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Posts posted by Volt

  1. OH SNAP, Tales bot didn't Ctrl+V in here. Something is wrong! I think she is broke!!

    Calm down everypony... After all it's possible some ponies change in time. Even Tale~... wait? It was Tales?

    Run for your LIVES!

    And, Foxlove, welcome to the forums.

    As I-Don't-Know-Who-You-Are-But-You-Cannot-Be-Tales mentioned, you can always follow the guidelines.

  2. *smiles innocently* The failings of Canterlot that conceal my presence are not my responsibility I'm afraid. Sun and moon watch over you, Volt.

    Oh, but I didn't accuse you of this deed at all. Just pointed out a simple fact.

    Hub flub drub jub




    And that's a perfect way to sum up nearly everything I've read up until now. Nearly, because the LPW sig marking wouldn't be so bad, kinda funny idea.

    Maybe you all DIED?!?

    That would be too good to be true.


    You've all lost your touch.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but ropes, on which is my puppet body is hanging, are still intact.

    Moreover, I'm afraid I never had the pleasure of having this... "Touch". So you may be disappointed with others.

  3. I love my avitar. I get about 5 people a month asking me why Dash has panties in her mouth and the conversations I end up having are very amusing!

    Today's question is sponsored by letter: W.

    Why is Rainbow... Never mind. I guess we all have our own reasons for various behaviors.

    Probably my favorite introduction topic so far.

    ...mostly because of Fluttershy's squee, but that doesn't matter, does it?...

  4. You certainly did earn my gratitude for an entertaining evening today.

    Your simple answers which tend to have second, if not third depth usually are at least addictive, I say.

    Wish I had this talent too.

    Apparently, you've disappeared in moment I've decided to compliment on you finally. That's quite disappointing, but I guess I'll just leave this message be. Volt is out of action, as moon has risen already.

    Good night, everypony.

  5. I'll gladly use this thread in order not to start a new one, since I have 2 questions hovering over my head, that I couldn't somehow clarify on my own.

    1st: I understand the part that there can be NO connections with any characters in your application. But, after everything is accepted, you're allowed to make reference to facts that you've met mentioned ponies in previous RP's?

    Example: You finished one RP with pony A, and got into another with different ponies. In second RP, are you allowed to mention that in late/early past you've met pony A and comment on him/her if situation would profit from this?

    2nd: The second matter is deeply connected with the first one. As I want to have one main character, which will take part only in one RP at once. Why? Because I want him to create a chain of memories which he'd use in future RP's, just like mentioned above by, for example, bringing up to conversation ponies he had met in past already. Moreover, I wouldn't like him to appear in two different places at once, for the sake of this tiny bit of realism.

  6. You already knew I was insightful ;-)

    Yes, I know. But I don't mind being the master of the obvious from time to time.

    "stalked" O.o

    You jest, surely. That's a serious accusation, sir.

    No, I don't. But I like to exaggerate things from time to time, so don't mind me this one time.

    PS: Dav, you're doing it on purpose, are you not .-.?

  7. Now when I think of this... I think that it cheers me up to imagine how some ponies, in order to catch up with those posts, randomly encounter "The Stare" with "I insist." title. As for me, I'd stop on it for longer I guess.

    *Checks if anypony felt into a trap already*

    *Returns disappointed* Patience is not strongest feature of my personality.

  8. You are, of course, welcome to your opinion.

    Oh, the case seems simple to me. If you'll scroll up to the sentence I've originally quoted, you'll notice a small label, saying "Davroth likes this". Which forces me to create assumptions, that Germaney alcoholic nectar might be created especially for a certain pony, thus, taken great care of in order not to fail the expectations.

    Though, those are only assumptions of course. Yet...

  9. Well now, if that doesn't impress me, then I don't know what does. From newcomer to assessed application in less than 18 hours? I say: "Hats off, gentleponies, hats off. Jelly good job, that is."

    Hope to meet RPing in near future, I feel I might not regret that. As soon as I'll introduce few more ponies into my profile probably though...

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