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Posts posted by Clickity

  1. Right now I'm working on making pony characters for some of my friends from another forum. They're all based on their fursonas, their real personalities, some inside jokes and a bit of mockery.

    The drawings are boring and have uninteresting poses but they are basically just like reference sheets .-. Feel free to critique.

    I'll try to make more soon. If you'd like to see my non-MLP related art check out my dA

    I can't post the picture of this one because it has white text which isn't visible on this forum's background but I'll post a direct link.

    Pumpkin Pants

    This one has a different text so I'll just post the image. This one's for my girlfriend. It was too hard to make fun of her so I stopped trying xD


  2. delving too deep into it will suck me into the fanbase and I won't ever be seen again.

    Sounds familiar doesn't it?!

    I love Homestuck ^w^ I got into it about a month ago, I only started reading it because I wanted to see the trolls so I really plowed through the beginning of it xD I'm about halfway through Act 5 now.

  3. Ahoy! It's nice to meet you. It's a shame you haven't been able to get your friends interested in to the show. I'm sure it can be quite difficult! They will definitely cave eventually. I've converted several of my friends from another forum simply because they caved in and got curious or I forced them to watch it. Real life friends are my next step. MUAHAHAHAHA /hackcough. Good luck with your friends and welcome to Equestria xD

  4. Hi to all of you and thank you for linking me to that area although I already checked it before I even made an account xD

    I will be making sure to check out that art section some time soon :3

    Skye~ I love your signature ^w^ That's a deer if I'm not mistaken? They're one of my favourite animals.

  5. Hi there! I'm Clickity, on most websites I'm known as Teal Skeletore however I decided to use my pony's name on here. I'm a 16 year old female (probably quite young around here since there seems to be quite a large adult fanbase, but I'm not sure) Auspony and I'm moderately new to the MLP fandom but I've watched every episode that's out so far. I got into it when my friend told me about it. I wasn't at all hesitant since I'm quite open-minded but it did take a while for me to find the time to start watching it. My curiousity rose

    Yes I do have a pony character however I'm not here to roleplay, just to chat about MLP and make friends. I used to be a hardcore roleplayer a few years ago but I grew out of it ^^

    Other than MLP my interests include Homestuck, anime (Death Note, Soul Eater, and some others) and art. Yesyes I do love art, I love drawing, the whole jizz. I hope to go somewhere with art in the future, I'd like to become an illustrator or something.

    I hope I can make a few friends here so yeah~ nice to meet ya :33

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