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Posts posted by DalkrinTheWanderer

  1. About myself.: I'm an American Brony, and I like to write and I do a bit of art.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Kange told me. blame him.

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: stumbled on the show. was all like "AWESME!"

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Pinkamina Diane Pie

    Hey everyone!

    Decided i've been a solo brony for long enough, time to strike out into the community and form some comradery!

    A little about myself.

    I'm an artist, and a writer. I'm dabbling in Fanfics right now and have one that I'm immensely proud of. I'm also a punk rocker and an anime fan, so there's that as well!

    So shoot me a line and let's be friends!

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