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Posts posted by WillowWisp

  1. 'Oh my, dreamlets sound so interesting. I know for sure Twilight would love to hear about those. She loves to study all sorts of things. And... well I've never heard of such before. I wonder if she has. If not well, I'm sure she'd love to ask you all about them.'

    Fluttershy paused as they reached the end of the woods and looked out toward Ponyville. 'Well, we don't have to go near the town if it makes you nervous. Since that house is on the outskirts as it is... we can just take the trail that walks around the outside,' she raised a hoof to point at the path. 'It might take a little longer to get there, but it's usually pretty empty. Most ponies cut right through the town because it's a shorter walk.'

    She smiled as she looked from the lay of the land back to Skye. 'Oh... well I hope there isn't anything unpleasant about me. Unless... well unless you count the...'stare'. It just kind of happens. But it helps with unruly critters.'

  2. While Wisp was in her own little world, running over all sort of possibilities of what could cause a missing train, she hadn't noticed they'd reached Bluebelle's new home. Well that was until she nearly tumbled through the door because she stubbed her hoof on the door jam. Though she hoped her little slip up wasn't notice.

    'Ah, this is a nice place. Kind of reminds me of a few of houses in my hometown. Pretty small place where I grew up. Couple farms, a few cottages like this... I bet it'll make a nice flower shop.' She smiled. 'I do hope you'll grow some Daffodils. Sure, they don't always smell the best, but they're hardy and those bright yellows and oranges... in a place like this... you could say you were making bouquets out of the desert sun.'

    Willow Wisp knew a little about plants, not much, but that was because of her mother and her aunt. That and a foalhood friend's family had a Daffodil farm, hence her fondness for them. Though most of her knowledge of them lied in what grew in what seasons because of the farms around her hometown.

    As Braeburn mentioned leaving she turned to him. 'Oh, well before you take off, can you point me to the local inn... if there is one? I really don't want to put Bluebelle out since she's just moving in. And then, well I guess we can part ways until tonight. How about meeting at the train station?' She smiled. 'Don't worry if you forget a lantern either, I've got that covered.' Though she didn't really explain what she meant by that, because clearly she didn't have anything packed.

  3. This is just a little ficlet I decided to write. More or less I wanted to kind of think through some of Willow Wisp's inner thoughts. I usually don't share my writing because I really don't think of myself of much of a writer. But I did promise to share this when it was done. It's only 5 pages long... so it's not much but oh well.

    This isn't really based on anything. More or less it's just kind of what I made up in my head.

    Oh yeah feel free to make comments or what not. I wasn't expecting this to be a great work of writing, just some creative juice flowing exercise.

    'Wisp gets a letter from an old friend and it makes her think about love.'



    It was one of those nights, just perfect for those who enjoyed being out in the lunar glow. The midnight sky was dotted with small twinkling stars and the moon was big and full. Only a few little wisps of clouds broke up the light as they drifted lightly in the breeze. These were the nights she loved and usually spent out exploring. However it was going to waste as the Unicorn spent her time staring at her desk instead. Willow Wisp was letting the night slip away.

    The moonlight filtered into the room through the cracked old glass befitting the windows of a 'haunted' house. It trailed in a thin beam along the old floor board, up the the legs of the desk before mixing with the candle light from the flickering lantern. That in turn was faded by her own natural glow, the pale blue ghostly hue that surrounded her in the dark. There on the desk is where it sat, a letter. The words on the paper seemed to be with held her attention so well over the rest of the world around her.

    'My Darling Wisp,

    Guess who's going to Canterlot? Isn't it just fabulous?'

    She shook her head. It was a typical greeting from her friend back home. He was a strong, hard working Earth Pony. But when he started talking, it was like a whole another pony was inside him. He was expressive, somewhat eccentric, and clearly the excitable type. His Cutie Mark was a bit off considering his physique, a Daffodil. Perhaps it was one of the reasons they were friends, they we both a little odd in their own ways.

    'The farm is going to be famous! I entered some of my best Daffodils in a flower competition and took first prize. You should have seen all the flowers, it was... STUNNING! Anyway, I guess the Princess heard about the winning blooms and I... to my surprise... have been asked to come to the palace. Princess Celestia wants to have some of my flowers planted in the royal garden... I could just... just DIE!

    But enough about me, how are you? Are you moved in yet? If you've just been working on your spooky book and haven't unpacked I will find out... and I will come make you. The first step to a wonderful life is a wonderful looking home.

