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Posts posted by PenceKG

  1. How nice to see a post like this. I disagree with a lot of what you said, but you presented your opinion and facts very nicely. I do agree it was probably not Pinkie's best "character growth" episode (my opinion is that would be Baby Cakes), though I can't blame you for finding the character annoying.

    The analogy between Squidward and Spongebob isn't very accurate in my opinion. The big difference is that Spongebob seldom understands when he's done something wrong to Squidward; Pinkie understood right away when she did something bad to CDD, and took steps right away to rectify the situation, for good or ill. The character mechanics are there for the sake of some slapstick, despite the take-away message. Since we have very limited time for a new character presented to us to be fleshed out, it has to fall on the complexity of the other character's interactions to tell the story, and the new character has to take a more reactive role (which more or less had Pinkie annoying him for most of the episode without any real development).

    I think the message was "Be nice to someone, no matter what." I think that's a good thing to practice. If someone is unkind to you, be kind to them anyway -- there's usually a reason they're acting that way, anyway.

    Pinkie with a mental disorder? Whatevar gave you zat idea?

    [gif] (got rid of it to save space)

    Now that we know what episode you didn't like and why, can you tell me what your favorite episode is, and why? I'm curious.

    Thank you for sharing this point. I never really thought about Pinkie noticing or taking means to try and recitfy her actions (though they only dug her grave deeper). As I said before, I do consider myself biased towards Pinkie Pie so please forgive me if any of my points seem hypocritical or stressed to obscene points.

    I can't really give you an exact episode that is my favorite. I'm not a hardcore fan but I do keep up to date with the show. Its a breath of fresh air compare to much of the cartoons given to us today because it has that quality of the ones we grew up with. I can tell you that some of the episodes I prefer more than others are the granny apple episode and the episode where rainbow dash learns to love reading. I can't pin-point why but I enjoyed them.

    I do understand that this show was /made for kids/ and the messages are rather simplistic. I also see the whole 'treat others how you want to be treated' aspect to. I just found Pinkie's antics rather selfish.

    I'm not planning to condemn Pinkie for this episode. A few episodes back, I found myself actually liking her somewhat. (The one where Applejack won't come back to Ponyville)

  2. Before I begin, I would like to make note that I am not a fan of Pinkie Pie. I am naturally biased towards her and will jump at the first mistake she makes to tear her to shreds. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of the show but simply not the character.

    'A Friend in Deed' completely irritated the hell out of me. The song was cute and a good beginning to the episode but it was everyting after that went downhill for me.

    One of the most popular relationships I see people compare Doodle and Pinkie Pie to is that of Spongebob and Squidward. Its essentially the same if we look into it lightly. Spongebob wants to be Squidwards buddy and Squidward is cranky and wants nothing to do with him. Yet there is a problem with this analogy. Squidward's crankiness does not compare to Doodle's. Squidward is cranky because he ended up in a dead-end job when he wanted to be a dancer (I believe). But there are things that make him happy like playing the clarinet, reading and pursuing artistic endeavors. We actually see him happy and despite his resolve towards Spongebob, they do spend a good amount of time together.

    We only knew Doodle for what seems to be the course of a few days. All we know about Doodle's crankiness is that he's lost someone. This doesn't compare to self-pity. Of course, if anyone has watched the episode entirely, they know that his loss was not to the degree that it was played up to be and that he ends up happy in the end. Yet, lets just go back to assuming that we don't know the degree at which he'd lost this person.

    Despite it being obvious he was in mourning, Pinkie Pie could not come to terms with the fact he did not want to be her friend. He was tired and upset, but despite the obvious Pinkie constantly berated and humilated him. We know that she was innocent in doing this but as I continued to watch the episode, she kept getting ruder and ruder. She even ruined the only possession he had to remember his loved one by. When Twilight said that Pinkie should understand that not everyone is going to be her friend, THAT should have been somewhat of the message of the episode. Instead, Pinkie tormented him more.

    The ending was abrupt with no true leadup. We know that the other donkey lived in Ponyville but the chances that this was his lost love were slim. Considering how populated their world is with ponies, how do we know how many donkies live there? If the episode maybe had clues leading up to the reveal like a photograph or a few momentos, then maybe I wouldn't be as skeptical as I am.

    This episode only shows me that I think Pinkie might have a mental disorder.

  3. Wanted to join up.

    I'm Pence.

    I love Fluttershy.

    I hate Pinkie Pie.

    I guess I should say more. I joined really to complain about the recent episode but to also find an roleplay group. I've never rped MLP but I wouldn't mind trying.

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