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Posts posted by ProudBrony

  1. Hi my dear sugarcubes!

    First of all, excuse me if i posted my question in the wrong question.

    I"ve seen a lot of RP charries or OCs, which where Earth ponies/Unicorns/Pegasus/ Zebras ect.

    I have an OC too, the problem is that he is an Alicorn. I browsed trough the FAQ but i didn"t saw a thread similar to my question, so i hope it"s alright that i ask this question.

    Are Alicorns in RP allowed?

    when not, i would understand it, i have some RP charries that were made for this purpose, Apollo is my fave pony OC that i have, but if we are only allowed to use the species which are posted in the application forums,i could accept it too ^^

    Best Wishes and thank you so much in advance.


  2. About myself: So, i"m ProudBoy, i"m a young teen from Europe (Austria to be a lil bit specific).

    I enjoy to read fanfics, to draw and to chat with my buddies.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I heard about this epic site trough deviantArt

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: when i saw a meme with this ponies, i got curious about this show. I watched the 1 season on youtube (because HUB doesn"t work on my computer), i started to love this show. Everypony in it, every episode, every brony =3

    It"s just awesome!

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Hi my dear sugarcubes!

    I joined Canterlot today, and i must say, that i love this community here.

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