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Cat Napper

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Posts posted by Cat Napper

  1. Oh dear Luna.. Cat facehoofed lightly and let out a groan of disbelief, trying to mask her blushing before leaping down to the earth with a soft thud. "Relax Dark, ugh, don't make this any worse please.." With a faux smile towards the stranger who'd appeared near them, immediately melting into a focused frown, the little pegasus took a great big mouthful of the unicorn's cape, braced her hooves hard against the ground, and yanked with all of her might.

    "Rrrrgthhh, I am sstho sthorry missh.." She mumbled between yanks, little wings spread wide and fluttering as she pulled harder at the stuck villain. "Youh'll havth to excusth him, he'sth..." She began apologetically, a little trickle of sweat beading down her face. "He'sth... ahhhhn.."

    Her movements became sluggish, and with a long shiver, the little artist was forced to release her hold on the purple fabric, and quickly found her body at an uncomfortably cold temperature.

    "Ahhh, brrrrr.. wh-wh-what the hay..?" The poor pegasus snorted, hot breath leaving her snout in a wide, visible puff of water vapor. Celestia.. it couldn't have possibly gotten so cold within those few moments now could it? Even though it was rather cool to begin with, this was a serious drop in temperature that... wait a second..

    Cat's stiff, shuddering form locked up, and she turned to cast a frightened little glance at the pegasus mare before her. "W-wait.." She began, edging a little bit closer to Dark and the warmth radiating from his still stuck body. "D-d-d-did.. y-you d-do that...?"

    At the mare's next words, the filly's ears lowered. Greeeat, another threatening 'better than everyone' girl. For such a humble little town, Ponyville sure wasn't as friendly as she hoped it would be. Hugging her wings close to her body, the striped teen glared softly at her.

    Powerful magical weather girl or not, the filly was not in the mood to let anyone at all leave their hoofmarks in her again.

    "Wh-what do y-y-you want...?" She snorted in a slightly less friendly tone than she'd used previously. Was it so hard to ask for good company these days?

  2. Finding her friend seemed to have been lost within a matter of seconds after having remembered it, and Jump was back to stomping around, absolutely perplexed with the dirt beneath her. Kick, scuff, stomp, and repeat. Kick, leap, stomp, scuff! The more dirt kicked up with her hooves the better! The mare grinned, as if rocking along with an invisible beat, her inspections of the ground lead her to create the beginnings of a rough, stomping dance of her own creation.

    It wasn't exactly fancy hoofwork, but it didn't entirely look perfectly easy either. Kick, slide, scuff, stomp, leap! She opened her wings with a little giggle, with a rhythmic canter, she picked up speed, and gave a tremendous leap to kick off of the side of a buildings, in a finish, landing a perfectly executed back flip with another cloud of dust rising around her, unaware that she had indeed landed only a few feet in front of a certain unicorn stallion.

    "Ahhaha, smooth! Rockin', beastly! I gotta remember that one.." She chuckled to herself, dancing was second nature to her, and to Jumpstyle, inspiration could come from anywhere. Unintentionally bobbing her head to that imaginary beat, she began to trot away with a few bouncy, kicking steps, before she realized completely that.. the beat? She wasn't imagining it! The white pegasus pricked her ears, hmmm.. yep, there was definitely a sick bass drop somewhere nearby, sounded like it was coming from head.. phones..

    Whirling around, the mare's mane shrouded face was nevertheless curious as she finally noticed. Standing behind her this entire time?

    Ohhh Celestia...

    Jumpstyle blushed and backed up a few steps.. "Hey! I know you... y-you're, DJ Neighsay!" She broke into a wide grin, giving a little bit of a girly squeak and actually flipping her wild hair partially from her face to get a better look. That brilliant yellow pelt, perfect black mane, boss neon streaks, trademark shuttershades! That was definitely Jumpstyle's favorite DJ who had been watching her, and seen her dancing in the dusty streets just moments ago.

