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Posts posted by WillowWisp

  1. Grim wasn't really in the mood for playing now. He'd just been trying to keep Sweetie Belle from being pegged with a spit wad but he ended up with a warning due to making a scene. That and now Champ was out to get him. At least he'd done what he intended and kept her from getting hit though, and she seemed thankful.

    But now the foal was a bit lost in all that was going on. Class seemed like it was going to start again, until someone started shouting from the roof. So recess was called. He would have stayed in, but since Champ was doing that, he opted otherwise.

    'Huh,' his attention turned to Twist when she approached. 'Oh yeah, it was good. You really do have a gift for that.' He gave a weak smile that, like all his smiles, faded quickly. 'No wonder you got a candy can for a Cutie Mark.'

    As he made his way outside, he ignored the shouting pony on the roof, and made his way over to a tree. Sitting in the shade was his kind of thing, even if it seemed anti-social.

    'What a morning...' he sighed again. 'School was never this way back home...'

  2. As Taxi took his leave, Fluttershy nodded and offered a good bye, 'We'll have fun, I'm sure.' She hadn't said it yet, but Starlight reminded her a bit of herself. Not that she had been small like him, but she'd been a weak flier.

    She continued to give him little pushes, but as he started to flap his wings, the yellow Pegasus backed off a little. And then, without saying anything, she just stopped. She hoped that soon Starlight would notice he was doing it, and with his own power.

    'I was a weak flier too.' Fluttershy felt her story might be a good distraction first, so he wouldn't panic when he saw she wasn't pushing anymore. 'I struggled a lot... and even fell once. That was very scary. But a huge swarm of butterflies caught me. It just takes practice to build up your wings.' She smiled. 'I'm still nowhere as good as my friend Rainbow Dash, but I'm able to fly like any average Pegasus. And you will too. I just know it.'

  3. 'Until tomorrow? Poor Grimmy...' Wisp sighed hearing that. She hoped Grim would be okay by himself. Surely he would go find someone when she didn't come home. He had met a couple other colts already, maybe he could stay with one of them while she was gone.

    She looked to Bluebelle, an embarrassed look on her face. However in the back of her mind she couldn't help note the irony in the whole scene. From what she saw while Braeburn was visiting his family, he was the one usually rambling and someone was shouting to get his attention.

    'Oh, nice to meet you two, Bluebelle... and you don't have to offer me a place to stay. I mean I'm practically a crazy stranger from the train.' Wisp chuckled lightly. 'If you're just moving in here, I don't want to be a bother.'

    Then she looked back to the stallion as he went about picking up the mess she made. Something he'd said in his explanation had her interests perked. And if she was going to be there for at least a day then she wanted to know more.

    'And what do you mean the pass is haunted, Braeburn? You mean you got a local ghost story?' That was right up her alley. 'Well I'm here, I could look into that... oh I bet that would be great for my guidebook.'

  4. Just a doodle while I was waiting for a DR. Apt.

    Don't know what Mac and Braeburn are fussing about... I was just scribbling and that's what came out.

    With those two and how we ben playing them, could be just about anything, from fillies to carrying bales of hay to an eating contest. :D

    Now I think somehow some bet or contest has to be worked into the RP to accommodate this image. :P

    Lol fighting over Fillies... I could see that. May the best cousin get the date huh? XD

  5. Candy? Grim had just been listening to each of the stories as they were told. But when Twist's came with candy he had to blink. That was one way to get popular with most any group of foals. Maybe he should have brought something to hand out as well. Then maybe nopony would pick on him. And if nopony picked on him and he made friends, he could go home. Not that he didn't like living with his cousin, but he missed his mom and dad.

    As he waited for the sweets to be passed out he glanced over toward Sweetie Belle's desk. He was going to write her a song, just like he promised. The white Unicorn actually had him quite smitten but he wouldn't admit it out loud. She was just perfect in his mind, soft spoke, polite, and had a wonderful voice.

    He caught Champ fiddling with something out of the corner of his eye and knew exactly what it was. Grim often found himself the spit ball target back home and the motions were all too familiar. Without saying anything, he sprung up from his desk, not caring if it drew attention and in the nick of time, took the hit instead. The wet paper wad nailing him in the side as he turned his attention to the bully.

    'Hey,' he paused. What was he going to say? Grim wasn't good at this kind of thing, and his eyes instantly shot to the floor. 'You... you shouldn't do that. It's...it's rude.'

