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Posts posted by sleeps

  1. I've only played Chain of memories(on gameboy, like a boss), Birth by sleep and 358 days....I never completed chain of memories either...so I go by what I know from those....Plus, I have a hatred for Marluxia, I could never beat him....Lawl...

    Ohmigosh!!! Perfect entrance!! Gonna try to stop Shax from leaving!!

    Oh yeah mecha rose man. I found having a heavy attack combo deck worked on him. The one I had the hardest time on was larxene.

  2. Lol, nah it's cool, I 358 days is my least fav KH game anyway, but I love Birth by Sleep, soooooo bucking much. :D

    Eh I could of done without BBS,358, and Coded they really didn't add much to the series of then some fill in. (Which 358 really bugged me because I honestly did not care about Roxas or Organization XII at all.)

    Though Dream drop is one that I do think will be interesting if it is done right and doesn't add in needless filler.

  3. sheesh I feel all left out. But I have only played KHI,COM, II, and BBS though I know the story line 358. But anyways I posted. Poor Promontory he is so confused since he hasn't been awakened as a key wielder nor even knows what the organization is. Though since Licorice mentioned the Gummy ship is broken Promontory could probably figure out how to get it to work again though he would need to see it first. However, I am guessing that won't be for a while since were still in Hollow bastion dealing with who is going with who. My guess is that Promontory, Licorice, Legacy, Shax, and Reeve will be all going in the Gummy ship while Umbra, Black, and Trexcurn head off to different worlds to cause some chaos.

  4. Promontory:

    Promontory rolled his eyes a bit when heard Consonance agree to follow in his hoof steps.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Cidy ponies"[/colour]

    Promontory muttered under his breath as he headed towards the food market area of Appleloosa. It didn't take long until Promontory spotted his preferred market. To call it a market was a bit of an over statement. It was mainly a small outdoor vendor who had a random supply of goods. As Promontory got close to it he walked passed the fresh fruits and veggies and started to look at the dried apple chips and hay chips that were a few days old and starting to turn hard from the open air.

    [colour=#A1745E]"These 'er look fai'erly lahght."[/colour]

    Promontory thought as he grabbed a few pounds of apple and hay chips and threw them into his own saddle bag. The vender looked at Promontory who tossed him a few bits while still looking over the remaining foods. Not much seemed to catch his eye until he noticed that the Vendor was selling dried habaneros.

    [colour=#A1745E]"...Well, Well; dis 'er mah lucky day."[/colour]

    Promontory said with a smile as he grabbed a full vine of the dried chiles and placed them in his backpack and again tossed some bits over to the vender. The vender gave him a bit of an odd look for buying something so hot while in the dessert but gave a shrug as he pocketed the bits.

    Promontory then looked into his potch to see how much he had left.

    [colour=#A1745E]"'les see h'er 35 bits. 'nough ta ged me some water, fahre material, an' a poncho.[/colour]

    Promontory said to himself as he tightened the draw string on the bit bag as he turned to see what Consonance was buying.

  5. I just finished watching the new season episode and I wouldn't say it was the greatest but not bad. King Sombra not exactly the most interesting of villains. There seems to be a hinting of a larger story line for this season which is a plus for me. I think the thing that I wonder most about was why did Luna summon a book at the very end? Also what was Celestia talking about to Luna at the beginning concerning Twilight? My prediction is that we probably haven't seen the last of King Sombra something about him being so easily defeated makes me think he will be back with something more dangerous.

  6. ugh short post is post. Seeing that Promontory can't really do much since he hasn't been awakened as a keyblade wielder yet I can only really make him watch from the distance at what the group is doing until either a nobody or a heartless attacks him and kingdom hearts gives him his keyblade. (Or one of the keyblade wielders finds him)

  7. shesh I go away for a day and the OOC explodes. I better go read what has happened since I went away. Also some of those weapons are ridiculously over powered. Usually an S means that is as high as you can get and that to balance it out your other stats have to suffer. Since Promontory is pretty much gonna be all physical attacks I purposely gave him really bad status in other areas.

