol Every time I see it, that's what goes through my head.

  3. I'm sure that if she isn't a god, there are groups in equestria that view her as such. larger cities may have alters erected in her honor. We're never given a whole lot of view into the views and manerisms of Equestria at large. We see the microcosm that is Ponyville most of the time. They're a traditionallist Earth Pony town that only recently had unicorns and pegasai settle there.


    I'm going to go with, Yes, she is a god. for all the reasons you stated and additionally, her method of dealing with problems is to select a "Hero" to carry out deeds in her name. she herself never does any of the real work. Her role is to rule and to protect the ponies from others like her (Nightmare Moon, Discord and their ilk). Now as a god, she is by no means all powerful. The elements of harmony would be a construct that empowers her. While she no longer has them, she is still far more powerful than even twilight.

  5. Fistly, Of course rocks grow. It's Equestria.

    Second, I was under the impression that Pinkie, having not liked the work she did, would emphasise the boringness of it by calling it a rock farm. I imagine it was a gravel quarry or Mineral earth farm.

  6. Nope! Thanks to The team deciding to directly reference fanon, just about any logical conclusion that coud be made could very well end up being the truth. but again. Octavia's mane is darker. I'm not saying it's impossible that they're the same pony, but i've never seen an instance of a pony with a dyed mane.

  7. And now that it's cleared up, I'll concede the point.

    That does not however change the fact that considering fanon is just good fun. Still, if we're to look only at evidence provided in canon, then it's very likely that what darvoth said is the case. As to how they might show up, we could see a Pinkie Pie ep, where she visits her family or vice versa.

  8. ...No.

    We're being asked to speculate on the current wareabouts and occupation of the Pie family. It's not confirmed in the show and therefore not canon, so it must be fanon that we're discussing.

    One thing we can assume is that rock farming actually is something that has to be done by someone, so I'd assume they still are rock farmers and just have some cake and a party now and then.

    While this may be true, the sisters may not want to stay on the farm, and decided to follow their own careers. This it made all the more likely because in cutie mark chronicles, they're pictured without their cutie marks, so their tallents may have noting to do with rock farming.

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