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RP Certified
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Status Updates posted by sleeps

  1. No Vocaloid Sonika that's a bad Vocaloid Sonika

  2. No Vocaloid Sonika that's a bad Vocaloid Sonika

  3. Wants to do a Stallion Cuddler RP but doesn't know where to post it. :(

  4. Finished my Theoritical statistics ahead of schedule like a BOSS!!!

  5. Finished my Theoritical statistics ahead of schedule like a BOSS!!!

  6. Finished my Theoritical statistics ahead of schedule like a BOSS!!!

  7. I know who your avatar is!!! it's Oliver from PowerFx!!

  8. .....I wanna fluffy wuffy romancey RP in the west with my new character

  9. Body.....In Pain......but....losing weight......

  10. You know you in over your head when the project you have due next week you can't even understand the title of....

  11. You know you in over your head when the project you have due next week you can't even understand the title of....

  12. things I learned today....I'm not a car person

  13. listening to Vampire Kiss while attempting to write about ponies does not work.

  14. Is surrently out studying for finals

  15. Done with Finals is rping again

  16. Look up what Tsundere is....realize most of your characters in Rps are male Tsunderes OTL

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