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Posts posted by SonicBoom01

  1. There's a lot of places in the RP outside of Ponyville and Canterlot that need RPers, so my suggestion would be to help increase the size of those areas instead of creating a new area that will need RPers as well.

  2. Frostbite grinned as Aurora started laughing, then chuckled as she stopped in embarassment. "No, I just gave the lady at the counter my bits for no good reason." He chuckled a bit, "Of course I got a room. I'm not stupid. Now what should we-" Frostbite was interrupted by loud rumble, accompanied by a flush of red on his face. "...Eheheheh, let's, uh, go find something to, um, eat. Please."

  3. ((Lol, in case you didn't catch it, he was referencing the game Simon Says, where you have to follow whatever the leader does. Also, for the hotel, since ponies can't use keys, I thought it would make sense for them to have a nightly guard patrol that checks the rooms to make sure no one's there that shouldn't be.))

    "So, did one of the Weather Ponies knock it over with a stray breeze?" Frostbite asked, chuckling, as he walked towards the building. "I'll be right back, guys. I'm gonna go get a room for about a week." He entered the building, leaving his newfound friends outside, and walked to the counter. The pony standing there was an old, tan colored pegasus mare with glasses.((Couldn't think of a secretary pony so I'm using the caller from the Best Young Flyers competition.)) "Well, well. We haven't gotten any visitors in a long time to this place. What can I do you for, sweetie?" The mare said as Frostbite walked in. "I'll need a room for about a week." He stopped and dropped his bag of bits on the counter. "This should cover it, if you've got a room open, that is." The mare chuckled at his comment. "Please, there's always a room open in this dump." She took the bits and placed a piece of paper on the counter. "Room 17. Keep the paper with you, by the way. If the guards catch you without it, you'll be kicked out of the grounds. It's essentially proof that you paid for your room." Frostbite nodded his head in response, took the paper, and headed down the hallway to his room. Frostbite unloaded his saddlebags and left them on the ground in the room. He moved the goggles from around his neck to being propped up on his forehead, and slipped the folded paper in between the band and the side of his head. Once he was situated, he left the hotel and rejoined Aurora and Re-Roll. "Miss me?" He asked, with a smirk.

  4. ((Was waiting for Daft to post, but I guess I'll keep the ball rolling.))

    "Oh, that's just Re-Roll." Frostbite said, turning towards the Earth Pony. "He's not really a guide, per say, we just sorta... bumped into each other." He grinned at Re-Roll. "He's just been sort of helping me after that. Honestly he was just helping me find an inn in-town. Our problem was that the 2 of us, well, we don't know our way around town." Frostbite chuckled nervously, scratching his head in the process. "Since you seem to know your way around town, it would be helpful if you could guide us. We'd probably get lost trying to find his shop, eheheh..."

  5. Frostbite looked down at the paper on the counter and read it, before biting into the paper and stuffing it unceremoniously into his saddlebag. "Now, do you have directions to this hotel or a map or something?" Frostbite chuckled nervously. "Probably should've added the little detail that this is the first day I've ever been in this town and I have no clue where anything is at. Eheheh..." He grinned sheepishly.

  6. Uhh...Really? I didn't think that was the case. Where did you hear that? :S

    A while back, I forget where, though. :/

    It was about the time when they did that big announcement for what was gonna be in Season 2.

    On Equestria Daily? If it was there, I'm pretty sure that wasn't in the report.

    Give me a bit, I'll do a search.

    EDIT: So I was wrong. Just some mix up in my head with something that I read. (I am now Zecora.) Also, I've added Derpy Episode to the list of things I want in season 2.

  7. "I'll understand if you want to leave right now... If you ever need help, just come visit." He stifled a chuckle, even though he was still frowning slightly. "I'm not that mean that I'm going to just leave you hanging like that." He brought his hoof to his chin, as a thought formed in his head. "As for help, well, maybe you can help me now." Frostbite said, head perking up. "Do you know somewhere I could stay, like an inn or something?" He broke out in another grin, "I'll make sure to pay you back once I get paid. I'm Frostbite, by the way." He finished, walking over to the counter and sticking his hoof out.

  8. ((Usually I do, but a conversation without much movement involved is kinda hard to stretch to five lines without being redundant.))

    "No, I don't get an awful lot of customers. I was just hopeful... But you're here now! Do you want to take a look around?" Frostbite chuckled audibly after Aurora's comment. "Wasn't I already doing that?" His grin dropped into a frown afterwards, "I'm sorry, but I can't buy anything at the moment. I'm sort of homeless." Frostbite explained, a tinge of sadness in his voice. "Re-Roll here was helping me find a place to stay when I lost track of my thoughts and ended up in here." He chuckled nervously and blushed a bit with the memory. "I'm easily sidetracked."