  6. 'You're tellin' me. The first time it happened was when we still lived in Roughrider Ridge. It was my flyin' instructor actually. He came by for dinner and saw those sitting on the counter. And Dragons usually have no problem eatin' rocks. But he sure wasn't expecting that to be one. Bit down real hard and let out a horrible shout... good thing I was already considered a trouble maker... didn't have a reputation to ruin.'

    Truffle smirked to herself as she remembered the story. It was pretty funny when she thought about it. That teacher was too stuffy in her opinion anyway. And now it gave her a good story to tell.

    'Thanks,' she took the bits and smiled. 'I hope ya like those. Pops sure is proud of everything he makes. Oh yeah, if something should happen, or they aren't doing what ya need, just bring them back and he'll see what he can do. Likes to make sure that everyone of his works is just what the customer ordered.'

  7. 'That was the thing, everypony just loved me when I modeled. But it was too much attention. Everywhere I went there were cameras and ponies trying to get me to sign things. And it was strange seeing my face on ads for things around town.' Fluttershy shook her head a little. Even Applejack had put her on apple bushels to help sales. 'I much rather just enjoy being in the background. There are other ponies much more suited for fame.'

    When Skye mentioned how hard it would be for him to get to Canterlot, the Pegasus thought for a moment. He couldn't fly but... 'Oh! You could probably go in Twilight's balloon. One time Rainbow Dash was in a competition in Cloudsdale. That one where she ended up saving Rarity... we spoke of it not long ago. Our non-flying friends were able to come up to see us because of a hot air balloon. Maybe you could borrow it, or ride along with them. Then you could see the gardens too... well if you had a ticket. But... maybe you'll be lucky and get one still.'

    All her friends were special. Whether they were old or new. She took a moment to think about each of them. She had even been a little to shy to even speak with Twilight when she first came, but she was glad she did. And that made her mind wander to the black Unicorn they had been talking about. Maybe she could be a friend too.

    'I have an idea Skye. How about we go see that haunted house together?'

  8. Wisp remained splade out on the ground for a moment or two, eventually taking the help up offered by Bluebelle. Hearing her name the dazed look in her eyes faded and her head snapped in Braeburn's direction. Somepony she knew. By Celestia's wings that meant she wasn't in such horrible luck after all.

    'Braeburn!' In her flustered and panicked state she darted to where she had knocked him and put her front hooves on his front haunches. 'Where the hay am I?! I'm not suppose to be here! I was checking on the Ponyville train station last night... some rumor of ghosts and well that's right up mile alley... but I was tired because I didn't sleep during the day when I normally do... so I closed my eyes for a moment in the cargo car and... now I'm here! And it's hot! And there are cactus! It's the desert! I need to get HOME!'

    The words flew out of Wisp's mouth rather quickly, she'd even began to shake the poor stallion a bit. Needless to say a few passersby had stopped to stare at the scene. One well known member of the town, scattered luggage, a concerned mule and a crazed unicorn was hard to miss.

    Her eyes darted back and forth as she noticed what she was doing. She dropped back to all fours, gave a sheepish laugh and backed up a little. 'Heh...' Finally glancing back toward Bluebelle she smiled with and expression that read of her embarrassment. 'Uh...hi.'

  9. Ah, the soft rocking of a small row boat out on a crystal clear lake. Such a peaceful and quiet- Screech!

    Wisp jolted forward as a couple boxes in the cargo car bumped into her. She yawned, sat up and looked around. That rocking she felt was not a boat at all, but a moving train; she just hadn't realized it yet. 'Ugh... who's shoving stuff around in here?'

    The night before Willow Wisp had been out, looking for more to put in her guidebook. She'd heard rumors of a 'spirit' at the train station in Ponyville and decided to check it out. That included the trains themselves. However she'd been up most the day helping her cousin with a project and by the time she'd made it to the cargo car, she was worn out. For a moment she planned to rest her eyes, but ended up falling asleep in a pile of hay in the corner. Which meant now, as she got around, she was in for a rude awakening.

    'Where...' she blinked as the door opened so a couple of the station workers could fetch bags for the passengers. It was bright, and she felt warmth on the air. Much warmer than she remembered Ponyville being.

    It only took a moment, her eyes went wide and she darted out the open car door to the station platform. The poor worker pony nearly got head butted by the panicked Unicorn. Where the hay was she? She looked around worriedly. Bright sun, dry air, cactus? The desert? She was in the desert!?

    'Oh no! I feel asleep on the train!'

