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Posts posted by sleeps

  1. Promontory:


    He said as he winced a bit from feeling Starlight touch the injured ankle. When she was done the Unicorn stepped back letting Promontory put his hoof down. Promontory took a look down at the makeshift bandage with a bit of annoyed looked.

    "This probably ain't going to work but still. Might as well humor her."

    He thought to himself as he put the hoof down and started to put a bit of weight on it. Promontory closed his eye expect a sharp shot of pain to go through his leg but found that it was only a minor tinge compared to before.

    "Huh...Well I be darned."

    He said aloud. He said as he took a few steps on it. He could at least walk normally now making Promontory give a happy but small smile.

    "Well, thanks Miss Starlight. I guess we will be able to move a bit faster with this."

    Promontory said as he looked over to the unicorn. However, the wind from outside brought Promontory back to the reality of the situation they were in.

    "We need to get moving; we only have a few hours of light left."

    Promontory remarked as he walked over to the door opening it to a icy howl of wind.

    "Just stay close and will be fine n dandy."

    He said a little louder then usually so that the Unicorn could hear him over the wind. As he got out of the coach he went back over to the train engine where had kept his books and maps and opened it again pulling out a small compass. He flipped it open and checked the direction to make sure they were heading the right way.

    "So, the map said we need to go southwest until we hit the spindle face.

    He thought as he looked up at the direction.

    "Still how is she gonna climb a mountain face with no sight? I guess I may have to carry her through their....I hope this leg of my holds out.

    Promontory continued to himself as he looked silently back at the Starlight and then to his compass.

    "I don't have much of an option though."

    Was Promontory thought before he grabbed a small set of rations from the train and put them in his make shift bag before walking up next to the unicorn.

    "Common this way."

    He said over the wind as he gently nudged the unicorn to follow him.

  2. So I have a quick question. I know the universal rule is keep everything G rated in the mane rp and FiM Free for all area but wouldn't the 18+ area technically override that since it has a big warning about it being 18+? I figured I would ask in case I ever try to do a romance RP that gets a little bit more over the PG line.

  3. Promontory:

    When the Unicorn called out his injury he rolled his eyes in annoyance. Still the Unicorn looked determined as she began to make a make shift bandage. Promontory was about to protest but thought for a moment.

    "I better pick my battles wisely. If I don't accept her help she might not want to leave. That would slow us down even more."

    Promontory thought as he closed the door as he limped back over to the Unicorn. What really surprised him though was when she asked which one it confirming his early thoughts of her being blind.

    "Oh-it's...uh my front right."

    He said somewhat embarrassed as he got close to the thin mare not sure what she was going to do, or even how seeing that she was blind.

    Ya'll don't need to do anything for me if ya don't want to....um....uh....I'm sorry but what was ya name?"

    He babbled out trying not to sound rude.

  4. Promontory:

    Promontory turned when he heard the Unicorn let out a gasp. It seemed that the candles she had packed had shifted and smacked her on the head. Still what made Promontory even more puzzled was the fact the unicorn had trouble putting the candle on the table.

    "Is..Is this mare blind?"

    He thought as he grabbed the candle before it could fall from the edge of the table and let her light it. He hadn't even bothered really to get to know his passengers much. To Promontory it's his job to delivery them safely not know who they were.

    This is no time to be curious about some mare.

    He thought to himself as he looked over the map of the Eponnine Mountains eventually he found the small gap that they were in. It was in a long and difficult area of the Eponnine Mountains called the Spindle Ridge. As he continued to look he heard the mare ask him a where the were.

    Were in Spindle Ridge."

    He said dully looking over the map slowly seeing if he could identify any caverns. Finally after a few minutes of silently searching he found one that particularly caught his eye. It was called the Dragon Tear Cavern.

    "Here we go."

    He said as he quickly flipped open the book next to the map to get more information on it. The book didn't have much but it did mention that it did contain a natural hot spring deep in the cavern.

    "Perfect, that should at least keep us warm for the remaining storm and night."

    He thought as he looked up to the window where the wind was still white.

    "Though lets just hope we can get their first.

