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Posts posted by sleeps

  1. Ooh! I love Vocaloid! Especially the creepy kind. I adore "Circle You" and "The Rugrats Theory". Luka and Miku are the best :3

    Luka is pretty versatile though her english needs a lot of work. As for Miku she is good at pop candy songs but most other styles i can't find a use for her.

    Oh, and I really liked your song :)

    Thanks. It took a llloooonnnggg time to make it even some what decent. (At times I question why the companies even bother to make english vocaloids becuase they can never get as realistic as the jploids no matter how much TLC you add into them)

  2. If a character hasn't been named in show, you can choose whatever name you like... even one not listed in the Wiki or widely recognized by the fandom. The rule to that is you can't pick a name that someone else has chosen, either for an OC or another Cast member.

    Relations between Tier 3 Cast do need to be agreed upon by all involved parties.

    Okay thanks a bundel. Guess I better go off and ask Caramel if I can be his older brother.

  3. So I have been looking through the tier 3 characters and noticed no one picked up a character that I was thinking about getting but I've run into a slight problem. The character has three names and I have no idea which one is the correct name. Should I go with the wiki who calls him Creme Brulee, The fan name of Carmel, Or should I go with his grab bag name of Chance-a-lot? Also a small question if we want them to be related to someone who is a tier three cast character should we PM that person? (My gut says I should to get permission)

    This is the character I am thinking about applying for if you need a visual.


  4. Sorry to double post but here is the final product of my work in progress I figured I would show it off in video form. (Sorry for the subtitles being a pinch off but Sony Vegas hates subtitles)

  5. Oh~! How exciting! Vocaloid works. Have you tried using UTAU? I'm working on making some MLP UTAUs.

    Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I have used UTAU but I am not a fan of the program. (to glitchy and overly complicated for my taste)

  6. Nickle Shine:

    Upon entering the administrative office Nickle felt like his heart had dropped into his stomach due to how nervous he was. He quietly fidgeted in place looking around the small office at all of the papers and filling cabinets that were in the room.

    "Aw buck. whad does aye gone n' godden maye self inda? Daey ain's nevar gon na approves of dese here gems."

    Nickle thought to himself with a bit of a nervous gulp as he watched Unity talk to an Earth pony about getting a permit. suddenly Nickel heard his name an noticed that Unity was asking him to present his gems.

    " Oh..uh wride dank ya kindle misder Unidy."

    He said to Unity with a bit of a nervous crack. He walked up the the desk and took a deep breath before looking the Earth pony in the eyes.

    "A-aye Nickle Shine, son of da Shine miner f-family w-w-would layek da requesd a p-permid d-da sell our here g-gems in canderlod and da rest of equesdria."

    Nickel stuttered out in nervousness as he opened the side of his saddle bag.

    "Aye no dad sed nawd da show off da besd gem riwght away bud aye downd dink aye godda choice here."

    Nickel thought to himself as he grabbed a small box from among the damaged gems and put it in front of administrative pony.

    "D-D-Des hear es uh s-sambul of our gems."

    he continued following the script in his mind his dad had taught him while on the road to Canterlot. As he opened up the small box, the gems inside light up the desk reflecting nearly every color in the rainbow.

    "Des es da r-rainbow d-diamonds of B-bareback Gultch mines. E-each wan here aye m-mined n' cut myself wid da h-help of my fadher Misder Shine ."

    Nickel said quickly feeling his cropped fire brick tail twitched nervously in place.

    "Aye howpe ya'll consider our g-gems wordhy of canderlod."

    Nickel conclude as he did a small head bow before backing slightly away from the Earth pony to let him inspect the gems.

  7. Promontory:

    Time seem to melt away to the toast colored pony as Dr.heart performed surgery on him. Promontory could here things but didn't know what they were. A loud cracking sound, a buzzing sound, something squishing, so on and so forth. Still to Promontory didn't feel anything or even realize what was going on until the doctor added in a sedative that would slowly wake up the Earth Pony. As soon as the drug kicked in time came quickly flooding back, along with pain. Promontory let out a small wheezy groan followed by a liquid cough that forced the pony to spit up some remaining blood from his lung into the mask. Though it looked gruesome Promontory could already feel his lungs re inflating slowly making it a bit easier to breath. As his vision came into focus he looked around his surrounds. It seemed another pony was with him in the recovery room. There weren't any clocks in the room making the Earth pony have no idea how out he had been. Promontory wanted to say something but what ever was in the IV was strong making it so Promontory could only make it so he could lay still and let the medicine do its work.

