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Image Comments posted by sleeps

  1. eeeeehhhh he needs some work because right now he looks like a badly redrawn Celestia. ( Yes I read he is her uncle in the description but there can be some verity in how rulers look.) I think the first thing that needs to be redone is his cutie mark/job description. I say this because his marking contradicts what has already been shown in the show. If Celestia brings up the sun each day then there would be no need for the Planet to spin because it would be geocentric universe instead of a heliocentric. Also Winter wrap up stated that magic is what brings the seasons so that also contradicts his cutie mark. Perhaps his can be that he moves the stars across the night sky? or maybe he is in control of the tides of the oceans? (Though this might be a dangerous line to cross because that might fall under Luna's job) The next thing is the shoes and crown. Maybe have him wearing a helmet/or a male crown and a cape or something instead? As for the shoes, make them smaller more war like or have him have fetlocks. The yolk is some what interesting but could use a bit of a touch up. Finally the hair has got to go. I know that the wavy hair is a signature of the "Royal pony family" but It just does not work with his color scheme. If you are insisting on long hair then go with Prince blue blood style. Sorry if this is harsh but I figured it would be better to be honest then anything else. You might want to take a look at Italian king portraits to get a feel of what might work.

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