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Posts posted by WillowWisp

  1. 'Yeah, just peachy!' Truffle snapped before really looking to see who asked her. 'I mean really, I ain't that hard to see.'

    Finally after a moment she actually looked toward Spike and then arched a brow. She didn't expect to see another Dragon in Ponyville. She was use to seeing them in Canterlot, sure, and even more so back where she had hatched, Roughrider Ridge. But it just seemed out of place there.

    'Well what do ya know, I ain't the only scaled thing around here huh? What are you doing in this town anyway, Purple?' she didn't really know what to call him, so she use the color of his scales for a reference.

    Relaxing some she shot a quick glare around to the ponies passing, the little fang that usually stuck out showing with her irritated look. Of course that just made the crowd keep moving and this time a little more cautious than before.

    'Yeah, that's right, I am here, so watch it... feh...' her eyes rolled as she directed her attention back to Spike. 'Ah, now what did you say your name was?'

  2. 'Feh,' the annoyed tone was clear in her voice as she nearly dodged a cart being pulled along. 'Gee I'm not that small, honestly. Somepony's just don't look out.' With a huff and a sigh she continued on her way though, stopping in the town center.

    Truffle was there dropping off an order for her parents, or well... she was. But with the job done she was trying to find something to do until her ride back to Canterlot arrived. Maybe she could drum up a little business. But then again none of the ponies really seemed to have need for her sculpture work. If she could find a bakery or something maybe then. After all her specialty was food displays.

    'Hey!' She shouted as a passing pony stepped on her tail. 'Come on, really? How can this tiny town be more hustle and bustle than Canterlot? They just cram too many of ya mammals in here or what?' She grumbled and rubbed the tip of her tail. 'Good thing I've got tough scales.' Of course with that cue she got knocked into by another pony and just lost it. 'Oh that is it!' And in a fit of frustration the Dragon threw her head back and let out a small blast of orange flames into the sky.

  3. 'I suppose you're right, the forest can't be all bad if somepony can come and go like that. But maybe she just knows what she's doing. I wouldn't go running in there without a reason. There are just too many strange things out there I don't know about.' Fluttershy nodded matter of factly at that. 'I don't know what her name is though. But I have seen her head into town now and then. Usually later in the afternoon... I think she probably sleeps when it's day time if she's going out to the forest at night.'

    She had to think about the Unicorn for a moment. What kind of magic could a spooky pony have? Well she just guessed she was spooky because of the house she lived in and the habits she had. Not to mention the glowing thing... that was a bit odd. It would be strange if she had some sort of magic to make rainbows or cutesy things.

    'I wonder what kind of magic she would have. Magic comes in so many forms. I mean like my friend Rarity, her magic helps her make her wonderful clothing. She can even find gem stones. So a pony in a spooky house...who likes the forest... who knows!'

    Looking down at the cool water she smiled to herself. It sure was peaceful there. She could spend hours just listening to the birds and the sounds of the wind. She looked over to Skye as he started to speak about the Princess and being younger. Did he know her as a younger pony? Then how old was he?

    'Dance?' she came out of her thoughts at that question. 'Oh, I don't know... I really don't go to social gatherings. Though I do have ticket to the Gala... but I'm just going to go see the gardens.'

  4. Fluttershy looked a little shocked as she blinked and turned her attention to Starlight. He'd been in the forest, alone? She didn't want to sound scolding but that was a dangerous thing to do. Before she could really say much on it though, Taxi had chimed in. Spirit? Well that was one way to put it, but she wanted to make sure the foal knew he shouldn't try that trip again.

    'My, you are brave... but I hope you won't try to go in there again. Everfree Forest can be very dangerous. There are a lot of strange creatures and plants in there. If you have to go, you should never go alone.'

    As they reached Taxi's place of work she just stood next to Starlight as the stallion went to look for the scooter. When he brought it out, she smiled. Maybe Starlight would find a little boost in his confidence using it. Not only that, a Wonderbolt theme surely was something the young Pegasus would love.

    'I bet you'll be getting around in no time. Do you have a helmet?'

  5. This is based on me trying to help my boyfriend do yard work.

    I was suppose to rake up this moss, but it was rooted so deep it wouldn't come up at all. So he pushed down on it and only then would it work... needless to say, he was still doing the work, I was just holding the rake.

    and I was like... "the moss is hard D: I can't even pull it up."

    So he was like... "you can get me tools... like the wheel borrow..."

    and I was like "that I can do!"

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  6. yeah the whole saved his life thing is the big part I'm still working on and as far as looks I was honestly picturing basically a gray spike, if that's not ok I'll change it.

    Well it would be nice to see some individuality. I mean it's your character so you can make him just a basic re-color if you like. But I think making him a little different, like his spines or maybe having wings or something would make him more stand out.

  7. Welcome to the board. Check on the getting started area for information. And remember you need to make 5 posts to open up the rest of the board, other than the RP section, which opens when you get an approved app. So say hello to others and then feel free to jump into the rest of the board.

  8. Well there you have it all you people who wanted a Phoenix. You got one, and it's a glorified parrot.

    Poor Fluttershy, trying so hard to make it better.

    And Twilight should not be allowed to help the sickly... "oh she will" -forces soup- I feel bad for Spike when he sheds his skin being a reptile and all. Twilight will put a cone on him.

  9. Truffle is my Dragon character, and right now she's only in one thread. I'd like to get her into a couple others, maybe even one with another Dragon so she has friends of her own kind. If you want to RP with her, or have a thread I can toss her into, give a shout here.

    If you want know more about Truffle, click the link to her profile in my signature. :3

  10. I'd like to know a bit more about him. You say Telsa saved his life? How. And as for his looks, you just have a color and that doesn't say much. Right now I'm just picturing Spike, only gray, which isn't that interesting. There is a Dragon template you could use to make him a little different and give a basic visual. Otherwise you're going to need to describe him better.