    In a panic she started sprinting across the platform. This was a horrible mistake, she needed to get on the next train out and heading back to Ponyville. But she had no idea where to even start when it came to finding that out. Not to mention her mine was just spinning with what was happening. In her hurry, she tripped on a loose board, and from there on everything moved in slow motion. She was in the air for a moment, then skidding along the ground until she crashed into a stallion hauling the bags of another passenger.

    "Ugh..." her glasses had slid down and were laying cock eyed on her face. She had no idea she would be running into Braeburn again so soon, and quite literally. Only, in a partial daze, hadn't even noticed who she'd hit. "...Sorry..."

  10. Grim had taken a seat somewhere in the middle of the class. He didn't want to look like he was lazy and hide in the back, or sit up front and seem like some sort of teacher's pet, so a central spot was best. As Scootaloo entered and then Sweetie Belle a light smile came to him. He still needed to write the Unicorn a song and with that thought a light blush came to his cheeks as he looked back to his desktop.

    'I... I can go...' he spoke up when Champ was relieved of his speaking duty and then moved to the front of the class. Unlike the others, Grim hadn't taken off his bag yet. He never did. The teacher back home eventually gave up trying to get him to remove it and he hoped Ms. Cheerilee would be the same way.

    'This summer... well first my cousin Willow Wisp decided she was going to move away from home. She's working on a guide to the strange and scary creatures and what not that live around Equestria. She wanted to move to Ponyville because of it's central location, so she could easily get to all sorts of places.'

    Okay, so that wasn't really about him, but it did lead into it. 'Uh...' he paused and looked at the floor before continuing. 'Mom and dad thought I should move too. About a week or so after she was settled they dropped me off here. They thought if I had some new experiences, maybe made new friends it would help me somehow. They think I'm too...uh... well I spent too much time by myself. So now I live with Wisp. That's okay though, she always watched me when I was really little. My cousin is the best. She tells the most amazing ghost stories and is really brave.'

    Pausing again, he tried to think of something else he'd done but other than move nothing stood out. 'That's about all I really did. I get homesick sometimes... my town was really small... it isn't even really marked on many maps. It's South West of Ponyville, not quite to the the border of the plains... I guess kind of an in between here and Fillydelphia. It's really just a couple farms and a few shops, but it was nice.'

    That really did sum it up, so glancing to the class again he gave a weak smile that only lasted for a second or two. 'So... that's how I spent my summer... moving... to the haunted house of Ponyville.'

  11. With a sigh, Grim Tales checked that his back was in place one last time. Sure he'd told Sweetie Belle and her friends that he didn't have his Cutie Mark yet, but he didn't want to go spreading that around. It really did bug him after all. So making sure his flank was covered he slowly made his way over to the school building.

    'I don't know, Scribe... I'd much rather just stay home and study on my own. I wonder if school will be different here than it is back home.' He glanced to his bag for a moment. Scribe, his pet spider and writing assistant was tucked away inside. It wasn't a small spider either, so the box he was kept in took up one whole pouch of the saddle bag.

    Seeing his teacher as well as another foal on the school house porch, Grim trotted over. 'Good morning, Ms. Cheeilee... Starlight.' He remembered the other from the day they met under the tree.

    Grim was a bit unsure of his teacher though. Willow Wisp, his cousin, said she was a very nice mare when she met her to make sure he was signed up for class. Still, he hadn't met her yet and being the way he was, that made him nervous.

    'Do...do we just sit anywhere we want? Or are their assigned desks?'

  12. "Heh, like those huh?"Truffle smiled proudly at the mention of the chocolates. "That's my specialty. I make sculptures of all sorts of stuff out of various types of stone. But makin' food is what I'm best at. It's funny to see somepony come in here and pick one up. Though I gotta warn them... some have actually almost bitten into one. Or at least tried."

    The Dragon was proud of her work. Her parents may have been experts in metal crafts but she loved working with stones and other earthy materials. And when she got compliments she was never one to turn them down.

    "Oh, your order...uh... let's see..." Truffle looked down at the order tag and ripped off the little part with the expenses on it. "There ya go. That's got the list of everything made and the cost. The total is that number there at the bottom."

  13. "Yes, that is Rarity's shop. She makes so many lovely dresses. I modeled some for her once... but... well... I'm not really a model type." Fluttershy was glad she no longer was in that spotlight. Being a model had been miserable; just too much attention and it took all of her time. "And she's even been asked by Hoity Toity to make some dresses for his shop. Someday I bet she'll be one of the most famous ponies in fashion."

    She smiled at the thoughts of the royal garden. Honestly she couldn't wait to see them. However hearing Skye speak about wanting to go made her wonder. What did he mean by safely get up there? Couldn't he just walk? It wasn't like Cloudsdale and up in the air.

