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Posts posted by WillowWisp

  1. While the strange call from out of the darkness may have made Braeburn and Bluebelle uneasy, Wisp was delighted. Something was out there and she was determined to find out what it was. Her ears were perked as she listened in, trying to decide if some of her magic was in order, but when she just ended up hearing hoof beats they drooped a little. It was probably just another pony.

    Braeburn had taken on the role of standing to protect her and Bluebelle, only to have her feelings confirmed, it was just another pony. Of course his accusation of her being a cart was strange, as well as his demand to know who they were. They weren't the ones nearly dive bomb other explorers.

    'Of course I'm not a cart, what in the hay is that suppose to mean?' Willow Wisp pursed her lips a bit. 'And Braeburn is right, nearly crashing into us only to demand to know who we are... you're the one charging out of a pass that not even the local ponies will go into at night.' She kept a gaze on his newcomer, eyebrow quirked.

    Suddenly her head snapped up and she looked into the darkness again. 'What is...' mumbling to herself she stepped past the stranger a little, ears once again perked as if she could hear something. Of course at the moment it seemed pretty silent other than the talking taking place. She twitched her ears as she tried to hon in on some sound that only she could hear.

    'It can't be...' Wisp spoke as she looked back to their new company. 'You ran into something didn't you? What was it?'

  2. It made her smile to hear that her strange glow was being accepted. Part of her feared they would be put off by it, like so many other ponies had been in her time. But both Bluebelle and Braeburn just seemed to accept it as if it were nothing unusual at all. Braeburn was even willing to make a rather playful joke about it and how she would be a great back up lantern. All and all she couldn't help feeling relieved and rather touched by the remark.

    'Yeah, I'm pretty good at lighting even the darkest places,' Willow Wisp laughed. 'When I use to foal sit my cousin when he was a lot younger, if he got scared, he'd come sleep in my room while I studied... I was his night light.'

    While they walked along the tracks, she kept her eyes peeled for anything strange. A missing train was a main component of the local ghost story, so keeping a close eye on the track was a good place to start. However she was brought out of her thoughts when the stallion tossed a nice blanket over her back, offering one to their mule companion as well. The coolness wasn't bothering her much, but it was still a very generous thing to do.

    'Oh, thank you, Braeburn. This is very nice of you,' she looked off to the side a bit shyly. After all she wasn't use to anypony being so outright friendly, let alone a stallion, other than Big Macintosh, the other member of the Apple Family she'd met. It must have run in all of them to be helpful and kind.

    Wisp noticed the little stumble, a giggled quietly to herself but didn't say anything about it. No, she was too busy looking down the dark path leading into the pass. They were there, the place that held it's own local legend. It was perfectly spooky to boot!

    'This is just perfect! This is the type of setting the occult crave!' She couldn't contain herself as she hurried a bit past their guide to peer into the darkness. 'Okay, I need to keep a look out... anything that seems out of place could be clue to this whole thing. One little bend in the train track, a rock or cactus that seems oddly out of place in it's surroundings... even the slightest sound could be a hint!' She looked over her shoulder to her companions with a wide smile. 'Are you both excited too!?'

  3. Grim had merely rolled his eyes when the grumpy foal shot her reply back to him. But she seemed to be sulking now because everypony was 'picking' on her. If she hadn't been rude than nopony would have said anything to her but he wasn't going to point that out.

    In fact he was too shocked to say anything after Sweetie Belle thanked him. His cheeks went red, and his eyes were wide. Did she really just kiss his cheek? Even if it was just a little peck the foal was frozen in his seat. The little white Unicorn he found himself really smitten by just kissed him.

    'Uh... yeah...' He just mumbled out a reply to nopony by the time words serviced. Cheerilee was already starting her lesson again and he hadn't notice.

    He glanced with a rather goofy smile, to the map the teacher was using. Canterlot, Ponyville, the woods and forest were all being pointed out, but he didn't hear any of it. No, Grim was off in his own little world and the only place on that map was 'crush city'.

  4. Because someone asked what Dandy Dill, Wisp friend who sent her a letter in this story I posted, looked like...

    I just used my stock base I made for designing characters. So it's not that special. And that is suppose to be a Daffodil Cutie Mark... even though it looks nothing like one.

    I like that story and feel rather bad for her because she doesn't believe she would meet anyone because of her odd hours and specialty. I am sure somepony can easily work through that. ^_^

    Like her friend there, I could see him as popular with the fillies.

    lol somepony who doesn't mind a living nightlight. Then again if she goes out while they sleep, perhaps it wouldn't be a problem. XD

    Yeah I'm not too sure with him... he might be... might not be... though the person who asked to see him was pretty sure he was gay thanks to the way he writes. XD

  5. He thought that they were finally getting back to class, but then somepony needed help and the teacher was off again. Grim just sighed and put his head down on his desk. The lesson sounded like it was going to be interesting too. He probably could have pointed out his hometown on the map even.