  9. "...You don't have any customers though." Frostbite stated, looking around the room. "Do you even get many customers or anything? 'Cause some of this stuff's pretty dusty." Frostbite emphasized his point by blowing on one of the mobiles, sending a shower of dust into the air.

  10. I hope Derpy's like the way most fanfics portrey her, as Dinky's slightly essentric, but loving, mother. I swear if they make Dinky and Derpy canon, I will die of happiness 3 times over.

    Well we do know that Derpy will be written into the storyboards ahead of time instead of randomly placed in the background on the fly like in Season One. This cements her as cannon. I don't know if she will have any sort of real speaking role though, it may be she'll have just a couple background lines similar to her "Muffin" line in Season One. I am fine with that because it allows more fan speculation about her character (and thus stories about her). As for Dinky, I am far less certain, fans just sort of put them together, they don't ever appear together in the show.

    To verify when I said 'Dinky and Derpy canon' I meant them both. As in together. As in their relationship and stuff. I knew that Derpy was canon, because I heard that they're making one of the episodes in season 2 dedicated to Derpy.

  11. "Hello, my good pony." Frostbite snapped out of his daze and looked towards where the voice came from to see the mare that had bumped into him earlier. "How may I help you?" Frostbite opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by the door opening behind him. "I thought we were looking for a place for you to stay." Re-Roll's voice said from behind Frostbite, making him do a 180. "Hey, I know this place. My store's not too far from here." Re-Roll said, glancing around the store. Frostbite chuckled nervously, "I guess I, eheh, forgot. I get sidetracked easily." Frostbite grinned, "Anyways, I came in here because I was curious at why that unicorn bumped into me." He said, motioning his head towards the store owner, then turning towards her. "By the way, what was the rush?"

  12. ((First off let me apologize for the slight delay. I was a bit preoccupied... with watching some Whose Line is it Anyways? clips. :) ))

    Frostbite was hovering along, behind Re-Roll, following him to... well, wherever Re-Roll was leading him to. Frostbite frowned. How could I have already forgotten where he's taking me to? Frostbite became lost in his thoughts and began to float off in a different direction Re-Roll was heading. He floated for 3 minutes or so when suddenly he was spun-out in flight. "-Sorry." His assailant quickly said while running off. After regaining himself, Frostbite spun around to see a Bluish-Purple unicorn mare with a green mane. Curious to where she was going, Frostbite followed her around the corner, to see her turn a sign in a store window. Might as well find out what her rush was. Frostbite thought, pushing the door to the store open with his head and walking inside. He examined the store's contents, deducing that it... well he wasn't sure what type of store it was. There were lights, and pictures, and mobiles everywhere. Frostbite's brow furrowed and he became lost in his thoughts... again...

  13. Well, sure, if that's how you want to roleplay and keep things consistent and straight, that's fine, but I think it's a little bit limited unnecesssarily and it's one of the things we were trying to move away from here. Lots of people here came from other boards where they were required to roleplay in exactly that fashion, and we don't want to be as limited here.

    I understand. Let me apologize beforehand if I do screw this up in the future, and I'll try leaning away from my usual way of RPing when I'm here. You know what they say though, old habits are hard to break.

  14. Oh, there's already a topic like this. :)

    Equestria Yellow Pages

    This look like what you were working on?

    Sort of, but more for just the characters living in what area. Thanks, though. If you want help with it or anything just PM me with what you need and I'll see what I can do. :D

    Your character doesn't have to magically warp across the world, nor do you have to roleplay entire journeys to roleplay in one area or another, that's kinda nonsensical. After all, we don't always cruise around everywhere in the real world to our own theme song, or write a detailed step-by-step journal (Or heaven forbid, twitter) of every move we make, we tend to assume that some things just took place. And you can participate in more than one Roleplay simultaneously. That means you can have your character in Fillydelphia, also participating in a roleplay in Canterlot while at the exact same time, enjoying a roleplay in Trottingham. They don't have to be connected to one another, and they don't even have to take place at the exact same time.

    It's really just me. I don't have to, yet I have to at the same time. That's just how I am. I like consistancy, and I like having events happen in order and have them relate to each other. It's like I have to do it that way.

  15. Oh... I'm all filled up now. Good thing we split that cake, right SonicBoom? I'm pretty sure FlankSteak won't mind since he/she never showed up... Poor pony, not getting to celebrate with us wonderful people.

    Yes, so sad. He must have betterer frands then us random people on the Canterlot forums. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh...

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