    "H-how long have I been out?"

    Was the main question that formed in the ponies head as he looked down at his bandaged chest and leg.

  8. Nickel Shine:

    Nickel continued to follow Unity through the crowds trying not to get lost until finally they arrived at a large white building. The Colt had never seen such odd designs but could help but stare a bit at each one until he heard Unity ask him to refresh his memory.

    " Oh. whell, dad sedd dad in ordar ta sell gem en n' raund equestria y'all had ta has permid."

    Nickel replied as he pulled out on of the gems that had spilled out on to the street before.

    " An en ordar ta get one of dem permid thinges ya'll has ta presand ya gems ta da burockracy."

    Nickel continues as he looked over the gem. His ears folding down when he turned it to see the small chip on the gem that had happened when it hit the hard cobble ground.

    " Aye jusda hope da all don notice these here scuffs. Dad ill be so dang mad if aye fail him."

    Nickel thought as he put the gem away before looking back over to Unity.

    "So, uh misder Unidy, where does we all go now?"

    Nickel ask trying to hide the fact he was worried.

  9. Promontory:

    When the Pegasus let Promontory know that he needed surgery his slightly twitched from the a mix anger and fear.

    "Aw buck."

    Was the only thing Promontory could say before he began to cough some more a bit more scarlet liquid came up. As the anesthesia began to kick in Promontory naturally tried to stay focused from the wooziness of the medication even though it was a losing battle.

    "Doc.... just open *wheeze* me up....I'm...not...a... weaklin."

    Promontory mumbled out before the anesthesia finally won out and the toast colored stallion was finally knocked out cold.

  10. Promontory:


    Promontory mumbled out as he felt the doctor begin to insert an IV into his leg. It took only a few seconds for the pain reliever to kick in but it did help with the burning sensation of the gashes on his side. Still Promontory kept continuing to wheeze making the Earth pony frustrated.

    "Stupid Chimera. Stupid Caboose. Stupid Foals. Stupid leg. I could of avoided all this if I had just been a few minutes earlier."

    Promontory thought to himself as he remembered how he wanted to make the train go a bit faster but instead slowed it down so it would be right on time that eventually lead to his injuries. His cropped tail twitched showing his frustration was increasing even though he stayed still has the doctor began to scan his chest. However, as soon as the doctor was finished promontory felt like their was some kind of large mucus ball stuck in his chest making him start to cough until he felt a metallic tasting liquid start to get into his throat.

    "Doc....you can *wheeze* save the X-ray....It's punctured.

    Promontory said before he turned his head to the side as spit up a bit of bubbly blood.

  11. Promontory:

    Caboose quickly went into the room and propped Promontory onto the available bed. His cast leg bumped onto the frame making him let out a small yelp of pain that crackled from his lungs.

    " That really...hurt...ya...jerk."

    Promontory breathed out while glaring at the fellow Earth pony. Each word sounded wheezy like something was pushing on his lungs.

    "Sorry Buddy but Docter Heart is gonna help ya.kay?"

    He said as he smiled at his friend before backing out of the room so that the doctor could get in.

    "Stupid blockhead."

    Promontory thought to himself as he watched one pony enter and the other enter.

    "Guess...I'm....in your..care again doc."

    Promontory wheezed out again trying to push himself up but to no avail.

    "Say doc....before ya'll begin.....*wheeze*Can you fix...my side? It's...Startin....to burn."

    Promontory continued as he lifted his head to where the Chimera had slashed at him and taken a good chunk of skin off.

  12. Promontory:

    "Yo Promontory; Buddy. Ya'll gonna be fine?"

    A fellow conductor pony said to the toast colored pony. Promontory let out a snort to try to hide his pain but it was obvious he wasn't.

    "I told you comin here was a bad idea buddy. Now I'm gettin ya to that clinic ya mentioned yesterday."

