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Posts posted by ToxicPenguin

  1. Azure couldn't help but laugh as he listened to Heart sing. What a strange day it had been! He reunited with Cherry after what had felt like an eternity and now he was sitting and enjoying the company of two new friends. Azure took a few bites out of the pancakes and nudged the plate back to Cherry. "Thankyou, but I ate a little while before. Not really hungry now." He called a waiter over and ordered some chilled water. After it had arrived, he took a sip and glanced around the table. "So, what are you all doing here in Seasaddle Bay?"

  2. Azure just stood there, looking back at his flank, and remembering the tragic event all too clearly. Just another normal fishing day, he thought, but a nearby group of sharks seemed to think otherwise. Azure quickly snapped out of the flashback. "Sorry." He sat down next to Cherry. "I don't wanna talk about it. Maybe some other time. Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine." He smiled, trying to push the thoughts out of his mind. Azure looked over to Rainy Splash and HeartBeat before introducing himself like he did with every new pony he met. "Nice to meet you both!"

  3. Azure trotted into the bakery, making sure to hold the door open for the two fillies behind him. He turned to the owner, and talked briefly before looking for table to sit at. He glanced around the bakery, when a particular pony caught his eye. That mane... something about it jumped out at him. Azure went over to the filly to get a closer look, when she turned to him, wide-eyed. "Cherry? Is it really you?" A smile rose over his face as past memories bombarded his mind. "Wow, small world! How have things been going?"

  4. I guess I'm just like a lot of other people then, voted for Gilda. I understand she has a role, and I don't "hate" her as Gilda, I just hate the personality, and I know they had to give somepony those characteristics. Although... she IS a Griffin... that counts for something, right?

    Don't like SilverSpoon or Diamond Tiara, for about the same reasons.

    Photo Finish? Meh, I think this show has been going overboard with the fashion stars that Rarity looks up to. Photo Finish, Sapphire Shores, Fancy Pants... all of which I'm not too fond of just for their stereotypical critic personalities. Although, Fancy Pants would probably be my least, least liked out of the 3. :)

    I don't like the cutie mark crusaders only because of their oblivious-ness. I know they're young and don't know any better, but whenever someone hints them toward trying something they like to do for their cutie marks, they just jump to completely different talents! It just really irritates me is all... come on, Scootaloo should be rockin the scooter. :sad:

    I really liked Discord on the other hand. Knowing that he's this big, bad villain from the past makes him much more tolerable than say, Gilda. Plus, although he was screwing with Equestria, he didn't do it in some pissed off way. He just casually strolled in with his chocolate rain clouds and let chaos free everywhere xD i guess I just like how chill he was with everything.

    Though, he was asking for it when he told Twilight to hurry up with using the elements of harmony... shouldn't have underestimated them

  5. Hey guys!

    Not sure if anyone is a big Assassin's Creed fan like me, but feel free to give your opinion even if you aren't. :)

    So a few days ago, Ubisoft revealed their plans to continue the story of Assassin's Creed.

    Assassin's Creed Revelations finished up Ezio and Altair's story, but now they're creating a whole new character!

    And I think the coolest part about this new game is that it's going to take place in America during what appears to be the American Revolution.

    So unlike the past games, I actually know part of the history that will be going on throughout the game :lol: that is, if Ubisoft decides to be very accurate with the story.

    IGN also uploaded a video to youtube where they analyzed the Game Informer cover and the PS3 box art for Assassin's Creed 3, and surprisingly they were able to come up with a very exact time period that this game will take place in.

    I'm interested to see what other people think of this :smirk:

    Assassin's Creed 3 - Reveal Trailer [uK] (assassinscreedUK)

    Assassin's Creed 3 - New Setting & Character Details Revealed (IGNentertainment)

  6. This episode only shows me that I think Pinkie might have a mental disorder.

    You have a very good point... makes me question why Derpy was changed again.

    Anyway, I see what you mean, and I did notice that too. Pinkie was going a tad over the edge with Cranky, but I think it was all in good intention. It was also in her character to do something like she did. After all, she is Pinkie Pie, the one pony who is friends with EVERYONE in ponyville, and she noticed the one guy who she doesn't know. It seems completely natural that she won't go to such extremes to make friends with Cranky, even after Twilight wanted her to stop. Sure she made some mistakes in doing so, and she is relatively clumsy, but in the end she got what she wanted and I guess I just don't like to think that deeply into the small details of each episode.

    Oh, and, nopony else in ponyville is as cranky as Cranky Doodle Donkey, he's a completely new type of person and Pinkie just didn't know how to approach the guy. :smirk:

  7. Welcome to Canterlot! :)

    I joined 2 weeks ago and I have to say things have been really nice here. ^^

    My advice to you, take the last remaining episodes slowly. Try to cherish the episodes while there are a bunch left instead of being stuck waiting for the new one to come out. xD As Volt said...