    As others started talking he just kept his head down. Well, until an argument started up. He wasn't one to get into the middle of these types of things. In fact if it didn't involved him, Grim usually just ignored what was going on around him. That proved to be different that day though, as he already took a spit wad shot for Sweetie Belle.

    'Well then plug your ears,' he glanced over to the pony complaining about what Scoots and Sweetie were talking about. 'They can talk about what they want to, and you can ignore it or choose to listen. So if it's so bothersome, plug your ears. You got two front hooves don't you? Shove them in.' He then covered his own ears as if to demonstrate for a moment.

    'What am I doing?' mentally the quiet foal cringed. 'it must just be this day. It's been nothing but weird.'

    ((also, just a reminder... post should be 5 lines long. Not sentences, but paragraph lines. :3))

  6. It was probably a bit hard to tell with her glow about her, but there was a light blush on her cheeks. Willow Wisp was a bit embarrassed she had startled them. It wasn't anything new, it happened almost every time somepony saw her like that. But she did always feel bad when she scared others when she wasn't trying to.

    'I'm sorry,' Wisp looked down a little. 'I didn't mean to scare you two. This um... this is normal for me. I guess it's part of my magic but I've been like this ever since I was just a newborn foal. When it's dark, I start glowing. That's how I got my name because I was born in the evening... My father thought I looked like Spirit Fire... also known as Will-o-Wisps.' She finally glanced up again. 'But I've never been able to figure it out... let alone turn it off.'

    At least they didn't seem too put off by it. She'd had ponies just take off running. Or as a foal she got teased. 'Weirdo' Wisp was a name she got use to, more than her actual name more often than not. Though she doubted adult ponies, and in this case, mules, would stoop to name calling.

    She didn't mope though, especially with Braeburn turning to start their adventure. There was no time to be uncomfortable about herself when there were mysteries to look into.

    'Alright,' she smiled. 'Let's see what we could find!' That excited whinny she gave when she first heard of the story surfaced again. 'Oh I hope we run into some creature or...or... Something! That would be fantastic!'

  7. That face could melt even the coldest heart, but with Fluttershy, a pony who was already kind and sweet, she had long since turned to mush while taking to Starlight. And seeing his redden cheeks and somewhat embarrassed expression just made her want to coo. Of course she kept it in to keep from embarrassing the foal any more than he already was.

    'Maybe that could be your um.. goal for today,' she smiled. Maybe she could coax him back onto the scooter to get his confidence with it back up. 'You could go to the library to look for a book on the Wonderbolts, but get there with your new scooters. It'll be a lot quicker that way.'

    Now she just had to make it sound like it would be safe and something fun as well. She knew he was probably nervous trying the scooter, especially without another pony stabilizing it. So she had to make situation sound just right.

    'Think of it as a small step to being as great as the Wonderbolts themselves. It might be a little challenging but if you can do something like this, then what's stopping you from reaching your next goal. I'll even walk along with you if you like.'

  8. 'Oh I think Twilight would go just about anywhere to learn of something new. I'm sure she would come out here to meet you.' Fluttershy smiled as they started along the path around the outside of town. 'And as for taking a few apples... I suppose that's not so bad. I mean, there are so many, it would be hard to notice one or two missing. Plus I don't think they sell the ones that have fallen off the tree before they could be harvested. I think I remember Applejack saying they may be too ripe already and selling them would be bad because they may spoil before the customers can eat them.'

    She couldn't help blushing at all the compliments. She just wasn't use to it. In fact even when her friends praised her she tended to downplay it and get red cheeks. 'And 'the stare' is just something that happens. It's just... well it's this look. I have stared down a Cockatrice and sent it running... if that makes it any more clear of what kind of look. But it doesn't happen often.'

  9. She heard the shout, she heard the crashing crates and she knew something odd was going down. Wisp hurried toward the station platform at that point and over to the knocked over cargo. She peered down at the tangled mess of Bluebelle, Braeburn and a few boxes with and arched brow, her eyes still aglow.

    'You two okay?' From the looks of it it had been a nasty tumble and she just overlooked the awkward way the two of them ended up in the chaos of it all. 'Need a hoof? Don't need either of my fellow explorers getting hurt before we even head out of town.'

    It was clear now that the strange creature the stallion though was haunting his town, was none other than Willow Wisp. The ghostly glow that surrounded her, her red eyes shining in the dark, and the blue that had taken to tinting her legs. It was nothing out of the ordinary to her, so she often forgot that others didn't expect it.

    Offering her right hoof to whichever one took it, if either she smiled. 'Appleloosa could use a few street lanterns... or at least a couple on the buildings. Might help prevent little accidents like that. I mean I was surprised when I stepped out of the inn to see how dark it was. I don't mind though, these calm nights are the best for my research.'

  10. He seems to have a lot of adult interests for only being a foal. Granted one parent is a bartender, but I doubt they would teach such a young child to mix drinks. His history also seems way too... how do I say, not long, but a lot seems to have happened to him in just 8 years. Most likely until the age of five he wouldn't remember much, since you're using a human analog to age him. So that means that in three years he's gone through all this self discovery, it's a bit of a stretch. As for the Cutie Mark, I'm not sure I understand how he got it. Just because he realized he liked pretty things? As we've seen in the show, usually an action goes along with getting a Cutie Mark, not just liking something.