    He said as he blew out the candle making the coach go dark again. As he got up from the table where he had placed the map he rolled it up and began to limp over to a set of curtains that fallen to the ground and placed the map and book inside tying it closed and the connecting to his yoke. As he finished he began to walk toward the door. However, the pain in his injured hoof was staring to become more noticeable in his steps.

    "Well uh...Miss. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we gotta walk. This train will freeze over soon and us gettin locked inside ain't gonna help. There's a cavern called the Dragon Tear about 2 or 3 hours from here. If we hurry we can get der before sundown and buckle down until mornin."

    He said he pushed open the door and holding it for the mare.

  5. .....Well I have some ships that I like....though I don;t think anyone else will because their so cracky. though I'll put show them that is...if you don't mind.

    Big Mac X Fluttershy


    Big Mac X Caramel (I'm a bad bad brony for this)

    Caramel X AppleJack

    Soarin X Braeburn

    Promontory X Braeburn

    Promontory X Soarin X Braeburn (I'm....I'm Sorry I don't even know how I got into this one.....)

    RainbowDash X Soarin

    Mr.Cake X Mrs.Cake (what? they're a cute couple)

    Derpy X Doctor Whooves

    Discorded Whooves X Master (Their not even in the show and ship them!!! *sob sob*)

    Fancy pants X Rarity

    yeah I think that is all....I'll just go sit in the corner now....

  6. 60b65816b7d12bccc3de6721c193a433.png

    Somepony else sees the potential.

    I actually did read a fairly good fix about that once.

    Though I usually prefer Big Mac with fluttershy or if I'm feeling saucy (See what I did there?) Caramel.

    Speaking of Caramel and Big Mac jokes, anyone up for some play on words from Plato's?


    (I wounder how many people will actually get the joke...)

  7. Promontory

    Promontory continued to try to move the train only for the storm to continue to howl and further freeze the train. The Toast colored stallion began to become frustrated realizing that it was a lost cause.

    Fine! If I can't push it back on I'll buck it back on!"

    He angrily thought in desperation as he turned and kicked the side of the train as hard as he could putting to much pressure on his injured hoof making him fall into the snow. He let out a quick yelp of pain which made him instantly come back to reality.

    "Owch,Owch,Owch....okay, maybe not the best plan. I gotta think this through slowly."

    He calmly continued to himself taking a deep breath of the cold air as he looked over the train. By now the freezing winds and snow had begun to clog the smoke stack and the exposed wheels were already pretty much solid ice.

    "At this rate the train will become an icebox and my passenger will freeze to death. Still I can't risk taking them through the storm. I gotta find us some shelter."

    He thought as he began to hobble through the snow to the main engine era. He opened it an grabbed a few maps and books. As he did this the Unicorn again appeared asking if they were truly stuck.


    Promontory said with a small gruff as he slowly walked from the train to the coach. As he got closer he could see that the Unicorn had grabbed some bed sheets and draped them around herself.

    "Good enough."

    He said as he walked passed her into the coach. The room was thrown about but it seemed that nothing was destroyed. He propped up a small table and unfolded a map of the region and attempted to look it over. However, the clouds blocked out most of the light making it hard for the stallion to make out anything in the dark coach.

    "Ya'll got any candles or somethin?"

    He said as he looked over at the unicorn.

  8. Promontory:

    Promontory tried to push the small cart back onto the tracks but the mixture of wind, ice, and pain from his temporary disabled hoof was proving to out match him. Still his stubbornness pushed him to keep trying.

    "A-a little more."

    He groaned out trying to push with his shoulder on to the train until he heard the Unicorn came over offering to help making him push to hard onto the cart and end up stumbling back land on his hoof making him wince.

    "L-look your my passenger. I gotta make sure you're safe. An the safest place at the moment is in the train."

    He said as he caught his breath as he slowly limped back towards the train.

    "Though if you really want ta help,"

    He said as he dug his back hooves into the ground and started to push his body against the small train again.

    "Then go inside an put somthin warm on."

    He continued as he puffed and grunted as he pushed against the train trying to get the locomotive to move as it quickly continued to get buried in snow making it heavier and harder to push.

