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Posts posted by WillowWisp

  1. XD

    i think some pearlyxspike needs to happen.

    We just need a Spike first. XD

    Then Truffle can make fun of them... in a nice way... like a friend would. XD

    we have a spike.

    aquadrop actually has him. XD


    I knew that.


  2. [ Creature Related Character ]

    Name: Truffle

    Gender: Female

    Age: Teenager (I know they say Spike is a baby dragon but he seems teen like)

    Species: Dragon

    Eye Color: Amber-ish brown

    Physique & Colors: Dark Brown body with a light brown belly as well as spines. She has creamy white flecks down her back, like sprinkles. She average though she's strong for her size. Her wings, still small only let her fly short distances. Most noticeably she usually has a small fang sticking out and her claws are sharpened to piercing points.

    Residence: Canterlot

    Occupation: Sculptor

    Likes: Rocks, Chocolate Gold, Interesting statues and buildings, Darker colored gems, Clay, Marble, Any really good sculpting material

    Dislikes: Having to warn others NOT to try and eat her creations, Weak or cracked stone, Dull claws, Being considered girly because of her appearance, Light colored or clear gems, When her supplies are late, Overly snobbish types

    Character Summary: Truffle was hatched in a cliff side cave of the mountain peaks of northern Roughrider Ridge. Her father worked as a smith, using his great fire breathing skills to expertly work metals. And in a touch place like the ridge, horse shoes and other tools always needed work or replacing. Her mother worked with metal as well, although the softer types like silver and gold. She would find it and then refine it for jewelers to use. The shipments went all over Equestria. Needless to say they assumed their daughter would take on some form of metal work as well.

    However from a very early age Truffle found herself interested in rocks. Most Dragons preferred gold and gems, but she liked just normal stones. Especially once she discovered that with sharp enough claws she could chip away at them and carve them into shapes. Though her first attempts were crude, she picked up on the skill quickly and started making various small objects out of rock. It seemed she had a bit of a knack for such and her parents nurtured her skill.

    Even though she could make small and even delicate things from stone, she wasn't a delicate girl in the least. Growing up where she did, she was rough and tumble, and had no trouble putting boys in their place if they made fun of her. She had no trouble giving them a slice of her sharpened claws. Needless to say she often found herself in trouble.

    Her family ended up in Canterlot when she was just entering her teen years. Her father got a job smithing armor for the Equestrian guards and her mother found she could still locate plenty of metal in the small hills around the area. By then Truffle was great at making various items, and even decorating them. She had a knack for making sculptures that looked like food, and once painted and buffed, good enough to eat. She sells them for decorations at shops or to be used in display cases. Though she still loves making big sculptures as well. She'll even work with gems if asked to, carving them into shapes for jewelers to use.

    Truffle loves to travel to look for new inspiration for items. Though she hasn't gone too far from home because she gets bored traveling alone.

    ((I used the template and a screenshot for reference and ended up drawing out my own image. It's a little rough but it's hard to work with just a laptop touchpad. lol))


  3. "Old...Nag?" Wisp's right eye twitched at that comment. She was about to let to little upstart have it; how dare he so such little respect towards adults. But it seemed like someone stepped in just in time to save Champ from a thorough chewing out.

    She assumed that this Stallion was probably the boy's father. He seemed a little too far in age difference to be a brother. Though he could have been a cousin like she was to Grim. "I didn't see the whole thing, but Champ, was it? Well I think he's been picking on those cute little girls over there. At least that's what I heard."

    That said she looked back to her cousin hiding behind her and she turned to nose him. "You okay there, Grimmy? I saw you weren't at home so I came to see what you had wandered off to do."

    "Uh... yeah... I'm okay Wisp." He seemed calmer with her around. Willow Wisp may have been his sister as close as they were.

    "Well come on and introduce me to your friends. I'm glad to see you meeting up with other foals your age." She nudged him along over to the blanket and then smiled. "Hello girls. Looks like a nice little picnic you're setting up. Thanks for inviting Grimmy."