  8. Well If there is still room I guess I will join. Also is there a link to the RP?

    What are you?:Keyblade wielder

    Name: Promontory

    Race: Earth Pony

    Gender: Stallion



    Keyblade description:

    Name of key blade: No. 119

    Blade description: looks like train tracks

    Tip of blade: Golden Rail-spike

    Guard: a steam train

    Grip: Looks like steel beams used to lay down tracks for a train has a a wooden handle

    Keychan: A Goldenspike

    (I wonder how many people will get what this is referencing....)

    Keyblade Ranking

    Strength: S


    Speed: D

    Magic: D


    Cold/blunt. Secretly very caring but would feel to embarrassed to admit it though. Fairly smart with machines since he has run on the train tracks his entire life and understands how engines work. Does have a bit of a temper when riled up but usually level headed. Gets extremely bitter/upset when ponies mention he is a blank flank.

    Cutie Mark: Blank Flank (Seeing that this is free for all I figured I would go with his original cutie mark of not having one)

    Goal: ".....Where do I fit into this world?"

  9. Promontory:

    Promontory simple let out a small snort when Consonance mentioned he was ready when ever he was as he flipped his cowpony hat back down as he waited for the minutes to tick by.

    Finally the hands on the clock slide into the 9:30 position and let out a dull clunky gong saying that the half hour was up. Promontory looked to see if anypony else had shown. As he looked around he noticed that the pony with the yellow glasses had left bringing the party down from three to now simple two.

    [colour=#A1745E]" Welp ah guess dis h'er 's gonna be id."[/colour]

    Promontory thought as he lazily swung his large body off the couch cracking his neck to release the pressure in that had built up from laying on the musty couches.

    [colour=#A1745E]"com'n fiddle pony. Tahme 's a wastin'."[/colour]

    Promotnory said as he walked over to the counter from before to find the pony from before still lazily looking over the papers.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Ah, guess dis h'er is ev'erpony. will be takin' ta upfront supply pay if ya kindle."[/colour]

    Promontory said in a bit of a dull tone that suggested that the toast colored stallion was more thinking about what he was going to need to buy in order to survive the desert trip.

    "here ya go."

    The pony replied as he lazily tossed to two pouches filled with a small amount of bits. Promontory caught them both and again did his familiar head bow before walking over to Consonance and tossed the extra bag over to him.

    [colour=#A1745E]"H'er fiddle pony. Ya'll 'r gonna need dat ta buy yer part the supplies. By da way mah names Promontory 'n don' ferget."[/colour]

    He said in his familiar gruff southern drawl as he opened up the pouch to reveal that there was 50 golden bits.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Horse fiddles. Ain' no where near 'nough ta ged prop'er supplies. Guess I'm imprahvisin'."[/colour]

    Promontory thought as he begin to think what he could get cheap in Appleloosa and what could serve for multiple purposes. As the Pony began to think he began to make his way for the door not really checking to see if Consonance was following.

    As Promontory pushed open the door to the streets of Applelossa he could already start to feel the heat starting to rise making Promontory let out a slight sigh.

    [colour=#A1745E]" Ah'm headed 'ver ta da food market f'irst ya'll can follow if ya feel like id."[/colour]

    Promontory said aloud not looking back to see if Consonance was actually behind him or if he was just talking to the wind.

  10. Promontory:

    The white unicorn had a bit of confused look when Promontory mentioned the packages were from Roam. Still she moved to the side and let the Earth pony know where to place the packages.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Thank ya kahndle ma'am."[/colour]

    He replied as he unhooked his yolk from the cart and grabbed one of the large boxes from the cart and started to bring it into the Boutique making sure to remove his train hat to show his respect to the mare.

    The inside of the Boutique was much like the outside. It was filled with fancy decorations and had mannequins all about with large ball dresses, short summer skirts, and even a few vests on here and there. The place smelled like fresh coffee with a hint of some spices that Promontory couldn't quite figure out by smell alone other then that they were from sweets.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Ah guess mares 'er really made ferm Sug'er 'n spice."[/colour]

    He thought to himself as he put down the first package in the display room. As he started to walk out to get the next box he noticed another stallion in the house from the corner of his eye.