    I think this app needs a bit of reworking before it'll be approval ready.

  11. I was thinking about some of the minor and one shot characters that we don't have, and are most likely overlooked. Some of them though would be great to have, especially as the forums get bigger and the RPs spread out.

    For example, the Appleloosa area is starting to take off. And with the influx of bandit pony OCs, it would be great to have a Sheriff Silverstar. Some Buffalo would be great too, which of course includes Chief Thunderhooves and Little Strongheart.

    The nice thing with some of these minor/one shot characters is the ability to play with them. There is a lot of opening for creative license.


    So what about other characters you would like to bring attention too? Surely some you would like to see certain cast characters appear. So take this opportunity to post here so other members can get an idea of who they might want to apply for. Let everyone know why you think they would add to the RP.

    PLEASE DO NOT just post a list of names. This is for people to explain why certain characters would be great to see in the RP.

  12. 'Thanks again, you've been so kind. And don't worry, we'll be careful,' Wisp called over her shoulder as she stood in the door way of the inn.

    The older couple running it had been more than generous. When she first showed and told them her story, they offered her a room no charge, feeling bad for the misplaced Unicorn. But she insisted they let her do something, and eventually the older mare let her help hang the laundry before telling her to go get some rest. And as she was readying herself for the night's adventure they gave her a saddle bag with a couple supplies for safety's sake. Going out in the desert unprepared just wasn't smart.

    As soon as she stepped into the darkness, a strange glow surrounded her. It was something even she didn't really know how to explain, always just chalking it up to her magic. However unlike most magic abilities, she had no control of it; it just happened. A few hue covered her legs, while the faint glow surrounded her completely and her red eyes seemed to take on a glow as well. If one didn't know any better, they might thing she herself was a ghost. And that accusation had come up before.

    She made her way toward the train station, fully excited about what they might find. Plus it was rare she had company on her explorations. It would be fun to have Bluebelle and Braeburn along. Though as soon as she thought of the stallion she blushed, thinking bad to the awkward situation from earlier. Hopefully he didn't think she was odd for running off like she did. Wisp just didn't know how to react to those kinds of situations; especially when she felt like she was making a dumb mistake.

    As the train station came into view she could see the light from the lantern and she picked up her pace a little. Of course from anypony standing on the platform it would look strange. A glowing blue hue, red glowing eyes like headlights cutting through the darkness... something right out of ghost story. And that's just what started the whole set up in the first place.

    'Oh I hope I'm not late and they've both been waiting on me.'

  13. Willow listened carefully as she got instructions to the inn. Having bid short good byes to Bluebelle for the time being, she was focused on getting a little rest. After all they were going out for an adventure and she needed to make sure she didn't doze off again. Luckily it didn't seem like it would be hard to find anything in the town since there was just the one main street.

    'Oh, I think I can find it on my own,' she nodded. 'You sounded like you needed to get back to your trees anyway.'

    When he offered her the bits though, Wisp kind of paused. At first instinct she just about reached out to take them from him. But she paused as she leaned in, mouth somewhat a gape. The bits were in his mouth, if she took them with her mouth... The black Unicorns face clearly flushed pink as she leaned back after a moment. Even with magic it didn't always occur to her to use it first. This was just one of those situations. And she was sure that her action just made the whole thing awkward.

    'Heh...' Wisp looked off to the side and coughed. 'Oh... uh no need to pay, Braeburn... you've helped plenty and all... and...' she needed a way out and quick; she could just feel her face burn as she mentally bucked herself for almost doing something stupid. 'I... I can just offer to wash the dishes or something! Yeah! No worries... hahah... See you tonight then!'

    And without another word, she turned and took off running down the street until she was turning the corner and out of sight.

  14. Romance! Intrigue! The same character coming back from the dead or revealed to be an evil twin! Backstabbing! In short, completely ridiculous fun nonsense. Just because ponies don't have television doesn't mean we should deprive them of their "stories".

    This kind of thing would need to be in the crossover section, because it sounds a bit out there for the regular rp setting and rules.

  15. 'Well,' Fluttershy acted like she was thinking for a moment and then smiled. 'Maybe. Everypony has to start somewhere. There could have been a Wonderbolt just as small as you. And they could have had a little trouble learning to fly.'

    It made her happy that she could encourage the little foal. Starlight reminded her a bit of herself and perhaps that's why she felt such a draw in helping him. If only there was more she could offer, but she didn't know how well of a flying teacher she would be. And when she thought of Rainbow Dash, well she thought her friend may be just a bit much for Starlight.

    'Oh I know, you could find out for yourself.' She nodded with a large smile on her face. 'I bet there is a book all about the Wonderbolts... and I'm sure it would have their stories in it. Maybe there is something in the town library.'

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