    I want to go back to the stage you're at now! :wail: Discover another episode again without knowing what to expect :cry:

    Enjoy your stay!

  8. Okay, so here we go: You know most of my vector work? I learned how to do it from a series of Youtube videos called Vectoring is Magic. I'm pretty sure everypony who has done vector art at one point or another would have heard of these, but they are seriously so helpful you don't even know.

    :smirk: Never heard of 'em but I'll check them out, thanks!

    and great drawing ^^

  9. I feel like there are a lot of straight lines and sharp points in this drawing. (Not that it's a bad thing!) Curved lines will probably give it a smoother look, and they won't jump out at you when you look at it. Of course keep some lines straight, but just try to tone down on them, for example, the wings/tail.

    Other than that, it's a great drawing :)

  10. Um could anyone please make a portiat of my two OC ponies please.I will put a picture of them downthere.

    Sooooo I have a few things that could make it the bested thing ever Please include the cutie marks and on the girl(the purple one) Please put a thunderbolt as a cutie mark or lightning bolt.But make it simple please.Um I Don't really care what position you put them in.Just not creepy please ya know. Um thats it I geuss they are very best friends so yea.Oh Oh Oh if you can please add a duck with a pot helmet on in the background please.I will be youre vewy best fweind.Pweeeaaase. :-(


    I want someone to draw my two ponies. I put them at the bottom of this post. Please include their cutiemarks. For the purple one, please make a simple lightning bolt cutiemark. The two ponies are best friends (may determine what pose they'll both be in). And... draw a duck in the background wearing a pot on his head. :lol:

    No idea what the duck is for, but I hope I got all that down the way you intended it to be.

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  11. Hey ^^ Nice drawings

    I can't draw anything in a different pose for the life of me, but I guess I can give some small advice. :smirk:

    In terms of proportions, try to compare the sizes of certain parts of the body with other parts. For example, the eye is 2/3 the size of the ear (or anything similar to that).

    Then again, I usually draw poses from the show, so this may or may not apply to you free handing your own ponies.

    5. Do NOT try to recreate poses from the show/professional fanart - you're undoubtedly going to make a weaker pose and drawing overall, and at best, you'll just have a drawing that's already been done. This isn't because of skill or experience, it's just something that happens. :-|

    :scream: you're entirely right

  12. D: I'm late to the party! I missed a welcome and now Toxic is already at 10 posts! Oh Woe!

    *Sigh* Welcome anyhow :)

    :-o We'll have to throw another one then! and hello :]

    Everyone slowly goes crazy. Maybe we'll have a party and invite Rocky, Sir Lintsalot, Mr. Turnip Bucket, and Madame Laflour.

    That's the answer I was dreading... oh well, Rocky sure knows how to party :mad:

  13. well toxic if you are looking four friendly people you came to the right place also welcome to canterlot hope you like it here

    Thanks shadow :] and hello to you.

    I'd love to see some of your work!

    Just made myself a Deviantart for once and uploaded my finished drawing there.


    :) Anyway, now that I'm done with that I'll go watch episode 7 and 8 now before bed. Don't wanna take up so much space on the introduction forum. I'll see you all later!~

  14. You both have neat names, and they sounded similar to me.

    I'm so glad you're enjoying FiM. If you're still in the process of watching it, you're in for many treats to come -- and the episodes are all highly rewatchable!

    Yeah I'll probably rewatch them a few more times :lol: I love winter wrap up, and the one with Princess Luna from season 2 was cool. Meh, they're all awesome....

    what do you do to pass the time between new episodes?

    Edit: AppleJack fully colored, now for Rarity. (The pencil said Orange-Yellow, but it looks Orange-Red... maybe it's my eyes e.e)

  15. :) Sure! Well I'm not the greatest fan artist (can't look at a picture and draw it in a different pose to save my life) but I guess it'll just come with practice.

    Currently drawing Rarity and Applejack and have been for the past 1-2 hours for a signature with the mane 6. I'll color it and scan it quickly if it's not that late.

    Which reminds me I haven't watched any FiM yet today :scream:

    Edit: Hm, the lighting in my room is really bad. I'll try coloring anyway, but I hope they turn out well.

  16. Wow, that's a lot of links! :-o Feel free to explore the site yourself at your own pace, and let myself or one of the other staff know if you have any questions. How did you hear about our site?

    Welcome to Canterlot!

    Hello :]

    and I just googled yesterday "MLP: FiM Forums" and Canterlot came up as the 2nd or so link. Sounded like a good name for a forum at the time and so I checked it out and here I am today. :smirk:

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