    "Oh man, I am such a huge fan of your stuff bro! You're like, my inspiration! Oh man, what are the chances of meeting YOU here?" Lost in a bit of an uncharacteristic fangirl moment, Jump gave yet another happy leap, grinning wide with her one visible eye sparkling with lively excitement, before in a few seconds she managed to get a grip on herself. Let's try not to look like a total idiot to the best DJ of all time, she told herself, blushing a little bit brighter as she relaxed. "S-sorry, um.. I'm, not normally like that.. it's just, bro, you're like, whoah! And I mean, whooaa! You're like, boss, but more than that. You're like, three bosses! All at once!"

  3. For those of you familiar with the artwork of me, Slatehyena, Cat Napper, whatever you wanna call me now, you'd know I pretty much only draw OCs. Mainly my own OCs, as I am a ridiculously selfish artist xD

    I feel like I really need to branch out and touch down in some more brony artwork areas, and I need you guys to be kind to me and pitch in ideas for any canon character artwork you'd like to see from me :3

    Thanks to my busted laptop, the most I can provide you with are concept sketches for some time, but I need the practice despnately so any ideas would definitely be appreciated fully, and once I get that laptop of mine back in action, many of these will be finished.

    My gallery has a pretty basic summary of the kind of work I do if you want to check that out and gimme some fitting suggestions.

    I'm not picky at all with subjects also, I'll do cute shippy stuff, action scenes, honestly just about anything any of you can think of, my brain is dry of ideas

    Much thanks to all of you who help me out here, and if it's any sort of incentive, I do random gift arts for people who help me out x3

  4. I'm really fond of Slenderman as a paranormal/horror being concept. Enough information is concrete that you know what he essentially is and looks like, but is also little enough so that certain details varie from presentation to presentation. As far as his scary factor goes, I do get scared and shaker when I watch marble hornets or play Slender, as I am with just about any horror movie or game, but not to the point where I feel uncomfortable anytime outside of these activities.

    Pretty much explains me yep, though I always end up laughing at myself for being scared of Youtube videos and stuff xD I follow them because it's a wicked cool concept and just leaves me with a burning curiosity to know more about it.

    And yes, yes I know of Slendy's origins, I only started watching it because all my friends were stupid scared of it, call me mainstream or whatever because I totally am xD

  5. So I decided to watch through Marble Hornets the other day, I've gotten decently far, can't remember how so off the top of my head. It's interesting, but I'm really not getting all paranoid and weird about it like everyone else I know x3 brother can't sleep, friends claim they're seeing things, etc.

    Anyone else here not entirely moved by Slenderman? Or is there just something wrong with me? I mean, he is creepy, but not THAT creepy

  6. A little euphoric smile spread across Cat's face, the pegasus raised a hoof to her coltfriend's face and held the kiss out as long as she could without it seeming forced. At least with someone so reserves as he, she could very easily tell when he meant everything he said, and everything he did. The two remained pressed together in such a serene moment that she wasn't sure either of them had noticed the appearance of a third pony, that is, until said pony decided to speak to them.

    The striped pegasus squeaked and pulled away from the kiss, head turning quickly to catch a glimpse of the white pegasus who'd happened upon this secret moment of theirs. Great, she thought, ears flattening and face flushing a deep red. That was the last thing poor Dark would need, the day he asked out his first fillyfriend, the word would spread. Maybe her secret clearing wasn't so secret after all..

    "OH! Ehm, s-sorry, I didn't see you.." Cat smiled awkwardly, keeping a hoof held on one of her villainous coltfriend's in a feeble attempt to calm his inevitable overreaction. "You uhm, n-no, don't worry, d'you need something..?"

  7. Yeah seriously, we've needed someone to get this RP moving for months now x3 anyone willing to lend a nosy OC we'd definitely appreciate it. I'd offer some sort of art incentive but I don't know how long you'd be waiting for a little sketch from me. If it helps though I can offer that, this would be a huge help to both of us <3

  8. Jumpstyle (Cutie Mark not included)

    Oh man, oh man, it was just so.. solid! Clouds all her life underhoof, nothing could ever prepare for how solid, sturdy the earth felt to Jumpstyle. The well renown Cloudsdale Choreographer DJ was surprised at herself, this was the first time in her entire LIFE she'd actually felt the need to leave her birth home.