  4. "You mean it wasn't a mistake?" Wisp looked a little confused by that. She didn't expect to get mail, let alone an invite to party. She was new enough she hadn't met too many ponies yet. And since not many wanted to stop by her house for a 'hello, nice to meet you' conversation, she just figured that invites to events were a long ways off.

    "Wow, well then, I guess I'll stick around. Thanks for inviting me." She gave a sheepish laughed. "I honestly thought the mail pony just jammed it in there when she did her "fly by" drop off. She opens the mailbox like she things something's gonna jump out at her... then again, my cousin's spider was in there yesterday."

    That said she glanced to the others gathered around. The one pony with sunglasses, she thought she had seen her before. Not in passing but... oh it was on magazine. Wisp didn't really read them, but she remembered the cover when she passed the newsstand. As for the other just joining, with snacks as she announced, Wisp didn't know at all.

    "Well um, I guess introductions are a good start. I'm Willow Wisp, nice to meet all of you."

  5. ((shoot you guys took of running while I was stuck in the car. lol))

    His head was swimming. First there was a song, then crying, then yelling and now it looked like he was going to be drug into a fight. Grim's ears flattened back against his head when Champ set his eyes on him. All he wanted to do was read at the library. How did it turn sour so fast? And he was not the type to stand up to a bully, he just avoided them.

    "No, but can make you apologize," A voice picked up from behind the group. Willow Wisp had woken up when her bat decided he needed something to eat. And seeing that her cousin was out, she went looking to see where he had ventured too.

    "Now you better cool your hooves. Leave my cousin and his little friends alone. There is nothing wrong with them having a good time. If you think you're too cool for it, then get moving," She narrowed her eyes at Champ as she scolded. even a faint red glow coming to them.

    "And if you don't want to play nice, I'm sure I could find your mother and tell her how you're picking on others."

    "Wisp!" Grim ran over and stood a bit behind her. At least she was there now; he thought she was the greatest Unicorn in all of the land. And usually bullies didn't give her any guff.

  6. With her sheet offered to the Griffin's, Wisp attention when back to Bolt. A party? Would ponies even want to show up for a party in her house? She could see that being a bit of a disaster. And what exactly qualified as a 'big' party anyway? Did that mean the old home would be jam packed? There wasn't even really anything for guests to sit on other than old covered furniture.

    'I haven't been into town yet, no,' Willow Wisp shook her head. 'I met the pony with the papers I needed to sign here, and then started moving in. I'm pretty sure other than you all that came to see what was going on, nopony in town even knows I'm here yet.'

    Reaching back with her right front hoof she rubbed the back of her neck. 'I suppose a house party would be a good way to meet others... if they'd even come with all the rumors about this place. You should have seen how fast that pony ran once I signed my name on the dotted line.'

  7. Well so much for his attempt to leave. Grim suddenly had a leg put over his shoulders as Scootloo continued to talk to him. He only nodded to Moose after his introduction since Grim really didn't know what to say. He never knew what to say in such situations.

    But then Scootaloo mentioned his bag, and he could have swore he felt all the color drain from his denim pelt. His mark? They wanted to know how he got it? He never got asked back home. They all just assumed he had it and that was that.

    'My Cutie Mark?' Grim squeaked out, clearly not getting away from the whole group. He glanced back to his bag, it was still in place so his flank was covered. Could he just make up a story? He was good at writing, maybe he could just leave it at that; it wouldn't be a complete lie then at least.

    'Well um... it's a ink well and a quill because... I'm... I'm good with writing.' He attempted to smile but it looked rather forced. 'Just woke up...and there it was one day... hah... not all that exciting right? Hah... hah.'

  8. 'I...I...I...'

    Grim couldn't hardly form words. He'd almost been stomped into the ground by an incoming Pegasus and the whole event left him in the middle of the attention. It was clear he was uncomfortable, his legs shook a little as he looked from one pony to the next, not sure what he should even do.