    The other pony said as Promontory felt the fellow Earth Pony prop him onto his back.

    "Put...me...down...Caboose...I ain't...no weak...mare."

    Promontory weakly protested but the Earth pony didn't listen and began to gallop away from the Everfree Forest. As the two ponies got closer to town Caboose saw the clinic the Promontory had mentioned after the group had seen him with his broken leg. The large earth pony pushed open the doors to the small clinic and went up to the Pegasus at the front desk.

    "You...*huff*...the...*huff*...Doc...*wheeze* who helped...*gasp* Promontory two days ago?"

    Caboose winded out trying to catch his breath as he adjusted his body to better support Promontory.

    "He's hurt really bad. We ran into a Chimera on our way to Zecora's."

    He said as he looked back to Promontory who was letting out a small wheeze of air.

    "can ya'll help him?"

  13. Promontory:

    Promontory began to feel annoyed but decided to comply for the moment. When the doctor informed him that a pony named Zecora lived in the Everfree Forest might be able to help him Promontory began to think back to the maps he had read through about the ponyville area.

    The Everfree Forest....I heard it's a risky place. Still If I can get myself healed faster it might be worth the risk.

    Promontory thought as he sat down in the chair waiting to pushed out by the doctor.

    "Thanks doc, I'll try to give her a visit."

    Promontory said as he adjusted his scarf and began to stretch out his leg so that he could began the long walk towards the Everfree forest.

  14. Nickel Shine:

    Nickel had started to follow Unity when he took one final look back at the small group.

    "Aye'ma sure Misder Enk n' Miss Shadow will be gewd n' fine wid Miss Blitzs der."

    Nickel thought to himself until Unity's voice brought him back to the situation at hand.

    "O aye'ma comin' Mider Unidy!"

    Nickel replied as he slightly galloped over to Unity to catch up to the Unicorn.

    "Sowry 'bowd dad. Aye ain'd use da leavin ponies behind. Bad since Miss Blitz es der id be awl ight."

    Nickel said to replied to Unity as he caught up to the lavender unicorn.

    "Guess id migd be besd to be stayin nexd to Misder Unidy till we geds da burockracy."

    Nickel thought as he began to walk with the unicorn.

  15. Promontory:

    As the Doctor said that only a pony by the name of Zecora might be able to help him Promontory felt a bit of hope come back into him.

    "Any chance you know where she might live at?"

    He asked as the doctor began to apply the plaster over his injured leg so that his leg would be kept firmly in place. When the Pegasus opened up a wheel chair though Promontory stubbornness immediately came flooding back.

    "Thanks doc but I ain't no mare, I can at least handle walkin on my own.

    He said a bit coldly as slide off the bed attempting to balance him self on the new plastered leg.

  16. You can have characters in more than one RP.

    Also, I'd like to join, please? :D

    Sure sure. I probably think up a full plot and post it herew probably on Monday. (I have to write exam a term paper this weekend. So I will need to focus on that first.)

    I'll join if you want, Sleeps, I got Strife in that region (she works for the Canterlot royal nightmare guard but her parents live in appleoosa, and she visits frequently)

    Hmmmm that could be interesting.

  17. I have one character who operates in the Appleloosa region: my Lady Luck, who's a gambler and western outlaw. She's not currently involved in a lot of topics, so I'd definitely be up to putting her in a new one if the topic was right for her.

    Outlaw? That would be perfect to RP with my character who is an extremely firm believer in justice.

    Hmmmm well how about a story about bandits in Appleoosa era? That could work for either of my characters. (If you can use accepted characters for more then one RP)

  18. Promontory:

    Though Starlight makeshift splint helped Promontory it still made his walking feel a bit off.

    "Common you stupid leg. We gotta keep moving. After all you may not have your train but you still have a passenger.

    He thought to himself as he looked back at Starlight making sure she didn't get to far behind. When a loud popping sound from the woods along the destination made Promontory stop in his tracks.

    "What was that?"

    He thought as he attempted to look through the trees. Again another loud popping sound came from the tress but closer and louder.

    "Come on. We need to move."

    He said to Starlight as he began to try to trot a little faster hopping what ever it was wasn't falling them.

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