    Though her mane, bushy and electric blue entirely shrouded her eyes from view, an issue not helped in the least by the vibrant orange and blue tye dyed hat pushing her hair further across her face, her expression of pure wonder was unhidden. The white and blue pegasus had been standing there for a good thirty minutes, occasionally scuffing a hoof over the ground or giving a little hop to see if the dust and dirt beneath her would give out and send her falling into another atmosphere. After a kick, and another, and a good few jumps, nothing happened, her hooves left scores in the dirt, but nothing crumbled beneath her, nothing at all. "Wild.. totally wild.." She murmured to herself, tentatively taking a few rhythmic steps from her spot at long last. Dead ahead of her lay Ponyville, the place in which she hoped to find an old friend of hers who'd come to travel Equestria only a few months before. Her first stop was Ponyville, but Jumpstyle couldn't help but worry that she'd already left for Hoofington.

    "Whoaaa..." It was just insane! The buildings around her, equally as solid as the ground beneath her, cute little thatched roofs, cute little mountainside town. Mountainside, Jump repeated mentally to herself. Not miles above the mountains. There was just too much to see here in this.. alien dwelling on the earth, and it would seem extremely odd to any natives of the land, to see the young mare approaching houses and buildings to tap with a forehoof, to see if any were made of the obviously choice material cloud.

    Getting herself to focus was more difficult than the foreign choreographer had anticipated, as everything seemed to ensnare her interest from the trees all around to the residents, completely wingless, just like they taught her in school. Oh the joys of being a young and naive musicial, having spent her entire life practically secluded from the rest of the world in a single cloud city. It was only then that she would come to the realization that, good lord, the entire world wasn't clouds! And Cloudsdale? Only a tiny tiny percentage of the world, the rest set on the ground!

    Aimlessly wandering among the streets, completely captivated by the architecture and general sturdiness all around her, she briefly wondered where she would find Cat. Such an avid flier that one was, how could she ever stand living in these cloudless structures? Though, as Jump had forgotten, Cat often traveled back and forth to the ground throughout her foalhood, to see relatives unable to join her in the sky. She was used to all this solid earth all over.

    She tapped a hoof one last time agaisnt the ground, hard, leaving herself with a sharp pain and a little squeak. Not her best idea. "So like, I fall on this stuff, and.. I die. Mmm, that stuff's just crazy, wicked crazy.." She murmured to herself, unaware of how bizarre her words might've seemed to anyone around her.

  9. The filly stopped and gave Dark an expressionless stare, head tilted slightly, ears having lowered sadly at the thought previously of having to sell her work by force. She made the work because others liked it, she sold it because the stories each painting or chiseled scupture or vibrant mural told, her clients liked them, they peaked their interest and made them happy. Though she really couldn't help but break into a warm smile as for once, the villain was the one to initiate a nuzzle. For the first time if she remembered correctly, that was some kind of improvement.

    It felt that much more meaningful since she hadn't forced it, and warmly she returned Dark's affection, unable to really hold back a happy blush that was spreading across her face.

    "Yes yes, you certainly are one of a kind Dark." Cat grinned, whether or not others perceived this as good or not, that didn't matter. She loved him for whatever he was. "And I am.. honored, that you'd choose me to be someone you trusted enough to, well uh, not hate me! You're so uhm... reserved, it makes me feel truly special that it's me of all ponies you want to be your fillyfriend." She did find it a tad difficult to speak with her heart, what would be enough to frighten this colt who'd just learned how to love? Talk of marriage for certain was something, but even that made Cat uneasy, so she couldn't blame him. But how far was he willing to go with this? What was too much for Dark, a childish teen fed up with the world and everyone in it? With a little nod, Cat pulled out of the nuzzle to smile sweetly, pale face still tinged lightly a scarlet hue, and met the villain's gaze once again with her own.

    "Even if I end up not having any evil in me, I can still be your best friend fillyfriend, can't I?" Confirming this was good, since there was not even one evil molecule in the little pegasus.

  10. "Err..." Dang, there's something the filly hadn't really planned on answering. Idly she leaned herself against the unicorn from their spot on the tree branch and lazily kicked her hooves back, tapping her chin deep in thought.

