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Posts posted by MelodyMoon

  1. Haha. So i wasn't sure where the heck to put this, but i figured spam would be best i guess xD (Oh look, a rhyme /shot/ )

    Anyways. I'm new here, obviously. I've been trying to make a Ponysona for myself for some time now, and i've narrowed it down to two. I can't decide though


    So i need somepony's help to choose. I'll wait until morning to see how many ponies reply with their answers, then i'll choose. Unless of course no one does.....then i guess i'm just have to close me eyes and point. xD

    Here they are.





  2. @Tales- * overwhelmed* Haha. Thanks. I read the rules before i signed up, the rest i'll be checking out throughout my stay here. As for how i found the site....i was searching for a MLP Forum Roleplay via Google and found this :]

    @Shadowrunner- I'm 75% positive if you're icon is from what i think it is, i love you already xD And thank you for the welcome as well ^_^

    • Like 1
  3. Haha. I enjoy you xD

    Noooo, not the Melody venom? Who told you! Lol. JK.

    Games i like to play....

    It depends which ones you mean xD

    Board games/cards || I enjoy Skip-Bo xD Annndddd Sorry.

    Video games || I enjoy any Mario and Spyro game

    Cmp games || I don't play those often, cuz my cmp hates me, but i do enjoy SecondLife every once in a while

    Forum Roleplay || I enjoy these very much me_gusta_icon_by_projectendo-d2zlsqe.jpg

    My favorite baked good?

    OMG, Strawberry or Lemon cake <3


    I cannot possibly choose D: I like so many. Right now however, i'm reading Clockwork Prince (because Cassandra Clare's books are awesome)


    -steals cupcakes for herself-

  4. ...But i'm a sweet talker :]

    The title is from a song. Any takers? No? Waiting by Breathe Carolina.

    Well, though my name on here is of my pony, Melody Moon, i'm known as Toxyk most everywhere i go.

    A little about me....

    I'm a -content removed- lass who can't wait to get the heck out of this town. What town you ask? Well, i'm in the Midwest of America, and thats all you need to know. It's not the most exciting place anyway.

    My favorite things include Reading, Writing, Digital Art, Roleplaying, and of course MLP <3

    I guess i became a pony addict after watching the shoe so much. Not to mention i recently found a real life Fluttershy (someone dressed as Fluttershy...a fursuit version) And when i hugged her i thought i might die xD (Yes, Fluttershy is the best, lol)

    Music is my soul. I eat, breathe, and live it. As such i have a wide variety i love.

    Thats all i feel like typing right now, but feel free to ask me questions, any questions at all. I promise not to bite......to hard ;D

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