    "I don't know if she would have gotten a ticket. They can be hard to come by. Twilight got them for all of us because she is the Princess' student. There are a lot of ponies who would do anything to get a ticket." She cocked her head to the side. "But if you don't go... I'll make sure to tell you all about the garden when I get back."

  14. Willow Wisp was rather interested in Skye, so much so she didn't know she was about to be knocked into. And admittedly she stumbled a little when Big Macintosh bumped into her. Luckily she kept her balance and just gave a nervous laugh in response. "Ah, it's okay. No harm done."

    Her gaze went back to the blue deer again. "But wow... a Peryton. That's amazing. I've read about them in some of my creature books, but I've never seen one. I didn't think they lived in this area." A smile came to her face. "I'll have to make note of this in my guide. I mean, if a Peryton lives around here, then there must be all sorts of other creatures as well. I can't wait to do some exploring in Everfree once it gets dark."

    Realizing she had just basically spoke her thoughts rather than just making mental notes, she blushed lightly and looked around. "Heh, I mean... nice to meet you, Skye. I'm Willow Wisp.... and uh, like um... Applejack said, we were all going to eat. I was just going to help her fetch stuff." That said she looked to AJ. "I hope you got enough food to go around."

  15. Wisp had just been listening in after she gave her thoughts on the shoes. There wasn't really any reason for her to stick around at that point, but she didn't want to just walk off either. After all, she had just gotten a lovely new dress and a nice trim.

    "I think a clean kit was a good idea," she added in as Glitzen fetched it for Honeywing. "It would be a shame to see those nice shoes all messed up. And if you're working in Canterlot, you'll want to keep a professional and clean look."

    That said she turned for the door. "Well I should probably go. Thank you for the trim... and this dress. I hope I can find a nice place to wear it so other's can see."

  16. Fluttershy watched as Taxi adjusted the scooter for Starlight and then smiled. That would make it easier for the small foal to hold on to. And of course that meant it would over all be safer. There wasn't really much she could offer, but maybe she could help Starlight get going now that the scooter was already for him.

    "It'll probably take a little getting use to.... keeping your balance that is." she walked over behind the scooter and gently put her right front hoof on it. "How about I give you a little pushing first. You can work on getting a feel for balance... and practice flapping your wings. And I can move you push you and help stabilize the scooter."

    Her plan was to just push until he seemed to be getting the hang of it, then stop. Kind of like a giving him training wheels. That way when he saw she had let go and he was doing it on his own, it would boost his confidence.

  17. Truffle just nodded at his introduction as well as his job. So he sent letters to the Princess; she supposed that was somewhat interesting. But then again she was never one to find things like that important. Anyone could send a letter, most just used a mailbox.

    "Scribe huh?" She shrugged as she followed him out of the crowd. "So you're like... basically a scaly mailbox?" Really when it came right down to it, that's how she see saw it. A living mailbox. Only this one was able to write as well.

    "Me? I'm just here deliverin' some stuff for my parents. Pop's run's the Ironclaw Smithy in Canterlot. And somepony here had ordered a bunch of pots and pans to be custom made. Since Mom was busy refining some ore, I got to ride with the order here and drop it off. So now, I'm just killin' time until the cart comes back."

    Glancing around she sighed. "Kinda dull though. I was gonna see if I could find someone who could use some of my sculpture work... but I ain't havin' any luck." Looking back to Spike she finally reached out to shake, her claws clearly working into perfect sharp points. "Name's Truffle."

  18. I want a little Big Mac of my own. He was so cute.

    Honestly the whole episode was adorable. Never would have guessed Pinkie was Amish. That was a little odd. And I liked Fluttershy's little song. Rarity being drug around by her horn was truly lawl worthy. And Twilight... super magic powers... making Spike all huge...

    I wish they had shown more pony parents though. We only got Twilight's and Pinkie's. That made me a little sad.

  19. Okay so I've been trying to draw Morty, Willow Wisp's pet bat. But he's giving me horrible trouble. So I was wondering if anyone would help me and give drawing him a shot.

    Morty is a Gray Headed Flying Fox:


    They are big, typical wing span is 6 feet across.

    He loves lemons.

    So yeah if anyone wants to give him a shot I will be grateful. And I may be able to do something in return. :3

  20. Just letting you all know that Sunday through the following Saturday, Flanksteak will be out of town. It was kind of last minute, so I'm saying it for him since he sometimes forgets to mention it. I don't know if he'll have his laptop or not, so I'll try to make sure he at least posts before he leaves.


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