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Posts posted by DrMaxwell

  1. Thanks all for the welcome, I hope to be here for a long time.

    On a side note, I may just be missing something, but the link to the rules in your introduction, Tales, doesnt seem to have a readily viewed list of regular forum rules. I'm assuming theyre pretty much the same as the chat rules, but I'd hate to be horribly wrong.

    Edit: I was being derpy, I didnt scroll down far enough.

  2. Hi everypony, I'm Dr Maxwell, or Max if you so choose. Im relatively new to both foruming and the MLP community, but I doubt theres a better group to start off in. I became a fim fan about 2 months ago, after seeing it praised so much, I couldnt help but watch, and was hooked on the first episode.

    I live in Los Angeles(much to my dismay, I love the forest), and I am currently attending college for an electrical engineering degree. I am a sci-fi and fantasy fan, and currently my favorite author is Robert Heinlein. I also love mountain biking, hiking, random walks, and fencing.(not fence making, swordplay.)

    Alas, Im not really sure what else to write, but if there's anything else you want to know, go ahead and ask.

    P.S. Rarity<3

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