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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Well hello there, Whitelight! Sure, go ahead and write that book! Just don't forget to post it here, it would be an interesting read. Have fun
  2. ... Reindeer sausage... I am shipped, and there is nothing I can do about it. Come here, saucy, we are gonna go far, and be the best ship ever. This ship shall be called "Winage." Or Windeer Sauster, that works too.
  3. Well hey there, Ink! Welcome to Canterlot! It is nice to see you are so happy to be here, and trust me, this place will only make you happier! Have fun here
  4. All of these people catching on fire... It is not good for Winter's health :I
  5. It seems you hate pretty much all of the monsters I don't like the ones with the long arms the most. Maria really was an interesting character in that one, that is for sure. Congratulations on finding a good name! It is perfect.
  6. Hasbro officially went with Cadance on her name, last I heard. Oh, the power outlet for the water/tentacle monster was hard to find for me. Did you have any problems with it? The apartment... I do not like the buzzers outside the windows. I could always lend you cards from a ton of different games, Thalos. I have tons of cards...
  7. I played Pokemon cards with my brothers I still have a bunch...
  8. That is a good question. I always liked the cut scenes in SH3... Some of the characters were so.... familiar. I also liked looking for the monster turning the wheel. He was my favorite little buddy. Always there for me when I went crazy. In SH2, I was always so much more alone. Sad, scared, and alone.
  9. SH2 FTW for sure, my lord! It was truly an amazing game... Very emotional
  10. Hush, now, my sweet child. My brain is just a little broken at the moment.
  11. My hurt is brain right now, so I'll go just talk stuff with here you.
  12. Goodnight Appliance and DreamNotes! Have fun! And scary Winter, Thalos. Don't forget scary Winter.
  13. Pony DreamNotes looks like he likes hugging.
  14. I used to have contests with my brother to see who could catch the most wolfies in one day... I usually won, yay They liked it around rotting wood, that was for sure. There were also lots of pill bugs there. I once had a huge one for a few weeks, before letting her back out. I fed her little bitty crickets, and she was so cute Recluses, on the other hand... blegh, not for me. I will never go near one of those O_O There was one in the Jacuzzi about a week ago... it was drowned and dead, but I still wouldn't go near it. Nasty little buggers
  15. Well hello, there! Welcome to Canterlot, I see you have been acquainted with the internet? That is usually a good thing Have fun here!
  16. I'd like to think of love like I think of sandwiches. There are many types of love, and different people use them or like them differently. For one person, one might feel they need to be around them and feel with and for them. For other people, one may feel that "special" connection. Then there is yet another love, like the love for friends, and of course let us not forget the love of food. I love that type of food and this type of food. For some, love may mean things differently than for others. It also depends on the context around the word. It is the same with sandwiches. Some people like mayo, some don't. Some like white bread, others wheat. Some people prefer different kinds of sandwiches at different times, when they are at different places, or when they are around different people. Love is a complex thing, and no one person's form of love is right. I may love you in a way that completely falls out of other people's definition of love, yet it would still define the connection I have with you based on my feelings. As love is a word used to describe feelings, and everyone feels differently, I feel it would follow that love is defined differently between people as well. I hope that clears up my use (or in some eyes, over use) of this word. I truly do love the people I tell that I love them. I want to talk to them, be around them, feel with them and for them, and encourage them. That is my connection, which I define as love. Thank you, and have a wonderful night
  17. I wish I could draw like you guys! Then we could make awesome art together, and make like a huge picture!
  18. Hey guy, hey, hey, hey guy, guess what? Good job, that's what. You did a good job. Did you know that, guy? Hey guy, did you know that?
  19. Who is to say that I do not know my own immortals that can defend me from other immortals, Thalos? ahem Rosy may or may not be immortal ahem
  20. Thoughtlessness? I am sure DreamNotes and I thought this through very well. Not to mention Chuck Norris and Fidel Castro both love me...
  21. O_O chuck norris and fidel castro? What about them? Haha, didn't capitalize
  22. What travesty is this, to have milk but not be permitted to drink of it.... Angie, yours is a most horrible of afflictions. May your strength and our love guide your through this ordeal. *prepares for internet hug*
  23. Angie is out of milk Everyone, watch out! What do you have to eat? Something is better than nothing, right?
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