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Posts posted by WillowWisp

  1. As it seemed like the task of lunch was getting divided up between everypony, Wisp just waited to see where she was needed. It sounded like she would be joining Applejack in collecting tomatoes and flowers for the sandwiches.

    She glanced to Skye as he stepped up to help as well. He seemed rather interested in the fact that she knew what he was, but that really was the extent of the knowledge she had on his species.

    'Well I just know what you are from a book. I remember seeing a picture when I was younger. My father studied mythology and legends, and I remember he had a book about different creatures that he used for reference.' She smiled. 'But maybe sometime we can talk. It would be nice to have an interview with a Peryton for my guide.'

    She couldn't help looking over toward Big Macintosh as he spoke up. She could just tell there was some tension brewing between him and his cousin, Braeburn. Then again, it was pretty obvious with the gritted teeth. He must have been getting tired of the teasing. As the piece of grass he was chewing fell she blinked.

    'Oh, here...' her horn glowed for a moment as she picked the piece of grass up with it. As an Earth pony he would have had to get a mouthful of dirt to pick it up. At least she could move it, and shake the dust from it with her magic. 'How's that? Better?' Wisp asked as she floated the grass over to him to take.

  2. 'Come on Wisp, I don't want to be late,' Grim Tales whined a little as he called back to his cousin. He knew she wasn't a morning pony, but she promised to come for show and tell. It wasn't his fault that she didn't sleep the night before after they got home from the play. 'See, there's the school bell!'

    He had packed his saddle bags for the the day, some paper and a quill so he could pretend to write. But tucked away in the other side of his bag with the box that held his spider, as well as an inkwell. He planned to hide Scribe in his desk and have him write while pretending to write with a quill. Maybe the teacher wouldn't notice.

    'Wisp, come on,' he chided again as he trotted into the classroom.

    'I'm...coming...,' Willow Wisp yawned, mid-speech, 'Grimmy. Just relax.' As she stepped into the classroom as well she nodded to Cheerilee. 'Morning, hope you don't mind, but Grimmy insisted I come as part of his Show and Tell.'

    The Unicorn mare moved over to sit next to her younger cousin as he set up his desk. She spotted him sliding the box with Scribe inside, into the desk. She just shook her head lightly before yawning again. 'All ready for your lesson today?'

    Grim looked up at her and smiled. 'Yeah, I got my paper and pen. And I got my Show and Tell item in my bag still... and you're here. I'm all set.'

    'Are you going to take your bags off then?' She smiled already knowing he wouldn't.

    'What, no!' Grim pouted. 'You should know that, Wisp.'

    'I know, Grimmy, I know,' she shook her head before ruffling his mane with her right front hoof.

  3. 'Oh, yes I'm Fluttershy. It's nice to meet you Inkwell,' she smiled as she shut the door once he was inside. It was always nice to meet new ponies. 'And yes, Rarity and I are very good friends. We meet at the spa for weekly outings. She likes the pampering a bit more than I do, but it's still nice.'

    She walked over toward where he'd seated himself and took a seat across from him. Always the good listener, Fluttershy just listened as Inkwell explained why he came looking for her.

    'Blew your chance? Oh dear, did you accidentally get something of her's dirty? She can be upset about that but usually it blows over.' She frowned lightly and then shook her head. 'Well I'm sure if you just apologize it'll be okay. Rarity is very nice, just a little um... high strung?'

  4. Wisp honestly felt rather defeated. She didn't even seem to bat an eye when Dio drug her away from the flying possessed cacti. Nor did she really see what Bluebelle did to lure them away. She just knew she had screwed up and now her leg was a mess because of it. She let out a heavy sigh as she rested on Braeburn's back while they made their get away.

    'Amazing? Amazingly foolish...' she replied to his praise. Though there was a hint of a blush on her cheeks all the same. A mix of embarrassment and feeling rather stupid. 'I've never known Spirit Fire to gain abilities from objects they possess.'

    Even injured a part of her was saddened they were running away. She was right in the middle of some unusual occult activity, the kind of thing she dreamed of seeing. It was full of potential for studying and noting for her guidebook. But they were racing away from it. She sighed again as she glanced back to see the fading hues of the haunted cacti behind them. Who knew if she'd ever see such again. And for that matter, who knew if she'd even be able to walk again. From what she could tell her back right leg was pretty much useless now thanks to those moister sucking needles. At that point she didn't even seem to notice the pain, it was pretty much numb.

    'All of this would have been great for my research,' Willow commented as she looked forward again, resting her head gently against the stallion helping her make a get away. 'If what happened to that train is really what I think might have... Appleloosa better hope those things never make it into town.'