    All she really needed to do was replace the word 'villainy' with 'practical joke' right? In fact, it seemed like that was all these were really. Practical jokes pulled off by somepony who believed them to be evil. "Hmm, I dunno 'bout that. I don't wanna get caught or anything really, it'd kill my reputation. No one would buy art from a villainess! But, hm, there was this one time back home in Cloudsdale when I sent my friend Jump a bunch of poison joke disguised as flowers. We were just joking, y'now? All in good fun." The pegasus gave a light flutter of her wings and smiled dreamily, looking back on the time with fondness.

    "Her legs wouldn't stop wobbling, she couldn't stand still at all and kept crashing into things hah! It was great.. think somethin' like that could count as villainy?" Cat grinned, she'd not really been the nicest girl in her foalhood, it was all in good fun and no one was ever mad at her for TOO long. Anything from invisible ink to stink bombs or the occasional poison joke, she was a natural! But it was for fun really. That's what this villainy seemed to be, just fun, right? So long as nopony catches her and labels her a vandal, Cat thought she could possibly manage a bit of naughtiness here and there!

  11. Cat managed to push away the humiliation of her gigantic title and how.. ironic it was that a pony of her size would be given it, and she pretended to be extremely focused on batting an oak leaf hanging off an upper branch. "Oh it is too that bad. Ever gone through school and the teacher doesn't know how to pronounce your name and spends half the entire class trying to say it right? It's not that hard, really! Caaatreeenaaah Eeelizabeeeth Naaayyyoosi Jeeeekohh Napperrrrrr. To think some of em called themselves English Teachers for Celestia's sake..." The filly gave a disappointed snort and lightly facehoofed, though she had to admit, Dawn wasn't a name commonly given to colts. Seemed like they had something to reate to eachother with after all, teasing for their names throughout their lives. It just so happened that Cat dealt with it without becoming a villain.

    Speaking of which, that is exactly what they had to do now, somehow make the peace loving artist into a ruthless black hearted fiend! Cat winced lightly each time Dark felt the need to say her name Catrina, feeling every little feather and hair on her body stand on end. "Only my parents call me Catrina, it would seem too weird using that as a villain alias. For now, please, I'd just prefer if you called me Cat. Please..?" The filly sat up slowly and pulled Dark into a gentle embrace, taking a bit of comfort in being up there in the beautiful secluded giant oak tree with her best friend turned coltfriend, no one else around to ruin things now. "And I'll call you Dark. My villainous mastermind~"

  12. "Pardon?" The filly's wings unfurled happily and gave a soft flutter. Dark had uttered that name of his so quickly that she was lucky she caught it! "Dawn Valiant, you say? Heh.. well, I can see how that's not too fitting to a villain." 'Maybe it's because you aren't a villain' Cat quickly thought with a smirk, though she wouldn't say it. She'd already gotten herself past the castle walls of Dark's trust, but as of right now it wasn't work the trouble of getting passsed the steel spiked barrier that currently stood infront of his real self. "It's kinda sweet, I like it, but like I promised, no one will ever hear it from me! I swear on my wings!" Cat lifted her forehoof and crossed her heart with a confident nod, once the girl was entrusted with a secret, no matter how silly, no one would ever be able to get it from her.

    And, the part she was dreading.. "Okay.. a deal's a deal..." She gave a soft sigh, and in a rather mockingly official voice, announced her full title. "My full name is Catrina Elizabeth Nyeusi Jicho Napper." A faint blush was detectable on her as the name rolled off her tongue, but it was out, and that was that. "It's so ridiculous isn't it..?"

  13. "Well, I think if anyone out there has a fair judgement of what your name should be, it'd be your mother right?" Cat shrugged, she could identify. She didn't entirely loathe her name though, she just found it a bit unbefitting to a pony like her. A fancy, stupid lawyer's title, nothing like an artist at all. No, As far as she was concerned, she was Cat Napper, regardless of what her parents called her.

    "Alrighty Dark.. I didn't want it to come to this." Cat sighed softly and shook her head with a little disbelieving smirk. The pegasus never imagined herself speaking that full title willingly to someone else, and yet here she was. "Cat Napper isn't my real name either. You tell me who you are, and I'll tell you who I am. We got ourselves a deal?"