    "That can at least buy me some time to think."

    He thought to himself as he felt another arctic blast of wind rush past his face.

  9. Promontory:

    Promontory unhooked the rail he was wearing arcoss his yoke making the rods fall onto the snow patted rock. He then turned to inspect the damage to the private train. From a glance it looked like most of the train was okay just scratched up. However, as Promontory looked closer at the wheels he could tell that the guard rails had been snapped clean off and that the connector rods where in no shape to be driven with.

    "Shoot. Could this get any worse?"

    He muttered to himself in a low tone. Suddenly he heard the voice of a young mare calling out. The passenger must of come out to know what was going on.

    "I had to ask."

    He thought as he looked over to see a very slender pastel purple unicorn get off the train.

    "Ma'am go back in-"

    Promontory began as he walked towards her but then felt a sharp sting of pain in his injured hoof making him cut off his sentence.

    "Sweet Celestia that hurts!"

    Promontory accidentally blurt out making him bring the injured hoof back off the ground as much as he could so not to lose balance. He took a moment to breath before he started to talk again.

    "J-Just go back inside an I'll try to get the train back on the tracks."

    Promontory grunted out as he hobbled toward the side of the train and began to push on the large machine with all of his strength that was in his remaining three limbs.

  10. Promontory:

    The winds gave out a loud howl as the toast colored stallion focused on the tracks in the Eponnine Mountains. Promontory constantly had to as the other train ponies called it "surf the rails" where he would put his hooves atop the rail guards and slide the small one person train behind him so that it could make it through the tight twists and turns while keeping its wheel locked in the tracks to keep the passenger safe.

    I know Hoofenheim makes its own laws but clearing a passenger train for the blizzard is nuts. Even for my own standards."

    Promontory puffed out as he pulled the train as hard as he could over a large brink before being forced to quickly "surf" around a face that blended in with the howling snow and wind. Promontory knew that this was getting to dangerous but the Celestial guards had asked for this mare to be delivered as soon as possible for a special venue at Canterlot and it seemed the studio that had hired her were more then willing to put her and Promontory at risk if it meant getting in good with the Princess.

    "Lets see if those books were right, then next is the spindle gap that will lead to the next mountain pass.

    Promontory thought; recalling his time spent in the library at Hoofheim attempting to pick the fast train route to Canterlot. Sure enough, a large drop appeared in the blinding snow making the small one passenger train rocket down like a roller coaster into a small passing area. However as Promontory planted his hooves into the Earth to slow down the train he felt his front hoof give way under a sheet of black ice that had built up under the tracks.


    Promontory said angrily as he tried to quickly readjust his black hooves to stay within the rails. However the more he tried the more his hooves began to slip on the black ice. Finally it happened, Promontory felt his front hoof slide again and this time he went to his knee making him slam into the front of the train. The train cart to rock violently back and forth from the large stallion being pushed into the train until the wheels finally snapped from the safe rails and made the train begin to slide on the frozen track. Prmontory quickly tried to recover and pushed all into the frozen ground.

    "Come on! Come ON!"

    Promontory thought angrily as he stomped his hooves harder making them smash through the black ice and into the dirt. Finally after what felt like a life time the small train came to a sliding stopped. Promontory hooves where deeply dug into the earth. As he pulled each hoof out he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his front right hoof that made him wince.

    "Great...Just great."

    Promontory thought angrily as he looked up at the gray clouds as another gust of wind howled passed him.

  11. Oh, I like that. Great idea.

    Did you want me to start up a new topic, or would you like to start?

    You can start it if you would like. Since I'm not sure where the starting point would be. My thought would be that she would be heading towards Canterlot though.

    Just send me a link when you put it up.

  12. Nothing at the moment, really. I haven't RPed as Starlight before, so this is mostly just me getting into her mindset. But if you've got some ideas, I'd love to hear about them.

    Well my first thought after reading her profile is that she is going somewhere to perform and the studio hires a private train that Promontory has to pull but maybe an ice storm makes it so they have to walk and she can prove that mares are just as tough as stallions.

