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Posts posted by Electropony

  1. Ok well I was having computer issues so I'll post right now. So as you can tell I am the greatest of all the weapons and just one of many of the reason I will tell you all started in a desert when I was making breakfast. It was a hot and dry desert day any normal being would be scorched out in this weather but being the amazing weapon I am I was able to withstand the great temperatures of the hot desert, but as I was saying I was making breakfast when suddenly a witch jumped from the sands and sent her team of foes after me the minor foes were easy to get rid of but the which after making sure I was too busy fighting her minions was ready to finish me off with her final blow I seeing this at the last second started to think of a way out when I finally was out of options so I did what any highly recommended weapon would do, I threw my breakfast (An omlet with the secret ingredients known to only the greatest of all weapons Me,) and when it hit the witch she instantly burst into flames and her soul laid floating gently in the air. Since I threw my only food supply at the which I used her soul as a breakfast substitute and then continued my journey as the best weapon ever!

    Oh and before I forget thank you to all the welcomes I hope that we can be the best pony friends you and I! :D

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