    As if to let the villain know she would never do anything cruel with the knowledge of his true identity, she reached out a little black forehoof and gently rested it on the villain's black dyed forehoof. The difference between natural and faux black was surprisingly noticable. "I wanna know who loves me, villain or not. Won't you please tell me, Dark..?" Aaaand cue the big sad puppy eyes, the filly's secret and very effective weapon.

  14. "Gimme a moment here, villain~" The pegasus playfully smacked the unicorn with a tickling swoop of her wing and righted herself, leaning over to pull Dark into a brief little hug before stretching her abnormally small body out across the smooth tree limb and thinking a bit harder on this.

    Now, some guesses had to be serious, others simply had to be thought up to tease the villain. How could anyone resist such a thing?

    "Hmmm. As soon as you were born, a little tiny not so diabolical baby foal, your mother took a look at you and said 'Oh I must name him Magical Valiant Knightly Gorgeoushair! Little White Ball of Fire! Pony Who is Colored like Cat's Fancy Living Room Chaise That She Is Not Allowed To Sit On With Muddy Hooves! Mr. Future Shinybutt Sun Cutie Mark! One Who Will Wear Nefarious Purple Cape!"

    ...Make that, all of them were thought up to tease.

  15. Of course, of course. Cat rolled her eyes and sook her head, talking a mental note not to take Darks fear of marriage personally. "I'm just kidding you dork~" The pegasus teased and turned to playfully nuzzle the colt. "Why would I wanna get hitched to you? We're too young, stupid!" She hopped up to her hooves, bored with trying to seem serious and seductive, and took to the skies again, soaring in a few quick loopy circles around the clearing and alighting on a tree branch that loomed a good few feet above the colt's head. Expertly hanging upside down by her hind hooves, the spunky little filly gave her coltfriend a happy, reassuring upside down grin, in a way letting him know she didn't mean it.

    "Only the most trustworthy you say, hmmm?" Cat nodded to herself, swaying precariously from her branch and staring down into Dark's mane beneath her, face screwed up in thought. "Okay, okay. I suppose I could.. heh, just make a few guesses based on your natural colors instead." Oooh, this was gonna be fun. The villain's natural coloration was, needless to say not villainous at all. "Your name iiiiss, Cute Little Blondey Blondehead III. Orrr.. Sir Goldeybutt! Heheheheh, none of those are right I presume?"

  16. "Wait what?" Cat blinked. Of course, of course she would have to create an evil persona for herself. Dark Core definitely wasn't her coltfriend's real name, she knew that much. But thinking of an villainous alias for who was more than likely literally the most harmless filly in all of Equestria would prove to be a bit.. different. The sneaky pegasus though, she had her own ideas of where to turn the conversation, still giggling to herself at Dark's reaction to marrying her. "Oh come now, don't you know that in order to rule as partners with a girl you love, eh, villains do love don't they? Anyways, in order to do that, and to have the title King and Queen, Emperor and Empress, Lord and Lady, whatever you like, you gotta be married to her. Everyone knows that!"

    Cat nodded knowingly and slowly pulled herself off of her back and out of the comfy cushion of grass beneath her, now flattened into the vague shape of her body, and began by teasingly sitting up and a rather professional manner and putting on her sweetest, friendliest smile. "It wouldn't be too bad would it?" She chuckled and stood up, slowly circling the colt with eyes piercing seemingly into his soul, like a hungry manticore eyeing her prey. This was too fun, of course she was only doing this to make him nervous. "I mean, a villainous wedding could be interesting, not like that traditional Princey Princess stuff."

    The pegasus winked and flicked her tail against her coltfriend's chin before suddenly giving an enthusiatic leap into the air, where she hovered eye to eye with the young villain, smiling in what could be an almost maniacal way, if it wasn't so dorky and silly. "Oh but we've got years for that. And besides, how can I possibly marry someone who's real name is still a mystery to me?" And it was out there! Who was this Dark Core really? What was is secret idenitity? Cat had been so very curious to discover such this ever since she first met the diabolical young master of evil.