  5. At least it seemed like she wasn't bothering anyone by coming out to the farm. Last thin she needed to do was wear out her welcome from the one place that sold lemons. That would earn a stern screeching from Morty if she messed that deal up. But from the sounds of it, if it was easier for her to walk there than out to town, it was welcome.

    'A cool drink?' Wisp looked up and nodded. Something cool sounded really good at that moment. Perhaps a little apple juice would be a booster for that whole 'apple a day' thing. That way she'd get something then, and then she could eat an apple or two when she got home.

    'That actually sounds really good,' she smiled weakly as he beckoned for her to follow, and started after. 'The apple best for me? Whatever keeps the doctor away.' She caught herself letting that slip. She didn't want him to think she was sick. No! She was just tired. That was it. 'Hehe, apple joke. I'm sure you hear that one a lot huh?' Well it wasn't the best cover up, but it was something.

  6. I find the age thing odd. They call Spike a baby dragon. However he acts much like a teenage boy. And when we saw him hatched, he looked much more baby like. Perhaps "baby dragon" is just a term for an young dragon at least through their adolescent teen years.

  7. It wasn't the incoming Pegasus she'd heard, her ears were still perked even after the collision of the three stallions. In fact it was probably in Braeburn's favor that at least she didn't see his kissy face toward the pony on top of him due to being knocked around. No, she was to focused on what was around them. She could hear it, a high pitched whistle that was drawing closer and soon appeared with the form of flying cacti.

    'I knew it!' Rather than run while Braeburn did his best to get between the danger and her and Bluebelle, Wisp ran passed him. She was going head first toward the mob of needle spitting, flying succulents.

    As she drew close, near colliding with one of the haunting attackers, her horn began to glow. Just like the natural, or perhaps unnatural, hue her body took in the dark, it lit up with a blue shine. The closed incoming cacti suddenly dropped to the ground revealing a wisp of eerie blue fire coming in her direction. But as she stared it down it seems to slow until it was more or less floating around her, as if her horn was some sort of beacon to it.

    'Spirit fire. They're the starts of something called Spirit Lanterns. Where you found them, well you woke a whole horde. It's unusual for there to be this many though,' Willow Wisp called back to her fleeing company. 'But I think I know what may have happened to that missing train.'

    There was a smile on her face. She stood proud as a few more of the cacti near her dropped as the flames came to encircle her instead. Her eyes seemed alive with the sense of adventure. It was a moment she couldn't pass up. Actual occult activity and she was right in the middle of it.

    'Follow me if you want! I'm going to find where these came from. But if you come along stay close, my magic can only draw them from a short distance. So needles are going to be a hazard.' That said she looked off into the distance where the swarm had come from. For a moment the moonlight reflected on the lenses of her glasses, lighting up the smile she wore. And then, without a second notice, she took off, charging through the on coming haunted cacti.

    She made it a good ways as well, plowing her way through the swarm of cacti. She was dodging and weaving a bit to avoid the needles being launched from the ones that weren't close enough for her to entrance. But it wasn't to last. Wisp felt a sudden twinge of pain shot through her rear right flank as a good collection of the needles hit her. She stumbled and then fell, leg going limp as she skidded forward a bit in the sand and dirt.

    Her leg began to show signs of the threat the entities possessed while using cacti as their hosts. As if she was being drained of the water in her leg, it began to look weak and sickly. Wisp grimaced. She knew that touching Spirit Fire was a bad idea but she'd never heard about what it could do while using another object. And these cacti hosts seemed to give them the ability to suck moister out with their spines.

  8. 'I'm sure Applejack wouldn't mind working something out with you.' Fluttershy just nodded. 'Her and her family are all so nice. Even if Big Macintosh looks like he's a big tough pony, he's actually very polite. Pretty quiet too. And her little sister is sure full of energy. But her and her friends are so cute.'

    She looked along the path, enjoying the walk. She could see the outline of the house they were heading for in the distance, and it made her a little nervous. At least she wasn't alone. But still, even just the outline and shadow looked rather creepy.

    'I'm not sure if it's magic. It might be... but it's not like Unicorn magic. It's not something I can do by will. It just happens. But it seems to happen when I need it too. Like with the Cockatrice, Apple Bloom and her friends needed me to protect them. I wasn't about to let it hurt those little foals. And it had already turned Twilight into stone, so it needed to be taught a lesson.' She nodded a little. 'All creatures need to be reminded how to behave now and then... even the dangerous ones.'

    Continued Here

  9. Wisp seemed a little in daze as Big Macintosh headed her direction. Her head was hung and her eyes half lidded. As he spoke she put on a weak smile and looked up. 'Ah, Big Macintosh... good to see you. No, no need for lemons. I have plenty. Morty is one happy little... well not little... maybe slightly pudgy would be a better description for him right now. He really seems to like the lemons I get here.'

