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Posts posted by Winter

  1. Spring limped to the shed and slowly opened the door. It was way too dark in there... She reached out her injured hoof to feel her way around. This turned out to be a really bad idea, as it hit the far wall and she screamed in pain! She pulled back and tripped over a random plow left near the middle of the shed and fell backwards, screaming all the way. When she hit the ground, she was surprised at how little it hurt. Spring flipped over and found herself on top of the chair cushions, "Aha, gotcha..." She said to them before picking one up and bringing it back to the house.

  2. Spring lowered an eye brow in confusion as Rok started to talk about the dinner. Now was definitely not the time for - A sharp pain in her hoof cut off her thoughts as she jerked back away from Rok and into the counter behind her. She got a good thump on her head, but at least the splinter was out... She woozily got up and leaned over the sink to wash the wound. After a few seconds under the soothing cold water she soaked the cloth in it and began to wrap it around her hoof. Once she finished she turned back to Rok, "Thanks..."

  3. Spring flinched away from Rok as he came close and held her hoof in tighter, looking down at it. Running at the back of it, just around the actual hoof itself was a huge wooden splinter. It dug in a total of about half a hand (2 inches). The pony closed her eyes and murmured in pain, "Splinter" to Rok. She pushed away from the chair and table with her hind hooves and pushed back towards the kitchen. Halfway there she managed to fumble back up and upon reaching the sink reached up and grabbed a cloth. "Rok..." She whispered horsely (haha, get it?) to him. "I need you to pull it out.... Then I'll run water over it and wrap it up ."

  4. "Well, my momma taught me a long time ago... Hers was always much better, but I try!" Spring responded happily. She sat herself down at the small, shoddy table across from him. As she lowered herself she gave a small yelp of pain and shot back out of the chair. She clutched the front hoof she had been lowering herself with close to her chest, face bright red and tears forming in her sky blue eyes. She may be a strong farm pony, but she was a soft one, too.

  5. Storm Feather giggled in anticipation. She had been hoping to give Inkblot a surprise visit one night for a while now and had decided this one would be perfect. She flew through the air, shades of gray and black blending in with the windy night air. It ruffled her feathers and chilled her skin, and excellent moment of clarity unfolded before her. She remembered the last time they had been together, sleeping on clouds, a soft, whispered, "I love you, Storm" had both chilled her like winter's wind and warmed her up like a summer's sun. She slowly drew herself out of those thoughts to survey the ground below. There it was, the book shop she was looking for, "The Raven's Quill." She slowly hovered her way down to the door. Storm took in a deep breath, gathered her courage, and knocked on the door four times, awaiting her writer in shining armor to emerge.

  6. Winter ducked and did a spiral roll to the right, narrowly avoiding the boulder. He then angled his wings and sent himself down the last few feet to the ground, where he judged he had enough time to flip on his goggles. He reached in, pulled them over his head, flipped them down, and pushed hard back into the sky. He hovered there a moment searching for the hole in the tree cover he must have made with his body on his way down.

  7. (Hmm, well that isn't good. Don't worry, I reported it and a moderator should come by to clean it up soon :D)

    Winter's eyes flew wide with surprise as the metal hulk flew up into the air. He had never seen anything like it! The beaten and coroded metal screeched as it's ancient mechanisms thrust it into the air after him, making it seem all the more fearsome. Winter pulled a hard left to try to get away from the being. He screamed behind him, "What do you mean 'his' permission?" As he turned his head back forward the wind whipped at his face and he immediately regretted taking off his goggles before. This air was starting to fill with steam and smoke from the behemoth that had once been below. It stung his eyes and made it hard to maneuver, especially when he was trying to fly so quickly. He had to land to get his goggles back on. Winter angled himself back to the ground and prepared for a hard landing. The trees blocked his path, but he would just have to power through them to the ground.

  8. Winter went cross-eyed as a beam of light moved to the center of his forehead. "Er.. uhm.............." Winter's eyes moved left, then right, then up, "See you later then!" He shouted as he burst into the air as fast as his wings could carry him. He looked down below to check if the light had followed his ascent.

  9. A loud rustling announced the movement of the unknown guardian. Winter backed away from where he thought the sound came from and called back out, "One of two... Is the other the pony from before? What lost people are out here? I'm not here to deface anything... I just want answers!" He looked around trying to spot his assailant. Winter then decided that if things got any worse, he would just take off and try to spot this "guardian" from the sky.

  10. A deep and gravelly voice shocked Winter into halting his advance into the forest. He spun around in surprise, looking for the source of the voice. However, the trees and the shadows they cast were too great, and he could not get a good look at his unexpected encounter. He decided to call out to it, "What is so special about these ruins? Why can't I see them? ... What do you mean by 'your kind?'" Winter paused a second before muttering, "And what are you?"

  11. Winter took a quick stop for food and water. He opened his bag and popped a few berries in his mouth, chewed, swallowed, then took a swig from his canteen. His flipped up flight goggles were making his forehead a bit uncomfortable, so he nudged them off and placed them in his bag. Everything there had a story. Each item came from an adventure. He gazed and looked over accumulated treasures before closing it up and preparing to walk again. He stood up and started to walk forward again, hoping it nothing got too difficult out here. On all of his other adventures he had friends with him... this time he was alone.

  12. Ruins of Phyrexia... Mysteriously vanishing purples ponies... Being doomed... Winter's interest was peaked. This could be a huge adventure. He flipped up his goggles and called out, "Hey, wait, come back! I wasn't finished with you!" He paused. "I will find these ruins... No matter what." Winter set off in the direction the pony before had appeared.

  13. A rippling wind flung out in all directions as a tan pegasus darted through the air. Winter had been flying through the Everfree for only a day at this point, so his packs were still nearly full of provisions. Food, water, and a pair of flight goggles he was currently wearing. He was hoping he would find something interesting to bring back home. He was running a little low on bits. He spotted a small clearing down below and decided it was time to land. He landed with a heavy thud before looking around, getting ready to explore.

  14. Glad that Cosmo said she would follow his wishes, Winter answered her question, "Well... We mostly get along okay, from what I've seen. We haven't really been around each other too much yet." Winter took a short pause to think. "Yeah, we definitely all get along great. I'm just looking forward to us doing more flying together. That will be some great team building."

  15. Winter sunk back farther into the caves away from the griffons and the rest of his group. The farther he was from the middle of this, the better things would turn out... Hopefully. He got ready to speak before he realized there wasn't much he could add. The griffons were going down, one way or another... Maybe it would be kind to let them know. "I think you should listen to them, griffons. We could always clip your wings BEFORE we put you into the pit! Go out calmly and you might be allowed to escape with just a warning..." Winter hoped he could sound sure of himself and confident. With the dogs on their side and the griffons massively outnumbered, there wasn't much they could do to fight back. It would be best for everyone if they didn't. If every pony was loud and sounded strong, the griffons were probably more likely to back down and give up.

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