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Posts posted by Darkfae

  1. Greetings.

    I've discovered the "Mark Forum as Read" button isn't working 100% for my account.

    I click the button, and it appears that all the topics mark as read, however the moment I leave the forum, it goes back to having those posts be unread again. I tried logging out of my account, and clearing my browser cache, and it still is doing it. This is happening on every board.

    Also, every post in News & Updates is marked as unread...even if there's been no update to them in months. It seems only the News & Updates board had this happen though.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

  2. I love Firefly!

    There's actually a bunch of red tape that will keep SyFy from being able to actually revive or reboot the series; when Fox made the deal, they included some pretty ridiculous requirements. I'm still hoping Nathan Fillion gets 300 million to just outright buy it (something he said during an interview), though I think that was from before SyFy got the rights.

    I sort of dislike the fact my co-workers at two different places (once during the series and once after it hit DVD) nicknamed me River. >.>

  3. I'm right with the lot of you on the gaming industry right now. I primarily play MMOs, and while a number of them have come up with neat features, most of the time they drop the ball after a few months in some way or another. Aside from MMOs, Mass Effect was the last game that really held my interest through to the end...while Mass Effect 2's story is awesome, something about the gameplay changes made it meh for me. I haven't even been able to pin down what exactly it is that bugs me about it. >.<

  4. I think we're missing another possibility: This show appeals to older fans as well. I dont just mean the online community, but I'm sure preteens and teens dig it too. At 1 on saturday, it's still part of the Saturday morning lineup for the kiddies, but it's late enough for older fans who don't like to get up early on a Saturday morning after a week of work or (junior)high school and a night of partying.

    I think this was a huge influence on the decision to change the time, it just makes sense from a business stand point, especially since Hasbro's trying to figure out what to do about the whole Brony phenomenon.

  5. Whatsup all? O: I'm ToxicPenguin. You can call me Toxic or Penguin, whichever you prefer (although I prefer Toxic, it's shorter :blush: ).

    Hallo, Tox. I can call you Tox, right? >.>

    So I started watching MLP: FiM roughly a week ago and I just finished episodes 4-6 of season 2 last night. I love the show so much<3 it's so well developed and I love Lauren Faust's other works. My girlfriend says I'm addicted but yeah, I am :] Hoping I can make some new friends here that enjoy FiM as much as I do.

    Ponies are as addicting as a drug. ;-)

    I like to draw although I haven't drawn anything pony related yet. I was originally planning to become a 3D animator in a few years, but MLP: FiM made me want to try 2D as well. Also started reading some fanfics (unfortunately 2/3 of them were more infamous). Not a big fan of those types of fanfics but one was interesting so I just had to keep reading. Also not sure if I'm allowed to name them, so I won't. :halo:

    I would have become a 3D animator, but every course requires 2D animation/traditional drawing classes...and I can't physically hold a pencil long enough to write a small sentence, let alone draw. One cool thing I discovered (before I started classes, actually) is that you can make 2D animation in a 3D environment if you have the right tools - mostly just shaders of various types and render settings on the program you're using. There's also that new way of doing it, where you make it all in 3D, then paint 2D over the top of it like they did for Tangled.

    I'd love to see some of your work!

  6. Greetings, everypony.

    I'm actually really bad with introduction type things - I'm never sure if I'm posting enough or posting too much.

    I actually started with MLP clear back in G1, when I was a little girl; I still have something like 300~ ponies from G1 and G2, though I need to re-organise them. I also have most of the playsets from back then too. Last month, I started watching/listening to the Doctor Whooves stuff, and this month I began watching the show and joining the herd. I've set up a blog with my ponysona, but I'm still working on what exactly will be going on there.

    I'm disabled, and currently going through the process of getting disability. Being quite homebound, I have a lot of time on my hands most days. I usually fill it with role playing, video games, Netflix and message boards. Unfortunately, there are times when I just cannot use the computer, and it may take a few days for me to get back to where I can at least make a post about the absence...but I'm hoping to not have many more of those days any time soon.

    My ponysona/OC is named Darkfae, though I might change it since fae don't exactly exist in Equestria. She's an alicorn (*hides behind her chair a little*) because I have a major obsession with wings, but I'm also into various types of magic - from spiritualism and metaphysics to Magic: the Gathering) - and unicorns are the magic users in Equestria. So to balance it out, since everyone believes all alicorns are super powerful (since they've done very little in the way of explaining them) beings, I've given her a bit of a handicap; she doesn't know what her abilities are, and any manifestations of them tend to come out in bursts that aren't all that powerful and very unstable. (pleasedonthateme)

    I think that covers the basics of everything. >.>

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