  17. Cat snorted softly, holding back laughter. Oh he was just so stubborn it was, it was just beyond cute! "Hmm.." She considered it for a moment, tapping a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. There was no way a colt Dark's age could hold onto whatever grudge and comic books fueled his desire to become a villain, not for too long at least. And well, neither of them would be kids forever would they?

    The filly never thought about it too closely, after she'd began living on her own at such an early age, playing pretend seemed to slip away from her and her focus on her career sharpened. What harm would it do if she just played along with her coltfriend? If anything, she'd stick around and be sure he didn't get himself into TOO much trouble. And who knows, a bit of evil role playing might just turn out to be fun!

    "Well, this does seem to be an offer I simply CAN'T refuse..." Cat grinned, acting still as though deep in thought and consideration. "Though heheh... maybe we can hold off on me being your Queen juuust for now. I've got to learn the ropes, don't I?" He amusement was more apparent as she let a few giggles slip. "And you know, being King and Queen would mean.. we uh, get married... and we've been dating for maybe twenty minutes." The pegasus leaned her head back with a soft sigh, staring at the world turned upside down as she gave Dark a few minutes to let her words sink in. So adorable how easily flustered he was.

    "If you want to apprentice me, well, I suppose one day I'll be evil enough to rule by your side! We have a deal here, oh superior and maniacal mastermind Dark Core?"

  18. "Dunno. Deception isn't really my thing either, just seems, mean. Meaner than being mean right up front in a way." The filly's silver stare picked out a little butterfly drifting over her head and fluttering back and forth, entertaining herself as she spoke by playfully reaching out and trying to catch the critter between her forehooves. "I'm not evil. A bit of a prankster sometimes, but all in good fun. I can't see too well the vaue in hurting ponies just for the hay of it." Tongue poking out of the side of her mouth in concentration, Cat aimed, kicked her hind feet up, and clapped her forehooves around the butterfly, bringing it down into her chest where she opened the gentle container the hollows of her hooves provided to peak inside at the fluttering creature. The sight tugged a relaxed smile onto her lips, and the filly opened her hooves to let it take flight and delicately soar off over her head once more.

    "Yeah.. I come here sometimes just to, I dunno, appreciate the little, simple things. The beautiful blue overhead, the feeling of the grass swishing against your sides, the smell of a season coming to end. I'm an artist so, I guess these things've always stuck out to me.. I never wanted to hurt anyone or, gain incredible power, or take over all of Equestria! But, I've been happy all the same.." Cat's smile widened as she had to stop herself there, she was speaking her thoughts again. Dark proved to be a wonderful listener though, even if she doubted he could see things her way too well. With a little giggle, she turned her attention back to the young dyed colt beside her, light glinting in her smile cast from the radiance of the day.

    "Anyways.. that aside, do I even look like a pony who could be be involved in any reign of terror?" Almost as if to emphasize the pegasus's point, the small monarch butterfly she'd caught returned to her, delicately floating on its marvelous wings to alight in one of the dusty locks that framed Cat's face.

  19. Hey Canterlot, got a few things I feel I need to clarify. I'm thinking it's time for me to back up out of the social light of this site, it's just.. not the same as I remember it being. There's too much of a squabble for attention wherever I go now, and how seriously the OCs are taken really reminds me of pageant moms trying to prove their kid is the best. It's all too serious now, it's not fun. The entire reason I come to this site is because I want to have fun, and indeed I have. But when the fun stops, the point of coming around has stopped.

    It's likely I'll be back, but I wouldn't plan on it, and if I do it won't be for a very, very long time. RL needs to be fixed up, and I need to consider what it is I really expect from an online community, and if it's worth the stress.

    I'll post forum RP posts, but I do not really want to be as much a part of the community as I have been for the past year.

    Those of you who want to keep in touch with me, feel free to find me;

    Skype: SlateHyena

    DeviantART: valhyena

    FurAffinity: Slatehyena

    Youtube: Valorei

    It's been wonderful Canterlot, big thanks to all the love and support given to me by the incredible friends I have here. Long live the brony fandom!

    ~Catrina Elizabeth Napper; Cat Napper

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