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Everything posted by vincon

  1. vincon


    From the album: Ophelia Emesis

    A drawing I did of Ophelia feeling a bit sick after flying around the clouds for too long.
  2. I just hope my attention span stays in tact for this site. I have a tendency to get REALLY EXCITED for something and just get carried away planning and preparing and then once everything's all settled.. I just kinda... have no idea what to do with myself.
  3. And here's her "theme". For extra points, you can listen to it while you read this bio. http://history1970s.tumblr.com/post/17029953757/the-milk-eyed-mender-slowginfizz
  4. I have no idea whether to be intimidated or comforted by what you just said uAu;
  5. *Crossover type roleplay Name: (as stated in the topic title) Ophelia Emesis She prefers to be called Ophelia, no nicknames really Sex: Age: I would consider her around the same age as I.. so a Filly Species: A Pegasus. I know, I know. You're probably thinking.. but there is obviously a HORN on that head! It's really just a dud. It's broken, useless, more like a cyst than a horn. A deformation. **Also, I will go back to this later in the bio. Eye Color: A light, pale pink. Kind of similar to how an albino's eye may look, but not as deep red. Coat Color: Seafoam green, with some darker speckles on her flank Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: The mane is a sort of magenta auburn.. hard to explain since I'm still deciding on the exact tone, but think of it as a brunette that is leaning more towards pink. (If that makes any sense @_@) It is also very big n fluffy! Think Jem & The Holograms. Her snout is a light pink, and her hooves are the same color as her mane. She also wears a lacey floral collar at all times. It has a loop and padlock on it for unknown reasons. Physique: Smaller than the average filly, wobbly knees, generally a bit beaten up looking. Her broken horn was already mentioned, her ears are also torn. They have a few holes, rips, and tears near the edges. Like a frayed rope! Cutie Mark: None yet. Not only because I can't decide on one, but because I have grown towards the idea of her being a blank flank due to her clutziness and being such a space case. Origin/Residence: She 'resides' in Cloudsdale, but only goes there to sleep, eat, etc. Otherwise she is almost always outside doing something, be it crashing into a tree or playing with a bunch of bugs somewhere in Everfree. Occupation: She occasionally likes to sell brooches or necklaces she's made from the things found in Everfree, but other than that there is not much going on for Ophelia in this department. As for being a student... consider her a 'high school drop-out', if that exists in Equestria. Motivation: This filly really enjoys observing others. I know it sounds weird, she just has a bit of a 'pony watching' kind of thing going on. This, and Entomology (the study of bugs, pretty much). She also enjoys digging things up, whatever she finds usually ends up being quite interesting. However this makes for very dirty and often scuffed up hooves. Likes: Sweet things, Bugs, Everfree Forest, Taking naps almost anywhere, Medical paraphanelia, Bruises/Cuts/Scars, Occasionally dressing up Dislikes: Bathing, Feeling sick or dizzy, Getting weird looks, Tripping or falling in public, School, Darkness ~~~~ (Character Summary) History: Ophelia was born in Solstice Heights by a pegasus and a unicorn.. I'm sorry if this seems like a cliché, or not possible. I'll remove or change this if it's going against any character rules. Her mother was a unicorn, and her father a pegasus. Her father was a traveling salesman of sorts, and was often away. Thus Ophelia was raised by her mom. However this was an awkward childhood, considering her mom knew nothing about flying and could not teach Ophelia herself. And so, as a foal, Ophelia learned by watching others and practicing in Everfree forest as to avoid teasing. She did learn eventually, but a lot later than most foals, and still hasn't quite mastered it. (Meaning that there is at least one instance of her crashing or spiraling down from the sky every week or so) Parents: Her father was already kind of explained up there. Her mother was a nurse turned florist. This is due to a level of squeamishness she just couldn't handle after a certain point. Ophelia, however, lacks any feeling of disgust when it comes to anything medical. Cutie Mark Story: Well considering she does not have one yet.. there is really not much to say here! Flaws: Ophelia Emesis is full of flaws--not to say she is a complete mess up, or that she lacks any positive attributes.. she's just a little behind, and has a lot to learn. Her flying could be a bit more graceful. She has a rather poor attention span, and even worse patience. She fails to notice, however, that in tending to her wounds she is quite good. But this would involve some form of pony medical school, I'm sure, and that frightens Ophelia. Also...if you couldn't tell by her second name.. she gets nauseous quite easily, especially after flight. She is almost always oozing some sort of substance, be it blood, snot, or puke, there is something leaking out of this pony at all times. **Back to Ophelia's little horn problem; as mentioned, it is in no way functional, never has been, never will be. Think of it like this...some humans are born with an extra arm, leg, sometimes an extra head. Now I wouldn't go as far to say this horn is like a siamese twin ... that would involve some sentience. But it's an extremity that could be removed and it would not affect her either way. It started out as a rather ghastly nub, more flesh than horn. But as time went on during her years as a foal, it seemed to harden. The only problem was that it continued to do so to the point of frailty, and took on a brittle characteristic. Now add clumsy flying into the equation. At some point in her youth, a failed attempt at landing cracked off the majority of this 'dud', leaving about a third of it on her forehead, cracked, and even more useless. However, due to the lack of finances in her family, and the nonchalance Ophelia carries about.. it's just stayed there, and will probably stay there until the rest of it cracks off, or someone forces her to remove it. She personally finds it charming, like a crown of sorts. Personality: Easily distracted, "eccentric" in a sense, generally quiet..though she has her moments of abrupt loudness, a bit dense, very clutzy, a space case.. however, she *is* quite generous. ~~~~ And that's about it for Ophelia Emesis~! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them. And if I need to change anything please tell me.
  6. I have no idea how I managed to get nervous over writing an online introduction. I sound so emotionless.
  7. So I'm new here. I've gotten very bored of ponychan's rps and I figured this place might be a bit more fun, possibly full of more literate people too. Plus I noticed there were quite a few OCs..which I really enjoy~! I love seeing people put their own spin on the fandom, rather than reusing existing canon characters. Though it's interesting to see different takes on those too. I'm more of an artist than I am a writer, so although I take an interest in this I can't say I'll be the best. But I enjoy trying to get better, and having fun along the way, too. I would really like to draw other people's characters, mostly. And from roleplaying I can get some nice ideas for that. I've been in a bit of an artblock lately and this would definitely help~! I also really enjoy recieving art, but I'm not asking for it. Nor do I plan on begging anyone to be my pony's friend just so I can get said art. I enjoy some morbid or grotesque things, too. But unless it clearly states that I am allowed to elaborate on that.. I won't for now. What I mean, though, is that I'm perfectly alright with roleplaying some darker subjects. I really, really enjoy the MLP fandom for the most part. And I hope I can try and be as active as possible on here. I feel like I made this sound a little bit too scripted or try hard now though.. @___@ I don't wanna come off that way. I just haven't slept in a while so I'm a bit overly enthusiastic/delusional.
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