    She couldn't help it, her head felt a bit heavy and she let it droop again. Tired? Yeah, maybe she was just tired. She didn't want anypony worrying about her after all. If anything it was just a little cold or something she could sleep off. But not without playing into that old adage of keeping doctors away with apples.

    'I was just thinking about getting some apples. I know there is the cart in town but since my house is kind of on the edge, it's almost easier just to walk over here. Plus I didn't know...' she paused for a moment sniffling so she wouldn't sneeze. '...didn't know if the cart at the market was still open at this point. You don't mind right?'

    She sighed softly and closed her eyes for just a moment. 'Sure is warm for this time of the day,' she commented even though it was a rather mild day.

  10. A party? At the home of such a famous pony? Wisp was a little shocked to get an invite and from the host to boot. But she just nodded when she was told that she didn't hear it there. So it was a bit of a secret as well; and that made her feel somewhat special. There must be something that Neon found interesting about her to earn her such an invite.

    'Oh, you don't have to treat me to anything,' Willow was always a little shy about being treated to things. She always felt she had to return the favor somehow. And Neon was a star. Even if the other had money to spend she didn't want her to feel like she needed to.

    'I mean, I've never really been the spa type... not that I don't go now and then, but... I mean... I don't want you to think you have to do anything for me, Ms. Neon.' There that was a good way to set it up. That way it wasn't a yes or a no. And if Neon insisted then she could agree since it wouldn't feel so much like she was just taking advantage of an offer. At least, that's how she justified it to herself.

  11. It really made her smile to see Starlight get a boost of confidence and start pushing along on his scooter again. He was such a sweet little foal and the more they talked the more Fluttershy felt he was like her in ways. Especially since he was struggling to learn to fly, which had been a problem for her as well. At least she could give him some assurance and get him excited to keep trying.

    'It can be hard learning where everything is. But that's okay. While we head to the library I can point some things out to you. That way you can remember certain places to help you know where you are. There are plenty of buildings that stand out and make good markers.'

    She nodded down the path that led into town and smiled. 'Now there is a little bit of a hill as we go into town, so be careful. You don't want to accidentally get rolling too fast now. But I'll be close, so there is no need to worry.'

  12. She just let him drag her along as he went on about the town and his friends. The way she saw it, if he knew how to keep from being trampled by ponies, why fight it? Truffle was more or less just a little confused about how he could get along with so many ponies. Then again the ones she were use to were the upper crust in Canterlot and they all seemed rather stuck up in her opinion.

    'Yeah, I'd take gems over hay any day, though I guess muffins and cupcakes ain't so bad. Must be handy have a gem findin' friend though, especially if ya get to eat some of what she digs up.'

    As they moved through the crowd she looked around and sighed. Thinking about gems was making her hungry too. But she had accidentally left her bag of snacks in the cart she rode there. So until it came back to pick her up, she didn't have anything to much.

    'Sounds like ya get along with all these ponies though. Must be less stuffy than the snobs in Canterlot. They have their snouts so high in the air, I'm shocked they ain't bumpin' into stuff. So I ain't got any pony friends. I just hang out in the shop with mom and pop. And I hardly see any other dragons unless I go around the Unicorn school... but then they all seem to think I'm somepony's helper. '

  13. Fluttershy had been spending her morning as she usually did, taking care of the animals around her home. She'd just finished feeding the mice that lived in her home when she heard the knock at the door. 'Oh, just a moment,' she called out softly, placing the last piece of cheese by the mouse hole. It was probably one of her friends coming by to see her.

    When she opened the door however she blinked, seeing a pony she was sure she didn't know. Or if she did, she had forgotten and that would have been really rude.

    'Oh, good morning, can I help you with something?' She smiled politely to her guest and stepped to the side so he could come in if he wanted. 'I hope I'm not being rude but, have we met before? I'm terribly sorry if we have, but I just don't remember you. So perhaps we haven't, which would be much better than me forgetting.'

  14. A play? That didn't sound so bad. And even better it was a famous play by one of the best play writes ever written. Grim was happy for that. He was sure his cousin would come along too if he asked; even if she did like to spend the nights doing her research.

    It was the part about writing that made him nervous though. He still hadn't gotten the chance to ask about using his spider. And what if he didn't get a chance? That meant that the next day in class he would just have to show up with him and hope it would be okay, otherwise he wouldn't be able to write at all. The other foals would probably laugh at him too. What pony didn't know how to write? He just couldn't get it though, no matter how he tried. Once he had a pencil in his mouth all he could get was scribbles, nothing even close to letters. Perhaps he could just hide Scribe in his desk and nopony would ever know.

    At the mention of show and tell he smiled a little. He knew just what he would bring. It was perfect, something he held near and dear to his heart. Of course it wouldn't be as good without Wisp being part of it, but he was okay with that. He could still share the item. But it never hurt to ask if she could come as part of it.