    You know what time of year it is right? Spring! Ah, it's the best season. You know why don't you? Love is in the air. You see it everywhere. The birds in the sky, the small animals in the wilds... even ponies are pairing up. Ah, it's such a wonderful time.

    You have to have met some nice Stallions in Ponyville by now... right? Tell me all about them. There is no reason a cute little Unicorn like you should be single. You know I won't allow it.

    I hope you right back soon, Darling. This little town isn't the same without our resident spook.

    Stay Fabulous,

    Dandy Dill'

    She'd read the letter at least three, maybe four times at that point. Even in his writing her friend's personality came through. It brought a small smile to her face as she thought back to her hometown and the days she spent sitting under the lone apple tree on Dandy's family farm.

    A quill lifted in the faint glow of her magic, dipped into the ink well sitting on the desk corner and then hovered above a blank page.


    I am...'

    The quill halted after three words. Wisp was hung up on what to write. She could put how she was doing; that was she moved in and settled. And she could congratulate her friend on his win and success. Those were the easy parts of the letter, but she was stuck on the rest. Spring, love, and more so her relations; when it came right down to it, she was at a loss.

    Letting the quill land softly back on the desks top, she let out a sigh before moving away from the desk all together. The black Unicorn followed the trail of moonlight on the floor over to the window, where she pushed open one side so she could lean and the sill. Her red eyes searched the darkness as if the stars could write her letter for her; as if the answers were hanging in the constellations.

    It wasn't that she hadn't met anypony. There were at least two stallions she'd at least spoken with more than once. Perhaps it would be good enough to just put their names. But know her friend he'd want details. He wanted to know if she was putting herself out there rather than shying away. Sure she could blame most of that on her sleeping habits, but being a night pony only worked for so many excuses. Even a nocturnal type had to get up during the day now and then.

    Willow Wisp closed her eyes, her glasses sliding down on her snout a bit, and a sigh escaping her. Her mind drifted to the first stallion she'd met, Big Macintosh, a member of the Apple Family. It had been a bit of a long shot when she traveled out to the farm, considering what she was looking for. Her bat, Morty, was bugging her for his favorite fruit, and lemons had been hard to find in the market. It was a last ditch effort to see if they had any growing at Sweet Apple Acres.

    That's where they had crossed paths. He'd been coming out of the barn as she was walking up and upon seeing his Cutie Mark, she knew he was somepony that worked there. It took a little searching, but he managed to finally track down a couple of lemon trees on the south side of the huge apple orchard. Honestly she was a bit taken back by how much effort he put into looking for her and she was forever grateful. Morty was awfully cranky if he didn't get what he wanted to eat. And from that first bushel on, she returned to farm every week to get more.

    Those weekly visits sometimes included a lunch. More or less she just wanted to sit down and speak with the nice stallion that had helped her when she first got to town. Big Macintosh was the quiet type, but when he did speak she could tell he was a kindhearted pony. He even seemed somewhat interested in her studies. She'd even been given permission to snoop around the farm at night to see if she could kind any 'spooks' as he put it.

    The thoughts made her smile, but it quickly faded. What would somepony like him want with a Unicorn like her? Big Macintosh was a hard working, get his hooves dirty, pony of the land. He needed a mare who could help him with taking care of the farm. Somepony who was good with plants, or perhaps even animals to help in that aspect. She couldn't do that. She'd probably scare animals if she walked into a dimly lit barn, all aglow. There was no controlling that. And given her magic, if she planted even some simple flowers they'd probably bloom into gnarled vines and thorns; a plant fitting a spooky set rather than a garden.

    Opening her eyes she wiggled her nose until the golden frames re-centered themselves. The reflection of the moonlight caught her eyes and she looked over to the large white circle in the sky. The night breeze gently blew past, rustling her short, blue mane, blowing the bangs to the side a little. Wisp drew a deep breath; it sure was peaceful.

    The moonlight reminded her of the other stallion, surprisingly enough, also a member of the Apple Family. She'd met him when he'd come to visit his cousins in Ponyville. Braeburn was almost a complete opposite personality wise when compared to Big Macintosh. He was full of energy, ready to talk and rather expressive. She didn't mind that though, it was just funny to see the two of them together and their interactions.

    Braeburn lived in the desert, caring for his own apple orchard in Appleloosa. Applejack and her friends had actually gone to visit him first, to deliver a tree. According to what she heard, it had been quite the adventure. It was a few weeks later when the excitable stallion rolled into town. It was a surprise visit, and he just happened to pop up while she was picking up her weekly supply of lemons. The introduction was like a whirlwind and other than his name, Wisp honestly couldn't remember anything he said.

    She ran into him a couple times during his week long stay. Though the moment that stood out in her mind was when she surprised him one night out in the fields. He'd spotted a faint glow in the distance from the farm house and went to investigate. She'd been out just doing some of her studies and needless to say, left him rather shocked when he came upon the glowing Unicorn. Most of the night was spent talking about herself then. Braeburn wanted to know why she was glowing, what she was doing out at night, and the more she told him, the most interested he got. Apparently there weren't any ponies in Appleloosa that did that kind of thing.

    The evening before he headed back home, she got to hear of a local myth from his town. Those were the types of stories she loved the most, and the ones she always wanted to investigate. The way he told the story, the excitement he usually carried in his voice, it just drew her in. Someday she'd have to go out to the desert herself and see what she could find. Braeburn did say if she ever came that way he'd 'sure as hay' be a guild.

    Once again a smile cracked her lips only to fade away moments later. He was another stallion that wouldn't have interest in her. He was a wild and adventurous type. He needed somepony who could help him work his fields and tame the wild land. A pony who was strong and perhaps a little wild herself to reign in his energy. Willow Wisp couldn't even deal with heat all that well. The thought of the desert sun made her cringe; her black pelt would be nothing but a source of overheating. And even though she loved exploring the occult and supernatural, she didn't think of herself as wild. When it came right down to it, she probably couldn't even wrangle the dust bunnies under her bed.

    The breeze teased her mane again as she stepped back from the window, finally drawing it shut. She was searching her mind for any other stallions she may have met, but none really stood out. Then again even though she'd been in Ponyville for a few months now, she really didn't get out much. Most of her days she spent in bed, and her nights were spent wandering, even out in the forest. That's how she'd been since she was just a foal. Even in her filly years when the others were cooing over the 'cute' colts in class, her nose was in a book.

    Slowly she trotted back to her desk and floated the quill again. As she went over the words in her mind she reflected on her experiences with love, or more so the lack of them. Whenever she was forces to think of the topic it just reminded her that she'd never been of interest to anypony. At least, not that she knew of. She'd never gone out, never tried to vie for the attention, never spent a festival with anypony other than her family or maybe Dandy. Even he had been to a couple of those town events with a date and he had tried his darnedest to get her to be noticed so she'd have a date as well. Wisp just always avoid anything related to such. If another pony liked her, they should like her without her having to walk around in a fancy saddle.

    'I am doing fine. Everything is unpacked and in place. Morty even has his favorite perches picked out all over the house. He feels very much at home with all the bats we found in the attic. They're not fruit bats like him, but they still seem to get along.

    I'm happy to hear your farm is doing well. It was always so pretty in the spring to see all the flowers bloom... even if Daffodils aren't the best smelling. Oh well, they're still one of my favorites. I hope you plant some of the yellow ones with the orange centers in the royal garden. Those are my favorite of all the varieties.

    I've met a few nice ponies here and there are still some afraid to even pass my house. Though I wouldn't change it. What good would a 'haunted' house be if it wasn't scary to some, right? It's a perfect fit for somepony like me.

    I hope you have fun in Canterlot. Maybe you'll find some interesting stories there you can share with me. Surely that city must have some great local legends and myths.

    Tell everypony hello for me.

    Hauntingly your's,

    Willow Wisp.'

    With the letter finally written, the quill landed back on it's place on the desk. She gave the ink a moment to dry as she prepared the envelope for mailing. Once the letter was sealed up, Wisp trotted out of her room, down the hall and then down the stairs of her home, eventually moving out front. The mailbox was hung on the rod iron fence surrounding the home; guarding it with pointed tips. Once the letter was tucked inside to be picked up in the morning, the Unicorn moved back inside and back up to her room.

    The house seemed oddly empty to her at that moment, causing a hint of loneliness to bubble up to the surface. The feeling lingered as she blew out the lantern on her desk, letting room fall into a darkness only broken by moonlight and her glow. It wouldn't be chased off, no matter what she tried to think of to clear her mind.

    Deciding to just go to bed for the night as she didn't feel up to going exploring, Willow Wisp moved over to her bed. Images of both Big Macintosh and Braeburn momentarily came to mind until she chased them away. Her brow furrowed as she used her magic to float her glasses off her nose and to the nightstand next to the bed. It was almost ironic, her 'haunted' house didn't have ghosts, unless she counted her Cutie Mark, but there she was being haunted by thoughts and feelings.

    As she tucked into the covers, Morty flew down from the beam he'd be hanging from. Bats usually slept during the day, and upside down from their perches, but he wiggled himself between her front legs so she could hold him close. He seemed to know when Willow wasn't happy and it bothered the bat to know his owner was in distress. All he could offer were soft screeches and cooing sounds as she tightened her hold on him, cuddling him close to her body.

    'Love is in the air... Spring,...the best season.'

    She clinched her eyes shut tight as parts of her friend's letter came to mind. He was right, she'd seen it all around; be it birds, or other animals, even ponies in town. It was that time of year; the time of year she did her best to keep to herself. That's why she struggled so much with her letter until she just purposely 'forgot' to talk about the stallions she knew. It was nopony's fault but her own. She avoided it because she just didn't know who would find interest in her.

    Wisp could hear the concerned chatter from her pet as she held her eyes closed, trying desperately to chase off the images and thoughts that were plaguing her now. The lonely feeling that had welled up having completely taken over at that point as she tried to force herself to sleep.

    Her eyes fluttered open again for just a moment before she let them close in a more relaxed state, another soft longing sigh exhaled into the night. Morty feel silent then, just curled up against her. There wasn't a sound.

    'I hate spring.'

  4. This trip, even though unplanned, wasn't shaping up to be bad at all. Sure she was worried about her cousin, but she had a feeling he'd be okay. Grim was smart. He'd find somepony to stay with and he had Morty and Scribe with him.

    When Braeburn agreed to be her night time desert guide, a smiled spread on her face. This was the kind of thing that got her excited. Especially when it was tracking down information on local myths she'd never heard of. Wisp couldn't contain it, and a little side of her nopony usually saw was on display.

    'Really?' She gave a happy little whinny as she reared up and then bucked. 'Wonderful! Oh this will be great! And I won't have to worry about overheating any at night.' The Unicorn let out another excited sound at the thought. The story really did have everything a ghost hunter looked for.

    'I can't wait! I hope we see something. Even if it's just a desert creature.' She was already plotting it out in her mind. 'Hmmm, what kind of creatures are there now that I think of it? Let's see, I know I've heard of a couple, but there isn't much in dept. This area I think is still widely unstudied. OH! Maybe we'll find something new!'

    She flashed her smile to Bluebelle. 'And of course you can come! I love showing others this kind of thing. You'd be amazed how little most know about the supernatural and the occult.' That said she looked back to Braeburn, that smile still plastered on her face. 'Oh and it'll be great to have a local guide! You're so nice, Braeburn.'

  5. Grim was just lost in all that had taken place, he honestly could picture his eyes spinning around in confusion. First the issues in the classroom, then the stranger on the roof, then being sent outside, only to see Champ run off not long after. What was going on? He was starting to think he should have stayed home that day. At least he'd met a couple friendly foals, and got to help Sweetie Belle, even if that meant he was now on Champ's list.

    When they were called back inside he sighed and got up to return to class. For a moment he paused, seeing the newest member of the class go off in another direction. He wanted to ask Sunrise where she was going but didn't really get the chance. Grim could follow her, but then he'd be skipping class as well, and he didn't want to do that. Especially if he already had a warning.

    So taking a deep breath and letting out another sigh, he just moved back into the school house and took his seat. He looked to his saddle bag, still in place since he never took it off. Scribe was tucked away in one side of it, and Grim kind of wanted to take him out. However he hadn't been able to ask about having his writing assistant in class yet, so he just let it go. With all that had happened, surely Ms. Cheerilee didn't want to think about a spider at the moment.

    'This has been such a busy morning... and we didn't even learn anything,' he mumbled to himself.

  6. Wisp had just been about to leave when the door to the shop opened again. She'd stopped in her tracks and just stared for a moment. Now and then she'd seen the pop star around, but since she wasn't one of those that really followed the media, she hadn't thought much of it. Famous or not, Neon was still just another pony.

    However she was a bit taken back that Neon remembered her name. They'd mentioned introductions briefly in the past but nevertheless for somepony that saw so many others, to remember a simple name was impressive.

    'Uh, yeah, Willow Wisp, that's me,' she smiled trying to hide the slight surprise. 'And this... well no, I don't really have anything planned. But I couldn't pass it up. I mean, it's not everyday you find an outfit that fits the kind of stuff I like, such as the bats. Perhaps I'll get lucky at some point and have a nice event to go to.'

    As it was requested to keep her appearance quiet, Wisp just nodded, 'and I won't say a word. I bet it can be tiring to have ponies following all the time, trying to get pictures and all.'

  7. Fluttershy smiled when Starlight seemed to be able to push himself just fine. But when he noticed she'd stopped and then did so himself she couldn't help feeling a pang of sympathy for the foal. The best she could do was to try and cheer him on and encourage him.

    'You were doing good there, I didn't even have to push anymore,' she trotted over and sat next to his scooter. 'Pretty soon I bet you'll be zipping around all over on this scooter, and then, even the sky.'

    He looked rather sad being stuck on the ground and she could imagine it was probably hard from him to be away from his parents. She wished there was more she could do to help, but at least she could try and get his confidence up.

    'Your dad is right, you'll be flying soon. I know it must be hard to be here, and have them be there. I bet you feel lonely. But they just want you to be safe. Even being able to walk on the clouds doesn't mean you might not fall. I was knocked off by accident. And had a been a stronger flier I would have been able to help myself. I was very lucky those butterflies happened along.'

    She reached out and put a hoof on his head and smiled gently. 'You know what... if you keep working at it, you'll get it. You could even be one of the best fliers in Equestria. Even the Wonderbolt's themselves had to start somewhere, right?'

  8. 'Yeah, maybe. I tend to be around if I ain't working in the back, or deliverin' stuff,' Truffle nodded as the stallion turned to leave. 'Hope you like your swords.'

    Of course now the shop was empty again, so she didn't need to stick around. But since she was waiting on her supplies she was kind of stuck. The Dragon sighed as she eventually went outside again, plopping down next to the mailbox.

    'Gee, I ain't ever gonna get these rocks am I?' Truffle let out a groan as she flopped back and laid looking up at the sky. 'How am I suppose to get anythin' done with no material? Feh! This is the most boring waste of time ever!'

  9. 'A dreamlet?'

    Fluttershy had to ask as they began to head out of the little hidden forest paradise. She wondered exactly what that was, since it wasn't a word she'd heard before. Though she was able to at least figure it had to do with his dream type abilities he'd mentioned before. If all Perytons were like Skye, she imagined them to be very helpful beings.

    'She might sleep during the day. I don't know. Hopefully we won't bother her. And yes, tea would be wonderful. I think that's a good way to meet other ponies. You get to talk and relax. I wouldn't mind having her and you at my cottage. Company is nice.'

    She smiled. Maybe this would be a lucky day and she would make two new friends. If not, at least she'd made friends with Skye... and she got to see a wonderful new place out in the woods. That made her happy.

  10. Well looking at the app over all, the name to me didn't read as a light house keeper with a spoke wheel cutie mark. I'm not going to argue with you, I'm just saying the name doesn't read as a pony name. Look at the show for example, Twilight Sparkle does magic and her mark is sparkles, it fits all together.

    This app is being handed off to admins as it is, because of some other concerns. So we'll leave it for them.

  11. Look, I'm just going with what's set in the rules. There are guidelines in the mod section for us to follow and ashi put it there, ponies don't have last names, or family names. In the instance in the show, for all we know, "granny pie" could have been anything. Her name may really have been Blueberry Pie for all we know, so it may not even have reference to Pinkie sharing that name.

    The point is that it has been said that the names are suppose to be unique to the character. Even if we leave out the whole family name... Viola Antillia doesn't really sound like a pony name to start with.

  12. the person who accepted that app was help staff and probably didn't know. That's an unfortunate mistake, but as a mod I'm just telling you that we try to catch these things. Sometimes apps get pushed through before we get a look at them all.

    And this comes from Ashi on another app:

    Curie doesn't sound like a pony like name at all. Is this some sort of object or artifact? Also is it just a last name thing they have going on? Ponies do not have last names so she doesn't need the name "Stein". Same with this Mr/Mrs Stein. It's not pony nature at all.
  13. Viola Antillia was born in Canterlot, the only foal of Natasha and Sean Antillia

    Just a quick comment here, Ponies do not have last names. Their names are unique to them. Their names usually have something to do with their personality or their likes. Viola doesn't really sound like a pony name.

  14. Considering he's an adult without a Cutie Mark, I don't know if this will be allowed. The show makes it clear that all ponies get a mark, and at a young age. If "Denarius' main strength is his ability to coerce and convince." as you put it... then he clearly has some strong skill, whether it be good or not. And that would be something leading to a mark.

