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Status Updates posted by Volt

  1. Hangover... but at the price of BEST WEDDING EVER.

  2. "And who are you?" - the proud lord said...

  3. You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard, You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger, You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, You gotta stay together~ // Let's write posts.

  4. Will reply to threads at evening of 15th, or 16th. Delays are to be expected during exam session.

  5. I might have to delay RP responses a day or two and maximum. I've got way too much things to take care of irl. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll get to those ASAP.

  6. Mhhmhhmhhmhmm... Mhhyhhyhhyhhyhhyhhm...MhhyhyhyahahahahaHA-HA-HA!

  7. o.o' More people cared than I've anticipated...

  8. One small step for me...

  9. The profile page hath been refreshed!~

  10. I have unintentionally fallen in love. But I fear this time, it's not just a simple 'charmed' state...

  11. If you condemn somepony for something... does this decision automatically condemn you, in tiniest part, in eyes of others? Is conscience such a great force that it denies logic?

  12. Will be responding to RP's today evening most probably.

  13. So, here I am, what else would you need from me?

  14. I shall soon return from my exile.

  15. Active only in Hurt/Heal war. Otherwise, gone until further notice.

  16. You there! Yes you. Did you know that chat toolbar is back? You did? So why aren't we chatting yet!?

  17. If you're reading this, I say "Thank You" for sparing a few moments of your precious time and appreciating my profile :) Side, private note: Thanks for the comment, Karna.

  18. Throughout my entire life, there was only one problem in it... Me. There were moments I wished I could erase it. There are moments I wish I could erase it. I wish those moments weren't present in the future. /severly depressed.

  19. *Sigh* Will take care of RP's tomorrow morning. Thou have my word for that, if asked.

  20. *Sigh* Will take care of RP

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