    The fellow stallion was a unicorn with a silver coat and a purple mane that was done up into a wild wind look.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Ain' exactly blendin' 'n there cidy slick'er."[/colour]

    Promontory said as he made his way out to the cart again and grabbed another box and brought it back in.

  11. Promontory:

    The wagon finally pulled up to the station area where ponies where hustling and bustling about either buying tickets, loading goods on or off trains, boarding passenger cars, or looking for where there luggage was to be dropped off. To Promontory it was nothing new since this was his normal job but to other ponies it could be overwhelming. When Promontory heard Dawn ask if he was okay Promontory didn't look back.


    He muttered out quietly as he slid off the back of the wagon. As he put his hooves down onto the station platform he could feel the chunks of metal dig in again making him wince again but he didn't want to let the Dawn notice.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Ya'll jus' waid her' Ah'll go find Steamer."[/colour]

    Promontory said as he started to walk towards where the train conductors usually hung out before the runs to the next towns. Though the pain from his injuries was no where near as bad without the boxes on his back, Promontory still could feel the chunks of metals digging into his hooves. Still he maintained him self as he went over to the clock tower and opened a door to a small office.

    Inside was a few old desk that had been stained by sitting in the sun for to long and old pictures of train ponies who had helped with building the rails. Promontory didn't stop to look at them because he had seen them many times before. Instead he looked about until he noticed a cream colored pony looking over what appeared to be a set of schedule papers. As he walked up to the fellow train pony, the pony didn't put down the papers.

    "wad ya'll wan' Promontory?"

    The stallion asked not looking up from his papers.

    [colour=#A1745E]"A favour."[/colour]

    Promontory replied not questioning how the pony knew who he was without looking.

    "fer wad?"

    Steamer asked back as he flipped a page with his hooves.

    [colour=#A1745E]" Ah got a pegsus ah'm helpin wid a move. Think ya'll can ov'er look us stayin' ta monkey cart 'til ponyville?"[/colour]

    Promontory asked knowing from personal experience how much a fellow train pony hated stow a ways. For a moment there was nothing but silence between the two ponies with only the sound of the gears from the clock tower filling the void.

    "....Fine. Bud yer explain ta John Bull wah we had 'n overflow."

    Steamer finally responded Making Promontory give a bit of smirk in satisfaction.

    Promontory turned and started to walk out the door only to stop at the door frame for a minute.


    Promontory muttered back to the fellow train pony before he started to head back towards Darkest dawn with the good news.

  12. Promontory:

    Promontory hated to admit that the pegasus was right but he he did know that Canterlot ponies weren't exactly the most generous of ponies. The earth stallion slowly moved onto the wagon not looking the pegasus in the eye.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Ya'll don' have ta pay fer ya'll ticket. jus' ged me to ta train engine an ah can make us a deal with Steamer ta get 'n board fer free."[/colour]

    Promontory mumbled out still not liking the fact that he was needed to get help for an injury.

    He looked up at the clock over the station. The clock said it was nearly passed eleven making him think over the train schedules.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Bahj nauw Steamer's warmin' up ta engine. He probably won' mind if'n we take up ta monkey coach."[/colour]

    Promontory thought to himself as he looked down at his busted up hooves in frustration with the mind set that he still had failed the job.

  13. Promontory:

    Promontory waited patiently until he heard the jimmying of the door knob to see a pure white Unicorn with a Plum wine mane anwser the door to the Boutique. She spoke with a sophisticated accent that seemed to fit the mood of the building.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Guess she's ferm Canterlot 'er somein'."[/colour]

    Promontory thought as he looked her over for a second before replying to her question.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Sorry da bother ya'll ma'am, but ah god these 'er pajkages from roam ta Carohscell Booteaque."[/colour]

    Promontory replied his deep gruff western drawl contrasting with Rarity light and airy sophisticated speech from before.

    [colour=#A1745E]"'s d'er somewhere ya'll would lahke me ta pud these?"[/colour]

    The Earth Stallion continue as he nodded over to the collection of boxes on the wagon behind him.

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