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Posts posted by Winter

  1. "Yes, I do enjoy it... I just don't happen to be very good at it. I'm better at making swords than using them. I usually spar with Dunder Blust or Rok Anarch when they come by... Which isn't very often. I haven't won yet, but some day... Some day I will." Storm lifted a claw before continuing. "This here makes it easier for me to grasp the swords, having fingers and all. Yet I still can't beat either of them. I'm guessing they just have more training. I hope that is the case..."

  2. "I got a map of Ponyville, finally, "A Smith's Guide to Steel," and "How to Tame Your Sword." Both look like good books, I think. The first looks like it had a good section on sword smithing in particular, which should help me with doing a friend's order. The other I got so I could learn a little sword play for next time my other friend comes into town." Storm said triumphantly with the books held against her chest with one arm. She looked down at the two books the unicorn was carrying. The two seemed to be a fitting combination: one on fictional characters using magic and the other teaching how to do magic.

  3. The library was impressive, to say the least. It really was a living tree! It looked like the library resided in the tree's hollowed out trunk, which would seem unhealthy for the tree. However, this one was flourishing, growing very tall and having vibrant green leaves. This had to be the work of magic of some kind. "Well, it looks like it is open. Let's go in!" Storm said as she puffed up her chest, strode up to the wooden door, and knocked four times. "Hello? Anypony in there?"

  4. Winter stared confused at Dusty as he slowed and stopped. Just moments ago they had been running what seemed full speed away from the diamond dogs. Was he tired already? As Winter got closer he heard Dusty say he didn't have any idea where they were. This was terribly disheartening news; he was the navigator! If he couldn't do it, nopony could. After Midnight and Muggo' gave their bits, though, Winter felt confident Dusty would be able to build up some confidence and get them out. "We have hurt ponies, Dusty, and you are the only one that can get us out. I'm sure you can do it." He said to the pony, hoping it would help him focus and give him the will to straighten out his memory and get them all out of these tunnels. Though the rest gave Winter and the others a small chance to rest, he still knew they had to get moving soon. He could hear the dogs' trundling steps getting closer and closer.

  5. "Ah, good. I bet they wouldn't want you getting lost again! Although, I'm sure you'd be much better at finding your way back if you ever took a wrong turn again with your special talent." Storm thought a bit more about the situation Light was in and continued, "Maybe a map could have helped, too. Do you know any good mapmakers around here? I might need one for myself... After we go to the library, of course!"

  6. Storm laughed aloud. "I remember last time I was in the Everfree. I was going to gather some wood and wound up needing a little help. Luckily there were some stallions nearby willing to help." She pondered Light's question before answering, "Well, I like flying a lot. Flying near water is one of my favorite things to do. I also like exploring a bit, but I can't really go too far from home. I still need to keep up with my work."

  7. "No, no, no, no, I know for sure there are others! There just isn't a place devoted just to us... and I haven't been lucky enough to meet any others yet." Storm responded quickly. "I'd really enjoy meeting another hippogriff. If I ever do I'll have to ask about magic, you've got me curious. I wonder if one that is a cross between a unicorn and a griffon would have a horn and be able to do lots of magic..."

  8. "No, not really... Griffons don't use much magic, only being able to stand on the clouds but not really shape them. I make up for that a little from my pegasus heritage... but not too much. The clouds poof when I try to move them too often, shaping them is a mess, and weather is out of the question. So I'd say hippogriffs don't have much magic, but..." Storm drew out the word "but" as she continued thinking of how she could best finish the sentence. "I'm the only one I've ever met! Maybe I just happen to be bad at it. Oh well... There are other ways to get things done."

  9. Winter struggled to keep up with the other ponies as they fled through the dark cave. It was very under lit so Winter had to constantly scan in front of him for any debris or jutting rock he might have missed. He was surprised when Muggo' started to pull off to the side of the tunnel and got ready to bring him back up to speed before realizing the look on his face. Muggo' had a plan and a smiling look of mischief on his face to match. Winter decided to focus back on himself, the older stallion clearly had his own well being perfectly under control. Winter was taken by surprise when he saw Muggo' start to catch back up with the group, this time his leg bare of both wood and rope. Winter laughed aloud with joy to see the old pony that had previously been injured running now with them like he was of youth and full of energy.

  10. (Doh! I have an excuse, though! I had just gotten home from a long flight! Sorry :P)

    Storm Feather laughed aloud at the idea of crafting armor for the Royal Guards, "No, no, no, no... I wish I could get a chance to craft that, but they've never asked me to and probably never will. I just have a small crafts shop: they'd probably ask much more renowned smiths to make something so intricate and important." Storm Feather took a look around into the land around them. The breeze was starting to pick up, which made this walk a lot more enjoyable. She loved the feel of the wind on her feathers and the ground crackling beneath her with other step. Returning back to attention, she continued, "Usually when I make armor I take on the biggest parts first because those are usually the easiest... and the easiest to fix if I make a mistake. That way I warm up and any mistakes I do make should be easy to spot and fix. Then I work my way into finer details from there."

  11. (Hippocamp? :shock: )

    Storm Feather was surprised at the unicorn's interest with armor in particular. Just what was this little one planning? "Well... A good set of armor can take anywhere from a few days to weeks, depending on size, amount of pieces, and what it is made of... And most of that depends on what the buyer is willing to pay. Usually I make cheaper, less elegant pieces... They don't usually take long." She sighed in thought before adding, "It would be nice to work on some of the more expensive metals... Oh well."

  12. "Yessir!" Winter responded to Dunder before bounding off after Muggo', who had, for some reason, said something about trains. He'd have to ask him about that later. Winter moved himself close to the stallion so he could be ready to help at a moments notice. Running on a bad leg wouldn't be good for anyone in this situation. He could wind up hurting himself more and start running even worse... or not at all. The rockiness of the tunnel didn't look like it would be too fun to run in either. A random rock could stick out anywhere and wind up hurting somepony. Winter decided to watch his step extra carefully. Though he was a pegasus, Winter did enjoy the tighter spaces provided by the cave. It gave him more obstacles and surfaces he could use to his advantage in case he needed a quick escape.

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