  11. 'I suppose if I had some company I would be less scared. It's just the stories are so...creepy. Like of ponies going in and never coming back out. I don't know if they're true or not, but they're still scary.' Fluttershy bent down to take a sip of the water as well. It was good; so clean and pure. 'But you're right, she may not be scary at all. It might be lonely if nopony visits her.'

    She took a seat on one of the sun warmed rocks and looked around again. Closing her eyes she could hear the songs of birds, the wind rustling the trees and the sound of the water. It was so peaceful, she would have to bring her friends. Surely they would find it just as wonderful as she did.

    'I don't know,' she opened her eyes to look at Skye. 'It's just suppose to be haunted. Weird things happen in there. Like, music will start playing... it's out of tune but on a piano. Or so I've heard... like I said I've never been too close to it. But that house has been there for a very long, long time. And as for the glowing, I'm not sure myself. Maybe it's part of her magic, being a Unicorn and all.'

    She smiled at the mention of the race though, that was a good memory. 'Oh you saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash racing then? Yes, they were very competitive then. They get into little competitions a lot. You should have seen all the things they were doing on the farm.' A small laugh escaped her on the next comment though. 'Princess Celestia running? Oh might that would be interesting. I wonder if she's fast... I bet she's graceful though.'

  12. 'Oh fixin' that won't take long. Just a matter of heating up a tip and stickin' the rounded piece on it,' Truffle nodded at that. 'I think we left a couple sharp cause the tag here didn't get checked off.' She held up the little order slip, 'someone just forgot to check if they were suppose to be sharp or not. So we did both since it's an easy fix. Pops'll be able to do that without interrupting the work going on too much.'

    That said she waited until the bladed needing to be fixed were back in the cart, and then turned to take them to the back again. 'Help yourself to those chocolates on the counter by the way... just make sure ya only eat the ones on the top and bottom tier of the stand. Well, ya could try and eat the ones in the middle but ya won't be happy.'

    It was true, the chocolates were displayed not just for guests to enjoy, but show off as well. The ones in the middle tier weren't candies at all. Instead they were some of Truffle's sculptures and they were placed that way to show how real they looked. Sure one might discover they seemed just a tad heavy for their size, but on such a small scale it wasn't that noticeable. However, biting into one would prove to be a stone rather than a chocolate.

    Eventually the Dragon returned, pulling the cart with her again. 'Okay, all fixed. Careful though, the blades are still a little warm. But they're all bated and run through free now.'

  13. Grim absentmindedly waved to Starlight as he left. The foal was in his own little world. Sweetie Belle said she would sing a song if he wrote one for her, and he was already thinking of words. It had to be perfect; just like what he thought of her voice. And maybe, just maybe, it would help him get his mark as well. His cousin was always telling him to share his writing after all. So if he wrote a song and she sang it, well maybe they would both get marks then.

    'Wha?' he looked over as the others talked about what to do that afternoon. There was a notable blank look on his face for a moment before he shook his head and tuned in fully to the conversation. 'Oh uh...what to do?'

    Now he needed to think so it didn't seem like he'd been completely zoned out. A quest? What could he suggest?

    'What...what kind of things do you all like to do? My cousin says that talents are often linked to what we enjoy.'

  14. It was nice to hear that somepony else knew about her favorite holiday. The Spook-tacular was the one day of the year where she didn't seem scary; instead she was just perfectly fit for all the events. Wisp nodded goodbye though, as Bramble headed out. She supposed she should be getting on as well, after all she had only meant to stop in for a quick trim.

    'Huh?' she glanced over as Honeywing posed to show off the shoes. She just cocked her head to the side for a moment. '...Somepony that works for the Princess huh?'

    Wisp had to think about that. Honestly she didn't know what royal attire, or those working in such positions wore. Though she had to admit the gold did hold a bit of class with it.

    'Well gold is pretty fancy. So I'd think it would make you stand out. But...won't you get it dirty working?'

  15. ((lol mane, wisp is black, but her mane is blue. -wink- ))

    Wisp was a little surprised that Applejack was so open and friendly, even telling her family stories. Sure they weren't anything like deep, deep dark secrets, but then again Big Mac may not want others knowing he helped in the kitchen. All and all though, she was just taken back by the immediate kindness and welcoming nature of the other mare. She was too use to other ponies keeping their distance due to her natural eerie atmosphere.

    'Well I didn't think I would bring so many guests,' she laughed lightly at that. After all it was right after she showed up that the others appeared as well. 'So if there is anything I can do, even if it's just carrying plates or something, I'd like to help.'

    The black Unicorn snickered lightly, as Applejack mentioned that failed batch of cookies. Though she had admit doughiness wasn't so bad. At least it wasn't mixing up the sugar and salt. She'd been there before... well the taste tester... when he aunt messed up a new recipe.

    'You caught him wearing your-' she cut off as the collision took place. Wisp lucky hadn't been caught up in the whole mess but that meant she was just left staring.

    'Ah, everyone okay there...' trotting over she wanted to offer a hoof if needed. But seeing Skye she just arched a brow. 'A deer? No...wait... deer aren't blue... ah! Those are in my books of other creatures... let's see... A Peryton... right?'

  16. I think you need to just pick one power and stick with it. Right now he has a handful of things he can do magically. And according to the show only Unicorns who's talent is magic can use various types. Right now, even with the note of how the magic wears him down, he still reads as really powerful. I don't really see how these powers are suppose to be useful for being a doctor either.

  17. lol his name made me laugh because I have a book of "cake wrecks".

    I would like to know what "casual" means in terms of his mane style.

    IDK, regular? Normal?

    But what is a regular or normal style? That doesn't describe it at all.

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