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Posts posted by AlisonRose

  1. For sure! Hoof-bump! :) I am looking forward to playing with everypony!! And if it is no big issue, my current pony skin is AppleJack but I can change if I have too.

    So i'm stuck in the intro box and I try to do the teleport but it just deletes the block that i place down. Q.Q

    My minecraft name is Archrose, in case you added the wrong name. =(

  2. One thing I would like to point out however is:

    'Origin/Residence:Originated in Manehattan, decided to move to Canterlot shortly after reaching adulthood.'

    I sure would like to know why he moved, I think that would add some nice depth to his character if we (the audience) knew why he moved from Manehatten, even if it is just 'He didn't like the noise of the city and one day decided to move to Canterlot and be among the elites.' But that is just a small idea I had, nothing big.

  3. Haha! I wish.

    No, what I meant was that it's what comes up as the first page when I open Firefox.

    =O its the first page that opens for me also!!! And that is also in fact how I got here as well! Welcome welcome welcome I fine welcome to you! I hope you love your stay here!

  4. No one is running around as Applejack as far a I know.

    The Mine Little Pony mod hasn't been updated for Minecraft 1.2.3 yet, but we haven't switched over on the server yet either as Star is waiting for the updated bukkit. I know the Mine Little Pony crew is working on it but it will likely be a few days still.

    So then how would I un-update my Minecraft so that I can play with yall? I would for sure love to get in there with the pony mod but mine hates me atm Q.Q

  5. It was whatever page I had stopped reading at before. I havn't been onto this topic in a while since my Minecraft has been messing up a lot lately thanks to this darn Modloader thing not working anymore. But if anyone knows release dates for the 1.2 mods of My Little Pony stuff that was posted here (To turn all the people into ponies and such.) Please let me know cuz my minecraft wont run now.

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