    When he was nudged he just about jumped out of his pelt, but he didn't have time to react before Scootaloo was right up in his face offering an introduction. And all he could do was stare. The crowd of three he had happened upon had now doubled and that was way more than he could handle.

    'Gr...Grim... Grim Tales. I'm sorry... I was... I was just going to go to... to the library.'

    Oh great, now he was stuttering. Well at least he could blame that on almost being a landing pad. But he had a feeling that image would last. It was important to make a good first impression and this was hardly the kind he needed. Especially as a rather tough foal joined them as well. He knew the type, those were the boys he avoided back home, because Grim was easy pickings.

    'Well I should um... I...' he just hung his head, eyes on the ground and sighed. There was no taking back his show of complete cowardice. '...go.'

  9. Why was he outside? His cousin wasn't. Then again Willow Wisp was a rather nocturnal type, she always slept during the day. Well unless she had something she had to do. But since she been so busy moving things into her new home, it was no surprise she was out like a light now. But that meant the little foal was on his own.

    Grim would have much rather stayed inside. He didn't like going out, and he didn't know anyone yet to boot. Of course he was due to start at the school soon, which made him nervous as well. Back home all the other foals in his class though he had his Cutie Mark. But that was because he always wore his saddle bag so it hid his flank. They just all thought the ink well and quill pen patch on his bag matched what was on his pelt. And he wanted to keep it that way. It was bad enough he was kind of scrawny for a boy; so not having his mark on top of it, well made him feel really weak.

    He was trotting through town, hoping that the library was open. That would be a nice quiet place to just hide out for the day. Maybe not too many other ponies went there. He had heard somepony lived in the loft of the building, but that must have meant they liked quiet places, so that wouldn't be so bad.

    But as he neared it, he saw a collection of a couple other foals sitting down for a picnic. Grim froze in place, looking around for somewhere to hide. What if they saw him? What if they wanted to talk? There was more than one, and that made it a crowd, he really didn't like crowds.

    'Okay... just... back up... maybe they won't notice,' he mumbled to himself.

  10. If I may make a suggestion, I think the cobweb weaving idea is really interesting. Perhaps rather than having a character motivated by being spooky, have her motivated by her weaving. She could still enjoy spooky things as a hobby, but not have it her main focus. You could even do a really cute Cutie Mark with a spider or something to go along with it... like this as an example:

  11. Eye Color: White, when scaring others she uses her magic to make them red for a short while.

    This sounds a lot like my character Willow Wisp. Her eyes are red and they glow. It's not exactally the same, but I'm sure you can see why it comes across being very much alike.

  12. Grim hadn't been expecting a letter back to be honest. He never really was that good with being social, so he was sure it would carry over in letters as well. But he had to admit it was nice to hear back. That meant someone actually got his letter and found it interesting enough to respond.

    With the letter in his mouth he trotted up to his room, a bit proudly at that. Of course it got a brow lift from his cousin as he passed her, but since he seemed to be in a good mood, she didn't stop him. Grim was usually a gloomy little foal, so to have any expression other than such was rare.

    'Look Scribe, the letter we wrote got a reply,' he called to his pet once he was in his room. 'We should write back,'

    He read the note over and over, trying to make sure he would cover everything said when he dictated his response to his helpful spider.

    'Hello again Raspberry,

    I was really happy to have you write back. I'm not so good with making friends, so getting a letter made me feel special. Maybe someday we'll even get to meet. Though I hope I won't scare you off if we do. I'm known for being gloomy.

    Writing with magic? I always envied my cousin for being able to use magic. I guess it's just because I wish I could write for myself. I don't know why I can't get the hang of using my mouth like everypony else. But at least Scribe is there for me.

