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Posts posted by Winter

  1. Winter struggled against the net he was tangled in, trying to force his way out. The tangled mess was made of strong material, he couldn't find a way out. He was completely at the mercy of the Phyrexian hulk. "And I warned you, I am finding this temple, no matter what it takes." He grunted as he squirmed. "And you... You are going to let me through, one way or another."

  2. Winter had been walking for what seemed to be forever when he heard a rustle in the bushes next to him. He looked over, fearful it was the guardian, but was pleasantly surprised by a little squirrel. He wiped the sweat from his brow while giving a sigh of relief before stepping forward again. As soon as he set his foot down, he heard rustling again and looked back to where the squirrel had been. With it's absence, he realized the rustling was coming from somewhere else all together. He prepared to spring away moments too late, and a huge net trap flung him up into the air, captured. All he could do was wait for his captor to discover him, dangling there helplessly.

  3. Storm sighed in relief when the colt awoke, but was suddenly dismayed when he started to scream. Griffon? Where? She looked around, confused, before she realized he must be talking about her. "I... What? Why would I eat you? I... I'm a hippogriff... not a griffon. Even if I were, why would I eat you?" She was genuinely confused. What misleading things were they teaching the young ones in Ponyville nowadays? Storm groaned in annoyance. "Besides, you are just a cute little unicorn."

  4. Storm stared in shock as the colt crumpled before her! She looked around, trying to find what had scared him so bad, before turning back to him and nudging him a few times with a claw. "Hey... Are you okay?" She said as she shook him gently, trying to coax him out of his shock. Storm looked around one last time in a desperate attempt to see what danger had scared this colt so bad. She couldn't find anything that was really dangerous in the area.

  5. When Inkblot looked around the room nervously Storm decided to take the chance. She gazed over at the shelf Corvus had landed on and studied it inquisitively. With R being the only letter readable, it was difficult to figure out what it was. The fact the plaque was faded could mean one of two things. Either it was used a lot and was faded away because of it, or it was barely ever used and had faded away due to being unkept. Storm only allowed herself a few seconds to look at it before averting her eyes and looking back to Inkblot. "This store... It must be very important to you, then. What got you so interested in books and writing?"

  6. Storm Feather made a quick frown as Inkblot sighed. Something was bothering him about his writing, that much was clear. That would explain his writer's block. "Yeah, it is a very nice place... How long have you had it, Ink? How old is it?" She paused, thinking more into the store. "How... How did you get this store? A place like this would... well... probably be kind of hard to get."

  7. Storm was cruising through the air to Ponyville to buy some supplies. She was running a bit low on food and had been for a while now, due to lack of funds. However, recently she was lucky enough made a big sale. Once she got close enough to the city, she decided to land. She circled clockwise as she lowered herself to the ground. Suddenly, something below caught her attention. A colt below seemed to be cowering in fear! She worried for him and decided to see what was wrong. Storm landed in front of him and called to him, "Hey! What is wrong, little one?"

  8. After some thinking, Winter decided his best asset was his agility. The hulk seemed to be able to keep up with speed, was definitely bigger and stronger, but must lack agility. If Winter could keep to the smaller and more restricted parts of the forest he could keep safe on his way towards the ruins. Keeping these tactics in mind, he started to walk back in the direction he had been going before.

  9. Winter stared shocked in the direction the behemoth had spoken from. It was... Leaving him to rest? Mercy? This wasn't a concept almost everything in the Everfree had. His curiosity peaked, and he knew that after a good rest, he would have to go searching again. However, he would be ready this time. With that, he opened his bag and took in gracious amounts of water and berries. Then he sat on the ground and watched the trees move in the wind, wondering how he could possibly get around that guardian.

  10. Spring smiled as Rok walked in the door and complimented her sandwiches. "They're nothing special..." She told him, when actually she had used the last of her most rare herb. She had managed to get it from a traveler who claimed it was a plant that naturally grew in the Everfree. Being something so hard to obtain, it was definitely expensive, but she kept her mouth shut about that. She didn't want Rok to feel like he was hogging all of her best stuff.

  11. Winter head a loud booming voice behind him and turned in time to see a huge tree hurtling right at him. Winter immediately stopped flapping his wings and fell down backwards towards the ground until he felt he was far enough from where the enormous tree was heading. Then he did a roll so he was facing the ground and spread his wings to pull up. The tree below him just barely grazed his back left hoof as he pulled back up into the sky to see the tree hurtle right in front of him, barely missing his head. After such a maneuver, he was exhausted. He needed rest badly.

  12. Stormed looked down sadly at all the broken quills, scraps of paper, and spilled ink. Writer's block didn't look like it was too fun to have. She couldn't help but wonder what was causing it for her poor friend, or how she could help. "That... That doesn't sound like it is very fun. When is the last time you finished a book?"

  13. Winter gazed back at his assailant and was very confused by what he saw. Was it... Clapping?! This only served the freak the pegasus out more. It seemed it was much more sentient than the common monster in the Everfree, and this scared him. He decided to continue flying away as best he could, but something seemed off about this chase... This flying behemoth had a partner, and if that partner showed up, Winter would be having some problems.

  14. Storm followed behind Inkblot and gasped in surprise at how many books there were just on crafting and forging. "Wow..." was the only comment she could muster as they he pointed them out before continuing on with the tour. Storm had to be careful to keep up with Inkblot. It was dark and would probably be easy to get lost. At most of the sections she would nod or smile in appreciations of the great collection of knowledge here. So many books...

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