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Posts posted by SonicBoom01

  1. http://i.imgur.com/i8989.jpg


    Yes, it's finally happened. Some wonderful user on PSN has gone on ModNation Racers and made a Pinkie Pie mod! What's more is that she's featured in the ModSpot at the moment! What does this mean, you ask? A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic character is one of the Top 3 Downloaded Mods on ModNation Racers!

    Bronies, let me give you all a big brohoof for our success!

    Picture and quote are from Smackjeeves user FlamingDbag, more commonly known as degreenfreak.

    Your thoughts?

    Edit: Hold on, picture's glitched. Switching to just link.

  2. Stereotyping. Next question.


    This, I agree with, if in more detail.

    This is basically all it is. Because Lesbians are usually depicted as tomboyish and have some sort of unusual outward appearance (in this case, Rainbow's rainbow-colored mane) females that are like this are usually stereotyped into being 'Lesbian'. This happens all too often for our poor Rainbow Dash.

  3. I can honestly see this possibly happening eventually, due to a a little pony named Gordon Freemane.

    Knowing Valve's track record, they'll buy and improve things that they like (Team Fortress and Counter-Strike, for examples) and with their employees starting to sport Pony avatars, they might be catching onto the trend. If Valve falls in love with the TV show they might consider making Friendship is Magic: Source.

    If they do, I hope to God its like Garry's Mod or something.

  4. Rarity reminds me too much of these stuck-up "female dogs" I know IRL. Rarity might be nicer than they are, but I'm still reminded of them, and I, honest to God, hate them with every fiber of my being.

    As for Trixie, she's just too boastful and full of herself. Being a gamer, I've met a lot of people like this in-game, and they usually rub me the wrong way. Of course, there's the few gems in the rough like Hippo, but they're few and far in-between.

  5. I think the real solution to this is to expand the map south, add some other attractions, make Fillydelphia a more central place to be. And perhaps more importantly, flesh out Fillydelphia itself, think of some tourist attractions, maybe what its speciality in Equestrian society really is. Fillydelphia brainstorming thread, anyone?

    Even though this wasn't my goal with this thread, I'm all for supporting this. Should we turn this thread into the brainstorming thread or should we make a new one?

    Anyway, I think that these places do need to be noticed... Anyone wanna start an RP in one of those places?

    Soon as Frostbite gets approved I'll be RPing in Fillydelphia. :D

    I'll probably make the thread though, I want to make an RP of him sort of arriving at town and getting settled in after being transferred there.

    I have a character in the Saddleveil Plains but makes frequent trips to Fillydelphia. Though, he's kind of swamped at the moment with the Gala. Actually, now that I think about it, he's in 2 of the 3 RPs in Fillydelphia. Maybe that's why there haven't been posts lately, nopony is there :cry:

    Still, I do have another character that is a traveling magician/gambler, was thinking of starting him off in Seasaddle Bay or Appleloosa. Sorry, don't have a plethora of characters of my own to choose from but I'm more than willing to RP in some of the other areas :D

    Yeah, that's one of the main problems for some of these towns, no one really goes there in general, and the few people that go there or have a character in the town are usually the only ones going to the town at all.

    I understand about the characters thing, it can be hard to come up with characters in general, so most people usually have a range of 2-4 characters that they use and develop regularly.

    When i actually someday finish my OC,i will be taking her everywhere, and exploring the other towns/ countryside with her. I look forward to rping with you guys :3

    I'll be looking forward to RPing too. :)

  6. Ok, so I come on this RP forum. I'm like "Hey, I want to make a character." So I make Frostbite. I go look and see that Ponyville's closed for residences. I'm all "Oh, ok, I'll just stick him in Fillydelphia, that sounds like a cool place to be at." Fast forward a few days. I'm now waiting for approval for my character. I go searching around the RP forums to see how I could make my character's first post once he gets approved. I find that there's 3 posts total for Fillydelphia. It's essentially a Ghost Town.

    At first, I only noticed this in Fillydelphia, but then I began looking around, and I found that there is a fair amount of areas that are Ghost Towns, with nopony setting foot in the area. I think we should do something about this, to be honest. This is Equestria, for crying out loud! It should be abustle with ponies, not bare, bleak, and devoid of life! Honestly, I have no suggestions right now, so I opened this thread to find out yours and to discuss this situation.

    A penny for your thoughts?

  7. Uh ... honestly I haven't thought much about it.

    Would a general store do ? It's the kind of store I would like, one that sells a wide of unrelated goods, like a small, family-owned, supermarket. I am not sure of the term however ; maybe "grocery store" would be more fitting.

    How 'bout a Pawn Shop? Most of those shops are small and family-run.

  8. PonyHooves on EggBox live.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If your XBL account has no reference to your board username or you don't message me telling who you are, it's very unlikely I'll accept the friend-add... I get way too many randoms trying to add me.

    I'll be sure to include a VM in my request.


    In a very creepy and wierd sounding voice.

    ...Y'know, so you know its me.

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