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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. A monk? Me? *shifty eyes*...Noooo?...Not at all...>w> ....Make it THREE Pies and I'll stop my conquest! And I have a silver tongue because....because....OAO I don't know, it was just like that!!! And of COURSE I'm super mysterious...mwehehehe...Mwahaha..MWAHAHAHAHAHA-coughcoughhack-AHAHAHHA!!! Ahem...yes...

  2. About myself: Digital Artist, Animator, all around awesome guy!

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: From my good bud, Latte Swirls

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: now that's an interesting story...see, I tried to make my friend not watch FiM and instead he watched it and loved it...and in turn, he made me watch it and now I love it XD

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Twilight Sparkle
    Greetings and salutations! Enigma is what you may call me, my real name I won't disclose. So, if anything to break the ice, I'll start by saying I've been a digital artist for a good 4-5 years now, attending art college for 2 years, and been an animator just as long too. In RP, I can be very persuasive with my silver tongue, but OOC, I'm the biggest goofball you'll ever know, i betcha! I'm also a hard worker and a team player, so I'm always willing to throw my hand...or...hoof...whichever matters at this point, into big projects with lots of people.

    Well! I think that sums up enough! Glad to be here, glad to be around the whole lot of ya, and rarin' to see what lies ahead!

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