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Everything posted by sleeps

  1. Sure sure. Sorry for the late response. Was out doing resreach for a thesis paper in another state.
  2. Well my pony got accepted....I guess I should join an rp. Why do I feel like I'm butting in if I do?

    1. Karnaloth


      you and I can shake hooves on that, I always feel like that :(

  3. Woooo he hasn't yet maybe if Nickle Shine gets approved soon I'll try to do him.
  4. Oh thanks. Though it looks like his coat has become a bit darker since season 1 Well I am kind of woundering now where the fandom came up with the name but it is good infor to know. I wounder if anyone has claimed him in the main rp yet?
  5. So I was watching through "Sweet and Elite" again because I really do like Rarity and I went on a binge of watching fan dubs of the song "Becoming Popular"" when I noticed a pony that kept showing up that really stood out to me. I don't think he has a name but I would like to know more about him. Here is a screen shot of him during the song at the dinner party. (I spoiled it due to size). Anyways he is the brown pony on the far right. I don't know why I like him so much I just do but what is his name?
  6. Eh, Pinkie is one of thoughs odd characters. I at first didn't like her at all but I think she has grown up a bit through out the show and I can at least stand her now she has at least moved above rainbow dash who I still don't like because she still acts very aroggent and rude. But overall I think she was kind of at fault but she was also maturing through out the episode.
  7. I guess maybe if I edited to say " Older Colt " it will make sense.
  8. That might be what I'm asking because the age rule thing did confuse me a bit. If I had to put him in human years I would say late teens ( like 17 or 18 ).
  9. Hmmm well I giess i'll submit my character for now.
  10. So I have been developing my character who is at the age of a colt but I wanted him to still be a blank flank to add a flaw to his personality. I didn't see any rules against older ponies not having cutie marks but it did also mention that you should either provide a picture or describe it. I figured it would be good to ask before I submitted him.
  11. Well I'm fine still adjusting to this forum. ( It is never easy to go from style to another but luckily this one isn't to different then the others I have been on. )
  12. Thank you all for you kind introduction. I hope to get to RPing soon.
  13. So I finally finished reading through most of the rules and I think it is time to say my hellos. My name is Sleeps and I am from a mountain range known as the Smoky Mountains in the West. A little bit about me is that I am a history undergraduate at the moment. (I have about a year to go before I am finished.) I enjoy listening to most styles of music (except for rap), I do try to create some music on my free time, (though I an amateur at best), I also use Vocaloid if you are interested in that and have been using the program for about a year now so I know quite a bit about it so I can help out on that if people need to know something about the program, Also I know a pinch of Japanese and enough Spanish to at least hold a basic conversation. I originally thought of MLP: FiM as to girly for a man like myself but after watching it with the girls I baby sit for to help pay tuition for college, I fell in love with the small hidden jokes throughout the show. (I still laugh at the "I love Lucy” reference) My favorite ponies from MLP: FiM are Big Macintosh and Doctor Whooves. I found this board by completely accident when I was attempting to reply to a Roll Play on another site when I performed the wrong macro control and it sent my reply into Google engine and this site popped right up. After taking a look around I figured I would give it a shot. I already have idea for a character though I do have a question about cutie marks that was not covered in the rule section but I'll ask that in a bit. I guess until then if you have any questions for me shoot away.
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