  13. Do you mean characters that are background background that don't have any lines but show up in multiple episodes? Or have a few speaking lines in an episode that show up in multiple episode?

    Unicorn: Chocolate Sun (or North Pole since they are both recolors of each other) and Comet Tail

    Earth: Promontory and Doctor Whooves

    Pegasus: Thunderlane and Orion? ( I think that is his name because he has the constellation of Orion for his cutie mark)

  14. Lately I have been having a bad itch for a mild crack pairing RP using the character Promontory (Can you tell that I really like him since I'm also applying for him in the mane RP as well?)and really any pony (Though I tend to enjoy Soarin or Braeburn in particular) so I figured I would ask in the Free-RP section and see if anyone wanted to. Just either leave something here or send me a PM.

    Also if you are wondering why I say Stallion snuggle instead of Colt Cuddle the answer is that I like the word Stallion more.

    Why do I feel like I'm being heavily judged?

  15. Skye does final approval on Applications, always.

    I'm the only Moderator that helps with assessing apps, all of the other staff who work on them are Helpstaff.

    We don't like to let apps go more than 3 days or so before someone comments on them, but sometimes life does get in the way.

    All of the staff on Canterlot.com do so on a volunteer basis. That means that between family, school, friends, and other stuff, this is what we're doing. No, we don't get paid to staff here, we do it because we want to. In return, we ask for patience, especially during the Application process when people seem to get antsy. Most of the staff started off as regular users, so try to imagine how you'd like to be treated in such a situation.

    In short, there is no set time limit to how long it will take your Application to be approved, it just depends on what's going on in our lives.

    Hmmm that makes sense.

  16. N00B question ho!!!

    Anyway I know that a lot of people submit characters and it must take the 2 or 3 mods I have seen running around the application center a lot of energy to accepted and edit applications, but Is it usually about a 2-3 week waiting period usually on characters before a mod will look them over and approve them for the mane RP? Or have I just run into a particularly busy week with my characters?

    (Now that I think about it it seems that the main people are MyLittlePonyTales, Armony, and Skye)

  17. said noble, sorry if was unclear. to me noble would mean anyone who is granted land by the ruling monarch or is given lordship or dukeship over large portion of land, but a good idea on the famli line thingy. I can see where your coming from on the markings and was thinking of getting rid of those on GIMP anyway. On the wings, can you show me a link to that? i cant find it in the FAQ ^^'

    Here you go Basically outlines that very unusually wings will probably get rejected. Still always ask a mod it will definitely save you a lot of headache.

    okay, ummmm how do i edit the title? i click edit on le post and its not letting me

    After you hit edit click the full editor option.

  18. An interesting character enough but their are some oddities. The biggest one I think is the spiked wings because I though I saw a rule that mentioned that ponies should only have standard wings. The other odd thing are the green markings. Though interesting I don't think it is much a pony thing and more of a zebra thing. Maybe just have one green marking instead of all over his body? The Royal family thing is odd because I'm pretty sure that means you would have to be related to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna which I remember seeing a rule about having no back round relationship with main cast ponies. (You might want to look that up). Perhaps an alternative could be that they are well know athletes or maybe that his family was know for having a long line of champions in a competition that involved speed? The only other thing I guess is odd is the Aspergers thing which I guess is unique but I would ask a mod about it.

  19. So I have found another character I want to make an apllication for but I am having a bit of a hard figuring something out. Sadly again it is about Cutie marks. ( This always seems to be difficult for me for some reason) Anyways the character I was thinking of applying for ( Yes I did check he is avaliable) is Promontory who appeared in both "Over a Barrel" and " The Last Round Up" the problem is that in all of his apperances he doesn't have a cutie mark but he looks to be the age of a stallion so I'm kind of at an impass. Should I just make one up for him or leave it blank like how he appeared in the episodes?

  20. Intresting enough episode. Though I was kind of hopping it would actually show how exactly princess celestia/the academy obtained the Spike. Though my thought is shouldn't Spike of went to an older dragon to see what he could of known about him and dragons in general then just random teenage dragons? Oh well cartoonplot iscartoon plot hole.

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