    'Um... can my cousin be part of my show and tell? What I want to bring is better with her being part of it...'

  15. Perhaps all those late nights out studying were finally taking their toll. After all the last few had been a little chilly and one night it rained. That was really her fault for not remembering the scheduled storm, but she was already out at that point so she didn't want to turn back in the middle of her exploration. Though now, as Willow Wisp slowly trudged around her house, she was mentally kicking herself for it.

    'Oh... what is that saying again?' she sniffled as she walked out of her home, squinting her eyes in the sunlight. 'An apple a day... keeps the doctor away... yeah that's it. Maybe I should get some apples.'

    Usually she just stopped by the farm to get more lemons for Morty since they usually didn't show up in the market. Now and then she bought apples when she was out in the town, but she didn't currently have any, so she turned and made her way toward Sweet Apple Acres. Surely they wouldn't mind if she stopped by there instead of going to the stand in the market.

    It took a little longer than normal for Wisp to make the walk, her head down as she kind of dragged her hooves along. Her head hurt, her eyes were sore and if it weren't for her dark pelt her face probably would be more obviously flushed. The Unicorn was clearly under the weather but she going to do her best to play if off.

    'Hello...' she stifled a little sneeze as she finally walked through the main gate of the farm. 'Anypony around?'

  16. This is in a post in our mod section actually. I made it to suggest how to do events, but no admins have gotten back to me on it. So perhaps in the future it will be addressed. But yes, it has been brought up before. :3

  17. Lauren updated her DA page with a clarification.
    *clarification: Story concepts and writers' meetings were completed several weeks ago, so my role is complete. I am not currently working on this show in any capacity at this time. Sorry for the confusion. While I'm at it, folks are asking if I left to work on another show. This is not the case. I had no other projects in the works when I stepped down.

    So she's already finished her work on season 2 at this point.

    Well it is in the animation stage of production. So actually a lot of the crew is done, writers, VAs, creative directors. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. That means her work has been set in place at this point so her influences are there. And if the show has a third season, then during the pre-production stage she would work again.

    I think people worrying that her part is done are misunderstanding. All animations are done in stages and there are long periods of time when certain parts of the crew don't do any work at all.

  18. She's just not the executive producer, she's still on the team, she even said so. People everywhere are all over reacting. Not to mention most of season two is already done other than animation. It's not like she just walked away and isn't touch it at all.

    Honestly I think just having a meltdown like a lot of people are doing is ridiculous. A whole staff worked on the show, not just her. It's like as if her moving to a lower position, out of her own choosing, it going to make the show turn into the gen 3.5.

    And since I don't think we need a whine fest here, like there is on every other pony board, topic locked. There is plenty of pony things to talk about without reacting to this.

  19. In the season finale we had an epic musical number and everyone had a solo. So what would you OC's or Cast members not at the party, solo be?

    For reference here are the songs lyrics and the MP3.


    So to start it I will do Willow Wisp

    At the Gala, in the palace

    Surely full of mysteries

    I want to explore them, but I'm worried, what others they might see (spooky)

    In the darkness with my glow, what a fright it could be

    And so I must try with all my might,

    have to stay out in the light,

    So not haunting studies tonight, at the Gala!

  20. Okay so I can't draw clothing on ponies. D:

    I was trying to design a Gala look for Wisp. But I just can't get it looking right. Then again me and pony bodies still aren't on the best terms.

    I was thinking the top layer and collar deep midnight blue, the middle a bit more of a royal and then the final be bit light then that... like a gradation of the night, was gonna add like some lace that looks like spider web between the layers, to match with the hair piece and front clasp. These webs would be silver and the bat black. Most likely make the shoes silver to match, or maybe the midnight blue.

    D: I just wish I could make it look nicer.


  21. 'Never said ya ain't doing your job... just I mean... think about it... when it comes right down to it, number one assistant sounds a lot like a mail box.' Truffle just smirked as they shook hands. 'But sure, why not, I'm not doin' nothin' since I have no idea where to go. And at least you ain't gonna step on me. But, if this ends up being a bust, I'm holdin' ya to it, Spike.'

    She let him lead her along, mainly because she didn't want to be trampled again, especially after having her tail stomped. She couldn't help glancing around though as they passed by numerous pony legs. She really couldn't believe so many lived in one town, especially since it was no where as big as Canterlot was.

    'So there's excitement in this place? Like what? I mean, no offense to the pony that live here, but it seems pretty boondocks compared to being in Canterlot. And it ain't nowhere near the type a place I grew up. And where do you eat around here? I mean gems are kinda all over in the big city cause of all the hoity toity ponies, I don't think I even saw a jeweler in this place.'

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