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Posts posted by sleeps

  1. Registration Pony:

    When The griffin repeated himself the registration pony still had to let the idea sink into his head.

    "Well you look a little young, but I guess your parents already agreed to let you go if you that excited on signing up."

    The pony said as he grabbed a quick form from his pack and quickly scribbled down some notes on the Griffin. As he did he grabbed another bit pouch and tossed it to the Griffin.

    "Here ya go. Just sign Dis an you can go catch up ta the others. There probably still in town somewhere can't miss them. Ones a unicorn and the other is western blooded pony with a heavy drawl."

    The Pony said as he looked up to see a young mare come in and straight up to where the Griffin was. She seemed to know the fellow so the Registration pony simple rolled his eyes and continued to pack up pulling out another pouch of bits and a form again quickly writing down the basic information that he had down with the Griffin.

    "Uh Ma'am not ta intrude on yer reunion but 'f you're going on Dis job you gonna need ta sign Dis and go catch up wid da other two.

    He said as he tapped the table where the last few remaining things were.

  2. Promontory:

    Promontory raised a questioning eyebrow at Consonance when he asked to be escorted to the next generally store. However Promontory quickly shrugged off the comment and motioned his head in the direction of the next store.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Fahne. C'omon den."[/colour]

    Promontory said as he started to walk through the dusty streets of Appleloosa again. The general store was only a few feet down the road but instead of being an outside stall like Promontory's preferred food venue, it was an actually building. Promontory walked letting the door greet him with the sound of some small bells hooked to the door. Just like the building before the general store had the smell of saw dust and must.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Get whad ya lahke 'n quick 'bout id fiddle pony."[/colour]

    Promontory said to Consonance again forgetting that he wasn't talking to another train pony. He toast colored stallion then walked in straight to the camping supplies. They had a small verity of goods but the Earth pony looked passed it until he found the few things he was looking for. There near the corner of the supplies was an old looking lantern, some enchanted wood that could be re-burned a certain number of times, and a western style poncho. He picked them up and started to head towards the front. As he got to the counter he set the stuff onto it and looked at the cashier.

    [colour=#A1745E]" an' a canteen with 8 refills."[/colour]

    He said gruffly as he tossed his bits onto the counter. The cashier quickly took the bits and counted them up to make sure there was enough. After a few moments of silence the cashier pushed a few buttons on the registar to make the door pop open as the bits were pushed into the draw.

    Promontory then opened his saddle bag and tossed in water and fire supplies while hanging the lantern on the side of his saddle pack. He then slipped on the western poncho making sure that his bandana was on the out side of it just encase a sand storm suddenly showed up and he needed it to protect his muzzle. As Promontory finished packing himself up he noticed the cashier hand back his bit bag.


    Promontory said as he grabbed it and opened it. Surprisingly there was still 3 bits left in his bag.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Well ah guess ah can spen' dem when ah ged back."[/colour]

    Promontory thought as he again opened his saddle bag and tossed them in. Promontory walked over by the door and waited on Consonance to make his selection.

    Registration pony:

    The registration pony was starting to pack up when suddenly he heard a voice. he looked around for a moment until he looked down to see that a griffin head was talking to him.

    "excuse me?"

    He asked double checking to make sure he heard the small Griffin correctly.

  3. Promontory:

    As Promontory went back onto the platform he saw Dawn walk over to him asking if everything was good to go.

    [colour=#A1745E]"W'er gettin' ah seat on da monkey cart. Ain' 'xcatly da creme de la creme of seatin' bud will have ta cart ta our selves."[/colour]

    Promontory replied as he look down at the Pegasus then over to the caboose of the train where they would be riding. As he Promontory looked up at the clock to see that they had about 5 minutes or so until Steamer would come out and start the train up.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Com'on we bedder get along fer Steamer decides ta change his mind."[/colour]

    Promontory continued as he started to walk to the end of the train.

    The Caboose of the train didn't have a side door making Promontory hop down onto the tracks to reach the ladder that lead up to to the back platform on the train.

    [colour=#A1745E]" Maybe we got dem pliers 'n da monkey cart so ah can get these dang metal chunks out mah foot."[/colour]

    Promontory thought as he opened the door to the caboose. When he did the aroma of engine oil and saw dust lazily fell out of the caboose give it a some what stale mixture. To Promontory it was the smell of home though to most other ponies it would probably would make them gag. Unlike a normal passenger cart that had soft velvet chairs and carpeted floors, the caboose was bare with only a few wooden chairs, a table, tools that hung down from the walls, a heater that was keeping the spare engine oil warm giving off a musty smell, and dozen of crates stacked where ever they could fit. As Promontory walked in the wooden floor boards creaked showing its age. Still the Earth Stallion walked over to the one dirty window in the caboose and rubbed off some of the dust and grim to let some light in.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Welp id ain' much bud have ah seat; Da train 's probably gonna start movin' here soon."[/colour]

    Promontory said as he looked over to the open door to Dawn.

  4. (pro character criticism wanted by all if possible!!!!)

    What are you?: Nobody

    Name: Anxkivohdi (blame random number generator)

    Race: Earth

    Gender: Third leg

    Appearance: Dusty light grey coat, sweetie belle,colors change depending on the spell he is using

    Weapon of Choice: Scythe. the handle looks like its made of bone and the blade looks like its made of a flattened(from the side) dragon skull(without the jaw

    Personality: Cocky, dark, power hungry, can acknowledge an opponents power, honest,

    Cutie Mark: shrouded by cloak (honestly the cutie mark wouldn't make sense in a KH RP)

    Goal: to harness Kingdom Hearts

    I would recommend changing some things on him.

    To start I would change his weapon since we already have a scythe user. His personality is already done by quite a few rpers (Promontory, Reeves, Diamondheart, and even Vixrels) You should give him a cutie mark or just leave him a blank flank. As for his goal I think that is almost every nobodies/heartless goal or at least a part of it. Why does he want to rule kingdom hearts? if for power why does he need the power? Did something happen that made him power hunger? basically go deeper. The changing mane is not needed nor would it help him. (Actually it would extremely detrimental once somepony figured out what each colour stood for. kinda like the clock phantom from the first game) What does sweetie belle have to with your characters appearance? Does he have the same mane style/coat style as her? (I'm assuming it is the mane style since you mention his coat is grey) Going back and explain a bit more about your character would help better round him out.

  5. As I thought, TBB doesn't have the RP followed. He might not remember, after all he did post in Val's RP earlier. I'll shoot him a PM just to let him know.

    Cool cool. I just got back from giving a presentation on antarctic theory so it looks like I haven't missed to much. (Had a mini panic attack while trying to set it up last night)

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