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Posts posted by carameldelight

  1. I'm sorry about this, this must really suck. Check the bus systems, or perhaps if you have a car, you can drive to see him? I don't want to sound callous or anything but there are a lot of girls who won't even see their boyfriends even once a week because of the military. Cheer up ^__^ soon this will pass and he will get a new car.

    It could be worse, sweetie.

  2. Thank you! I really do love Luna, she deserves more screen time. I might get Spirit Tracks eventually, the bosses look fun, and you get to play as Zelda!

    Now I'm really intrigued as to what a Zelda pony would look like... xD

  3. Hello! New to these forums but think I could get really comfortable here. I love Luna and pretty much every other pony so much <33 I'm a college freshman girl who loves anything nerdy, cute things, anime, and ponies. I love Legend of Zelda. ^_^

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