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Posts posted by starlight5279

  1. "Perfect"the unicorn murmured to herself,tossing her brown mane and sighed.Even after living in Ponyville for years Artbeat still couldn't believe how different nature was here compared to Canterlot."Come on Artbeat"she neighed softly"no time to get lost in thought,you got to finish that commission".Humming softly the mare set up her supplies and began to paint,falling into her own little world as the sounds surrounding her dimmed and she got lost in her artwork.

  2. Artbeat nearly jumped as she heard the sudden ring of a bell as she entered the salon,but she kept her cool and walked over to the counter."As you can see,I need some help"the unicorn motioned to her bedraggled brown mane,the choppy strands showed years of self cutting and they fell in long tendrils that framed the mare's face.Artbeat's vibrant aqua eyes scanned the room,even after living in Ponyville for many years the only salon she had ever set foot in was the one in Canterlot.

  3. "What a beautiful day"Artbeat neighed to Artemis her pet ferret"perfect for painting."Although you would never guess,with her messy ponytail and the only thing that was even close to make up were some light smudges of paint on her face,she was from Canterlot a fact that was given away by her slight accent.Searching for a good spot to paint she spotted Moondusk's shop, her curiosity got the best of her and she shyly approached the stallion,all thoughts of painting momentarily forgotten.

  4. "Of all the times to lose my muse this has to be the worst"Artbeat sighed,not even noticing she had let her paintbrush fall to the ground,and finally giving up she used her magic to put all her art supplies into her saddle bags and called for her pet ferret Artemis"Come one Artemis lets go see if we can find any inspiration in town."With her pet in tow Artbeat set out to find her muse.

  5. Roleplay Type:World of Equestria RP



    Age:Young Mare


    Eye Color:Vibrant Aqua eyes

    Coat Color:Light faded pink,almost white

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Long straight brown mane and tail,her mane is usually pulled back into a messy ponytail

    Physique:Tall,lengthy figure

    Cutie Mark:A paintbrush painting a red outline of a heart

    Origin/Residence:Born and raised in Canterlot,but felt out of place and wanted to paint different scenery,so she moved to Ponyville

    Occupation: She sells her paintings but is often tight on bits so she babysits for various ponies.

    Motivation:To break the barrier of art and introduce new styles of art to Equestria

    Likes: Good music,mythology,her pet ferret Artemis,sweets,reading,foals,painting

    Dislikes:Neat-freaks,snobby ponies,spiders,various foods(she's a picky eater),smelly perfume

    Character description:Although she is quite shy Artbeat doesn't scare easily and is actually very adventurous,braving even the Everfree forest to find a good spot to paint.She is great with foals,as she has a little brother of her own,and hardly loses her temper although she often loses track of time whether its looking after little fillies and colts or painting Celestia raising the sun.When she isn't babysitting she can ether be found painting somewhere in ponyville .-her coat plastered with every color in the rainbow and then some-or at her part time job at Scugarcube Corner.She is often chastised for the uncleanliness of her house as she is often too busy to care and when she does find time to clean it is often messy again before the next day.Artbeat is a very trusting pony but betray her trust and its not likely you will get it back.She adores her pet ferret Artemis almost as much as she love painting.They have been friends since she was a filly and do everything together. And like Artbeat,Artemis is a very picky eater

    One day when Artbeat was a young filly her mother,Canterlot fashion designer Diamond Dream,came down with a bad cold and couldn't finish her orders.She thought if she helped with her mother's orders it would make her happy and get better quicker,but she soon found out that fashion was not her talent and tried to find other ways to please Diamond Dream,all ending in failure.When she was just about to give up her art supplies crossed her mind and idea struck,rushing out to her mother's rose garden she found the perfect spot,a gray stone wall behind her mother's most prized roses and in the perfect spot to be viewed from her parent's room,and started painting.Although,even with her unicorn magic, she didn't finish until sunset this painting was the best she had ever made,a gigantic rose painted with a beautiful array of colors,ranging from the normal red to a deep midnight blue.When her mother woke from her nap she was amazed with Artbeat's masterpiece,showering her with compliments, and suddenly there was a flash on her flank and after the light subsided she saw her cutie mark,Artbeat was thrilled and couldn't wait to tell her friends.But everything didn't go as planned,instead of congratulating her they stuck their noses in the air and claimed she was bragging about being the first one to get their cutie mark.After that day no one would talk to her,even after every one got cutie marks,and she became lonely and was always lost in her own little world.After a while her parents became concerned and decided to get her pet,thinking she would chose something common like a dog or a cat, at first she was indifferent about everything until she saw the ferrets and instantly fell in love with them.She decided to name her ferret Artemis,with the addition of Artemis to her family she started slowly becoming less lonely and this was only quickened with the birth of her baby brother Little Gust,or Gusty for short,who like her father,royal Canterlot guard Swift Strike,was a pegasus.Even so she still felt like an outcast in Canterlot so when she was old enough she moved to Ponyville with Artemis and started her new life there.

    Tell me what you think of Artbeat so far.

  6. I'll not be stopping anytime soon! I just wish someone would pay me to do what I love to do. it's just difficult to find the takers.

    Yeah its hard but at least we have ponies to get us through it.

    EQUESTRIA GIRLS! I love that song and Yay! I love making new friends.

  7. About myself: I am a newborn brony,a little filly born not too long ago,but I am no stranger to the forums,which are like a second home to me.I am a fan of many things,such as Pokemon,Mario,Sonic,Looney Toons, and various animes.I know Japanese and I am currently debating if I should learn French or Spanish next.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I search "My Little Pony roleplaying forums"on google and this was the first thing on the list

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: At first I avoided FIM like the plague,but one day my little siblings coaxed me into watching it with them,the episode was "Luna Eclipsed", and I instantly fell in love with Luna and the amazing plot of the episode.Then this little brony spent all day watching the entire season one of FIM and some of the second season.

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Hello everyone

    I'm a student from California, at my school I'm just a quiet girl walking around going about her business. I'm very good with animals and so far have had two dogs,four rabbits,a hamster,two neon tetras,and many gold fish.

    You can almost always find me writing or drawing, but I have trouble staying on track and will often have five or more projects going on at once. I love to write humorous stories but also sometimes write action or romantic ones.

    I'm a pretty calm person, although I'm a bit of a romantic. I don't mind conversations, but I often have trouble starting one.Usually I'm pretty shy around new people, but I'm sure I won't have any trouble talking to anyone here.

    I'll look forward to meeting all you bronies!


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