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Kirby Krackle

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Posts posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. I think this:

    Has a lot to do with this:

    If not for caring about my friends, I would never touch their dogs. But I do, so I pet them from time to time. She isn't necessarily enjoying it, but she obviously is not letting that stop her from showing her love. It's kinda sweet.

    Agreed. While it took me completely off guard, I smooched her extra once the confusion wore off. Oh, and here's another thing. She's toying with the idea of signing up here.

    Also, that Sandman poster is fantastic.

    It is!

  2. 1.Favorite FiM Episode

    Party of One

    2.Two Favorite Unicorns

    Twilight and Vinyl Scratch

    3.Favorite Brony Artist

    Probably the Ask Surprise tumblr

    4.Favorite Brony Musician


    5.Your Nickname

    Uhm. I have a lot of them. Most of them involve having a leaky brain pan.

    6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader


    7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one)

    I got the one. He's been called handsome by some mares.

    8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some)

    Like I can think of any right now.

    9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team?

    Pinkie Pie. Zombie conga line.

    10.Dream Job


    11.Favorite Food

    Buffalo wings

    12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody

    Amazingly, I'm not a big fan of poops.

    13.Favorite Ship

    Apple x Mac. Sorry.

    14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie

    Diane. