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Posts posted by SketchKnight

  1. The return of Canterlot was a time of much joy and celebration, Ponies of all kinds cheer and stomp the ground as the main gates open for the few surviving ponies returning home. Sketch and Dunder walked in front but Sketch held his head lower as the cheer and stomping were for him or his ponies, but victory came at a great cost. The Rainbow dash and her flight flew about happily in a victory formation. When they came to the courtyard The remain were surrounded By all sides as Sketch stamped his hoof. His head rise high as He Rised a hoof to silence the cheering and stomping of the crowd.

    "It was here we showed this darkness our might, We showed them that In our time of need that our strength knows no bounds, But this victory came at a great cost, a great deal of lives were lost today. Honor those here today and Honor those that are no longer with us, The stallions and mares that gave their lives so that Canterlot can remain, SO that pony kind can remain. Honor The fallen , and remember that without them We would not be here today!" Sketch spoke with a calm tone but a single tear rolled down his cheek as He finished. He bowed his head again and tapped his hoof to the stone path. "I honor those fallen, for they are without fear, without worry, and without question"

    The Crowd looked to each other and tapped the ground giving everyone that wasn't, a moment of silence. When the moment had past Sketh turned to his ponies and smiled warmly. "Dismiss, return home and rest, you have earn it..." Sketch watched as his ponies burst in cheering and neighing happily as a row of mares and stallion stood their distance away. A few still search the remaining for loved ones that hadn't heard word of. Sketch gently talked to his second for a moment. A grim look upon his face and nodded as it vanished for his face.

    "Yes sir, I will gather them.." Sketch's second nodded and ran off to his new orders, as Sketch sat in the now thinning courtyard, THe gathering OF ponies started to form about the sat Sketch Knight. His eyes to the ground until all were gathered. Each was of the families of lost knights. Of mothers, fathers, brothers, lovers, sisters, and friends, Sketch Looked to each with a rare sight of emotion as He stood and snapped to attention. He saluted each and lower his head to each. "I honor you all, for without your sacrifice...." Sketch suddenly choked on his words as the eyes of those looking at him were too much. "I honor....your families..." A sword slowly appeared in front of the group, It was Sketches blade it had ancient letter etched into the blade. "Please touch my Blade, for I will honor your names as well as our nation's. Now and forever, As long as this blade is use for justice and the right it will burn with a fire unthinkable by anypony. A cry mare mother shook from her recent lost of her son. "Bravehoof will always been within me and he will be here too.." her hoof touched the blade and a green flame flicked about her hoof with a soothing feeling as the mare blinked to the flame. But as the flame touch the blade Bravehoof's name written in an ancient lettering etched into the steel. Sketch Bowed his head as He mumbled A few words as a series of bracelet placed in front of every family member. "For As Long as your wear these They will watch over you and In a time of great need They will protect you with all there might. For it is this day I am honor to served side by side with your loved ones...." His words simply faded away as each touched his sword and looked to him. A mare gently walked up to him weeping for a lost lover, she press to his chest pounding onto his chest pieces as she cried.

    "Why couldn't you save him....Why couldn't you save him.." He gently wrapped about the mare trying to comfort her in her sorrowful spite towards him. She dropped to her rump as a family member gently gather the weeping mare. Sketch bowed his head and tapped the ground with a whisper. "upon this earth I will continue the fight in, not only the name of all pony kind, But in the name of those fallen today. And it will be here I will build a monument for those that gave their lives so that we may live on." As the last would touch his sword it, lifted to the air and slashed magically high above them. The magic that empowered his sword glowed different every time he asked for this. His swords was enchanted to strengthen by the strength of those fallen by his side, and Not from trapping their souls or draining them, but by asking for the fallen spirits to lean their strength when it was needed. May it be In the form of other swords in his powerful attack or to Shield other ponies with magical shields or to enchant their armor. Though this strength still drains Sketch of his magical might, It can dangerously powerful against a foe. Though as the swords swirled and slashed in the air above each saw their loved ones with the sword.

    "Your strength Invigorates us all, stand proud to have known, lived, and loved those gone from this world, For it is you I draw strength from, as do us all. To protect you is the single greatest honor I can give to them.." he snapped to attention as three Knights, fresh from the medical ward snapped to attention.

    "Without fear, without worry, and without question..." each said in unison before tapping the ground with their front hooves. The sword slowly lowered to the glow again and Sketch Gripped it in his maw. the glow vanished with a crackling of static. He sheathed the blade, to turn to see a small colt sniffing from his recently lost but stood tall as a small colt could and saluted him with a whimpering voice his words echoed in his mind and brought a soft smile to his face.

    "I want to help Commander!" His mother shocked looked gathered the colt close and scowled him softly making the colt whince and sink into his mother quietly.

    "You may help little one, honor your father and protect your family.An one day when you are old enough You will stand proud to have known him." He smiled as a Small buckler appears in front of the colt. Protect them with all your might little one. THe mother looked with a softer expression as the colt took the shield and brighten his mood and nodded.

    "Without fear, without...." the small colt was loss for the words as her mother whispered something into his ear. "Without fear, without Worry, and without question, I will defend my family" The Colt slipped the buckler over his front hoof, and stood proudly.

  2. If you do Zaku II, it should probably be Applejack or Twilight Sparkles.

    But for Char's Red Mobile Suit, Zaku II S, that would be perfect for Rainbow Dash.

    Because... you know. They're both fast and everything.

    Ridiculously fast.

    Perfectly agree about the Red Zaku and RD colors ^_^

  3. I wasn't saying you should, just thinking out loud about a new idea in my head about MLP gundam story and art is all ^_^

    I hope You post a picture of it when you do finish it ^_^

  4. Sketch's eyes over the battlefield and gently taps the ground as he spoke. "Well of Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, of course my brother. You have been outside Canterlot until now You have seen the front lines.... Your input will help us choose our next battle wisely." His smiled faded as he bows his head and closes his eyes again.

    "In the name of the royal sisters, I honor those fallen today, may their spirits find peace within the great halls of the heroes past. Be at peace my brothers and sister, You have won the battle, and until we see each other again. It will be know you watch over us all, without fear, without worry, without question."

    Sketch lifted his head and brought his hoof over his chest and then saluted as a single tear rolled down his cheek. A nearby Earth pony wearing similar armor as Sketch, bowed her head and tap the ground. She repeated Sketch actions and words, and as she spoke those words another and another of the Knight that survived the battled Saluted those that fell that day. Sketch watched A they gathered the wounded and the fallen had been buried. Sketch and Dunder watch with grim expressions upon their faces and When the gather of the troop finish their task and the Medical ponies start to moved the healed and recovering back to Canterlot a cheer could be heard from all the way back to Canterlot, as news of victory spread and the cheers and thunderous stomping of hooves shook the very earth they stood upon.

    "What are your orders Sir Sketch?" A Battered earth pony asked as he saluted both Dunder and Sketch. And as Fireworks of magic flew skywards happily over Canterlot, Sketch smiled softly.

    "Let us return to Canterlot to regroup and plan our next strike against the darkness my brother, And while we rest Be with those you have fought so bravely for and honor those that cannot do so themselves." Sketch Spoke calmly and gently Join the formation of 43 ponies, Rainbow Dash Zoomed over head towards canterlot as the firework continued to burst and in a thunderous sonic rainboom burst across the sky. The remaining Knights marched proudly back towards home, proud not because they won the battle and turned the tide of this war, but because they fought side by side by each that fell today.

  5. I love the Zaku to death, most soviet MS out there. But back on topic, hmm.... Applejack seems like a good fit since the Zaku is a tough and reliable MS.

    I would have to agree with Marchinghammers on this one, I do love the zakus , and AJ does sound like a good fit with character wise, though I wonder How to make a pony MS would it be like a centaur or something different???

  6. Sketch was gently helped up by RD and gently walked to the gathering medical ponies and anyone that could help them. Those able to moved back and were treated by the medical ponies as The uninjured started to help move the injured back to them. RD and A fellow Help carry Sketch Until he awoke again due to them Laying him down on a temporary cot Set up for the non-critical injured ponies. Sketch watched about as he rested for the moment. His head throbbed, his muscles ached, and the mid day sun didn't help much as a A shadow flew over head. Rd and the other had returned to helping the other injured. But as sketch rolled out of the cot somepony landed in front of him.

    "S...s...Sketch!" The bat wing pegasus tackled him over the cot much to the shock of a passing nurse. The pegasus mare cried happily as she held him tight and nuzzled affectionately as Sketch winced in pain and happiness as He weakly held her back nuzzling slowly. The pair laid there for sometime in happy bliss as the mare held and was held by a stallion she cared for so much. And the feeling was returned as they lay there his pain and aching vanished with her touch, the nuzzling washed away his weakness, and strengthen him to allow him to slowly stand with her. The mare happily kept nuzzling into his neck and head. Her tears rolled down her cheek, as she was held close and though He nuzzled back his eyes wonder about him and pulled her back.

    "Please My darling I must help Go do what you can with the other pegasus to find our other knights still alive. I will still be here when we finish my love..." He smiled warmly as He gently wiped away a tear from her cheek.

    "O...okay Sketch...but.." the pegasus drew close and bonked heads with the unicorn (she was careful not to hit him on his horn), but the blow dazed him in his weaken state. "You ever do that again mister I will so going to tan your hide!" she barked and smiled cutely after Sketch blinked in surprise as she took to the air. He smiled and rubbed his muzzle as his eyes watch her fly with the able Pegasus searching for Survivors. He move towards the battlefield and spotted Dunder staring off towards the distance. He slowly made his way towards him , and sat next to him.

    "You know if it wasn't for you and your other pegasus I don't think we could have turn the tide in our favor...." He sat as Several Medical ponies and pegasus wonder about the battlefield. "Thank you Captain, I think the Royal Sisters would wish to speak with you and your ponies who helped save Canterlot from it doom from that horrid horde" He tried to smile but it faded as he Looked over the field with him. "There sacrifice will not be in vain, and we will take back our once proud nation, I know this to be the truth because In the darkest hour Your troop shown us a light of hope that there are others out there. Other resisting other fighting this evil or laying in wait, biding their time for the moment to strike. WE have to find the other gather our strength back and push back from this evil. What do You say? Your up for it captain?"

  7. Would Love For you to draw my Sketch If you don't mind ^^

    ( Romantic stallion ^_~ )

    ( Serious Knight ^_^ )

    Would Love to also do a trade if You like ^_~ once I finish these last four or five requests I have ^_~ ( I get close and I get more :D woot! )

  8. Rainbow Dash glared at the the other pegasus and snapped at him. "You haybucket! fight and strike with everything, Sketch is fighting with all he has and he wants us to fight with him SO DO IT!!!" She shouted before a Pegasus Shield her from a falling of arrows. AS the shield withdrew RD noticed the shielding pony was hit she help him to the Medical Pegasus. When He was pulled to the back of the lines RD stood defiantly before taking off with the other pegasus. Each Pegasus slashing onto the armor skin of the creature commander, but Rd soared upwards into the sky far above the reach of those deathly arrows. Dunder's forces did well to keeping the creature's attention as Sketch Charged with horn glowing.

    "This will be your downfall your Curr!" Sketch Shouted as his shields held back the forces from his rear. His swords started to appeared one by one at his side. THe Creature slowly turned as timed slowed down at that moment RD rolled back and dove towards the commander. Her Speed doubling every heartbeat, the clouds form around her as she divebomb towards the battle. A Thunderous sonic rainboom shook the ground slightly drawing, all but one, eyes upwards. Sketch Stood as his shield were pushed closer his swords spinning about him as he mumbled his spell his eyes closed as his horn glowed brighter and brighter. "With My might I strike at thee with my sword, with the swords of all fallen by your evil!" Each swords spread out surround the creature at different angles. "For those I hold dear and for those that fallen before me suffer! Suffer like nothing before!!!" He called out as RD slashed downwards across the front of the monster face and chest. Slashing the tough armor skin easily , breaking the crude armor about his chest. But in doing so RD's right blade snapped off in a deafening shattering of steel. The broken blade swirled through the air zipping by Dunder's face and going through several Horde creatures before coming to a stop in the chest of a mutated timber wolf. Right before RD hit the ground she turned a sharp 90 degrees as The surrounding blades shot towards there target. Piercing straight through the creature. Each Blade either went through or shattered against the armored scales of the beast, but the damge was too great for anything to survive. RD picked up Sketch and Took to the skies as Each blade started to vanish and Sketch Panted heavily as He watched the Creature still from the one two strike from Sketch and RD. The Surrounding pegasui broke away from the now still beast.

    The creature eyes wear expressionless, as it stood there, arms limp his gash down his face and chest bled out it's voice gurgled as he slowly tipped to one side and fell with a silented horde. The once powerful horde turned to see there commander fall as RD landed in front of the horde as the last 40 Knight stood in awe as the horde reeled back. the arrows stopped as did the magical blast from the castle. Sketch fell to the ground Panting as that spell had drain him almost completely. He watched as the horde withdrew from the field of battle slowly. But As Sketch stood once more with a glare of hatred, His 40 let out a battlecry that would echo through history. The front rows of creature jumped as Dunder, pegasus landed with the other 40 ponies, adding to the battlecry. The Horde withdrew from the standing knights and warriors of Canterlot.

    "THE DAY IS OURS!" One Knight Let out as the horde turned and started to run away from the ponies that defeated the commander that had lead them to the very doorstep of equestria. The group let out cheers and neighs of joy as one unicorn fired upwards a sparkling star that burst with a bright green glow. As the horde turned to run Sketch dropped to the ground again panting and shaking as he was afraid that his spell wouldn't have turned the horde away in fear. Rd's voice was the last thing he heard before Sketch blacked out.

    "Sketch you okay...SKETCH!" She called out as the medical ponies started to appear and tend to the wounded and hurt. small force start to tend to the wound and help the medical ponies the best they could.

  9. He blinked and Let a blush rush over his cheeks. His eyes stared at Clairvoyance, as She step out into view. When She asked her question His horn glowed lightly and opened his pouch. Pulling out his current sketches of the forest he has seen so far. he used his magic to placed them in front of the mare that apparently lived alone in the tiny cabin.

    "Like I said before I am Only wandering through these woods to explore and to draw what I find, I did not know someone live in these forest...." He sat down and Let her look over his beautiful work of pencil and parchment." His eyes Looked over her with a curious stare and smiled a warm grin as she would look to him again. His steel blade lay two hooves in front of her and his parchment lay a hoofstep in front of her in his magical grip faded on each page. "Another part of my travel into this forest is to learn about its as it is apart of the unexplored areas of our nation. Most are fearful to enter here, but for a Royal Knight I don't need to be fearful of this forest, of anything its breathtaking.....Like your eyes... I have never seen eyes likes yours...." He half smiled and tiled his head before blushing and straightening himself* "Forgive me I am Sketch Knight I am of the Royal Knights of the royal sisters, I bid you good morning miss." He bowed gently in his greeting.

  10. Sketch Gently trotted along the path leading the coastline, his patrol would be finished once he walks along the coast Though He normally wears his royal plate armor it was far to warm and sunny to warrant such armor, so A specially designed leather breast plate formed over his chest as the stallion walked over the dune and took a deep breath as the sea breeze brushed over his face and coat with a salty mist. Sketch simply smiled as He opened his eyes again and slowly peered over the scene. He Noticed the three cheerful mare sitting about the sand near the waterline. With his eyes to the far end of the coastline near the rocky bluffs. He spots one of his other knights clad in the same leather armor as he. With a Smile, a wave, and Sketch's wave is returned. As the other knight turned about and disappeared into the rocky bluffs many paths, Sketch slowly moved down the dune carefully as his eyes watched the world around him.

    He came into view of the other ponies as he stood atop the closest dune to them His eyes slowly scanned left to right. The Painted Unicorn stood taller than most stallions and was of brown and white. His slender physique showed his military training, And with lightly tanned leather armor only confirm that fact he was a solider, but the symbol on his breastplate showed both the sun and the moon in a merged icon. his eyes looked to the ponies again when they saw him and he smiled warmly and took one step before the sand gave way too much and he rolled wildly down the dune. When he reach the foot of the dune his body surprisingly sprang upwards and He skillfully landed on his hooves with a expression of both surprise of the dune giving way and the how he was able to land on his hooves again like he did. Sketch blinked and shook his mane of sand as it fell from his coat as well. HIs eyes turned that he had land in front the trio with a clearing of his throat. "I meant to do that..." He mumbled as He looked about to see if any other saw what happen to the blushing stallion.

    "I did not expect ponies to be out and about this early? I hope everything is alright this morning?" The blushing Unicorn straighten his pose and cooled his blushing as he swished the sand from his tail.

  11. I like the second Idea. ;D

    I do too Lets see If I can improve upon it soon, but more ideas

    Doctor Whooves and ditzy hooves Story about The reason why he is trapped in the universe of ponies, and what his future will be with the coming of an enemy he thought he never see again ^_~

  12. First one is when Sketch Is injury for some reason or another He is order to ponyville to recover from his injury as Canterlot isn't aiding his recovering for some reason. And his adventure in ponyville, And his continue search for that special somepony.

    Second Is more of an action epic As Sketch a small army fight off a horde of monster In a ruined world of equestria, How will this battle turn out and who is the creature or pony controlling these hordes and slowly retake back Equestria.

    third Is bit more focus on Sketch's search of that special somepony, But i don't know about that one Not much plot in that idea but In time more story can come into this idea as do the others will ^_~

  13. It definitely helps. Screenshots, screenshots and more screenshots are wonderful. There are also a load of helpful tutorials on deviantART. :3 Still, I think you're doing great so far!

    thank you very much, Would you care to make a request? List still pretty small so plenty of room ^_~

  14. Here I will post and Chat about my art here, Please Leave a comment, an Idea, or character which You like to challenge my hoof and pencil with. I am open to trades and commissions , but to earn a request ^^

    Being really really nice to me helps ^^ but Being friends help out a ton too ^^

    http://www.canterlot.com/gallery/member/2416-sketchknight/ (My gallery of course here ^^)

    https://d.facdn.net/art/midnightfox/1326600241.midnightfox_applejack_s_thank_you.jpg (My first Mane 6 character drawn ^^)

    Now my Question here is tell me what you think about my art and who of the mane six should I draw next slightly older? ^^

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