    So you can talk to fish? That must be interesting. I bet they can tell you all sorts of stories. I mean, the ocean is so big! Not to mention all the different kinds of things that live in it compared to what's on land. I wonder what the underwater version of a bird is.

    The flowers sound nice too. A flower Cutie Mark seems like a common type, but they're always different kinds of flowers. I don't think I've ever seen a tropical flower mark. What about you, do you have a Cutie Mark yet? There must be all sort of different types on an island, since the jobs and talents there would be different than here.

    And finally, volcanoes? Really? Wow! I've only seen pictures in a book. That would be really neat to see. Maybe I can ask Willow Wisp if we can go to the island for a vacation when I have a break from school. Though my cousin doesn't really like super sunny places... but if there are caves around, she would probably like that.

    I hope we can keep being pen pals,

    Grim Tales and Scribe the spider'

    With his response written, Grim excitedly hurried to put it in the mailbox. He really hoped he would hear back. Writing seemed much easier than talking.

  13. When the letter arrived that morning, Wisp spent a good while just staring at it. Did somepony really invite her to a party? She didn't know the sender, that was for certain. Perhaps the mail pony dropped it off by mistake with the couple other letters she'd gotten. It was possible the little invite got stuck between some of the paperwork she needed to fill out as a new resident. Either way, she had received it, it would be rude not to at least take it back to the sender so they weren't expecting someone who never showed.

    With the invitation stuck in her saddle back, Willow Wisp left her home and headed toward the address listed in the note. Her cousin Grim was back home for the night, getting a few more things he needed since his parents sent him to live with her, so she didn't need to worry if he was taken care of. That in mind she trotted along until the house came into view.

    As she neared it, she spotted the opened door, as well as the two ponies standing at it. One clearly arriving for the party, the other the house owner. Obviously not dressed to 'party', since she figured she was just going to return the invite, Wisp walked up, and wiggled her nose so her glasses weren't slid down.

    'Ah, I think I got mail for someone else.' Her horn lit up for a moment as the invite floated out of her bag. 'I don't want to interrupt so I thought I would just let you know so you wouldn't be looking for a missing guest.' She glanced between the two.

  14. Wisp nodded to Burtrum and smiled lightly, 'I'm glad ponies actually stopped by, even if it wasn't really planned. Maybe others will as well... if they get over the rumors.'

    She was about to say something to Bolt, since she had fallen a bit quiet. Willow Wisp thought perhaps she was upset because she'd been scared. And even though the Unicorn was talented in that aspect, it wasn't always her intention. So she wanted to apologize. However when the griffin came back in her attention was drawn to him.

    'Line?' she blinked. Sailor speech wasn't her forte, that was for sure. Taking a wild guess she shook her head, 'If you mean rope... I don't think so... but...'

    Pausing mid sentence, Wisp trotted into the room at the left of the entry way where they had been standing it. It was the living room, and there were a few pieces of furniture left from whoever lived there before. Needless to say they were all old. Pulling one of the sheets from a covered chair she returned to her company.

    'You can maybe use this? Twist it up so it's more...um.. line like?'

  15. 'It's nice to meet you too.' Fluttershy offered a smile smile before looking down at the table top. She was always a little awkward when it came to meeting new ponies. She never knew just what to say. However since Pomelo managed to keep on the top of the bee she was able to at least respond. She did well when it came to animal talk.

    'Oh it was no trouble helping the poor little thing. I like to make sure all animals, big and small are taken care of. Even a little bee deserves a little kindness now and then. And if he wasn't feeling well I would have hated to see him get in trouble. He wouldn't have been able to get away from a frog or something and that would have been too bad, since it sounds like he's one of the harder working bees here.'

    As the treats were brought to the table, the Pegasus' eyes lit up. The strawberries looked wonderful. It wasn't often she went out for sweets, unless Pinkie was dragging her along for something at Sugercube Corner. And after taking a small bite she just nodded happily.

    'This is wonderful, Honey. I don't think I've ever had strawberries this good before.'

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