  15. Wisp just smiled and followed along as Braeburn led the way. She didn't want to be a burden to anypony, or in this case, pony or mule. Surely she could just stay in the local inn. Appleloosa had to have an inn, right?

    'Grimmy?' She looked to Bluebelle, opting to address that topic first. 'Grim is my little cousin. A school aged foal. He lives with me in Ponyville. After I moved there not too long ago, his parents thought it might do him some good to stay with me for awhile.' She sighed and shook her head. 'I hope he'll go find somepony to stay with when I don't come home. He's made a couple friends... surely he could stay with one of them. Everypony is really nice in town it seems.'

    Of course now that the explanation was out of the way, Wisp was ready to jump on a topic the Stallion thought was settled. She wasn't worried about the 'haunted' pass, no, she wanted to see it for herself. And it sounded like Braeburn at least knew the stories or those who did.

    'So... this missing train, and headless horse thing... do folks around here really believe it? When does the haunting hour start? Dusk? Or does it have to be completely dark? I'd sure like to go out there and see for myself. I mean, that's some good story material. I wonder if I could find the real cause of it. Sure would be great for my book.'

    Yes, Willow Wisp had a new agenda. If she was going to be there for at least a day, then she was going to check out this pass.

    'You think you could show me around out there tonight, Braeburn?' Surely a member of the Apple Family wasn't scared of ghost tales... right?

  16. I just love these doodles you have :P The colour ones especially. The hair looks particularly effective, though could do with lifting and highlighting just a little more to really make it pop out of the picture (still way better then what I can do XD )

    You seem to have gotten a good grasp of something I'm still working on; the morphing of the features around an expression, rather than just the head shape with a 'generi-spression' tacked on. Out of interest how long does and average doodle series take you? I keep finding that a what should be a ten minuet sketch turns into an hour long slog, usually after picking at it and finding that removal of the one feature I didn't like results in the whole image unravelling >.<

    Yeah the highlights in that one got a little lost due to me shrinking it to fit a certain size. ^^; Typically the shine and shadows are a lot more defined... more or less because I like to see a good contrast in hair. Makes it seem less flat.

    As for getting expressions right, it can be a challenge. I find the best way to practice is to just draw faces, but not lining them with a head outline. Just focus on the bits and pieces of the expression and how they change. I have pages full in my "scribble" book of just eyes, mouths, noses ect.

    These doodles, well the pencil ones, take me no more than 5 minutes. I just quickly draw them, no erasing. I consider it practice. If those look bad, who cares, they're in my "scribble" book anyway. As for compeleted images like the color ones, that depends. The sketch itself, maybe 15 minutes, but then once I scan it, depending on the simplisity it can take me up to two hours just lining it, since I use a mouse. Then probably at least another hour worth of coloring. And if I do a background, then another hour there most likely.

    There is no wrong length of time though... however if you really just want to do quick sketches, set a timer... and when it beeps, then stop, no matter what it looks like. It's all part of practicing. And sometimes, well, things aren't gonna be pretty. heh.

  17. Lol fighting over Fillies... I could see that. May the best cousin get the date huh? XD

    Well, there's at least two eligible fillies, two eligible stallions which leaves...

    One ineligible mare, and one very confused buck...

    You'll are making this idea all too tempting! :D AS for Skye, well from what I here he never has too much trouble in that department. ;) As for AJ, c'mon..its AJ, what colt wouldn't want to date her, I am sure she will be fine. :lol:

    XD A filly fight... or uh... a fight for fillies... filly fight sounds like two girls duking it out.

  18. 'Oh yes, she does. And you probably saw Pinkie Pie and Spike. They were suppose to be covering the race that day... though Pinkie Pie tends to say all sorts of things.' She laughed lightly at that. Her friend was rather random, and all ponies she knew would agree.

    'But I'm sure Twilight would let you borrow it, or go with her. She is very nice. And if you're my friend, then you'll probably be her friend too.' Fluttershy wondered for a moment what it would be like to not be able to fly. To her a hot air balloon wasn't needed, but she imagined for someone who never left the ground, it would be very exciting.

    'Part of your magic lets you get back here quickly? Oh that's interesting. See, you can Twilight would have plenty to talk about... with her talent being magic and all.'

    Getting up she stretched. 'I wonder if now is a good time to go over there... I mean it's not night time yet...but surely that Unicorn is home... since I've never seen her leave sooner than late afternoon. Do you think we'll bother her?'

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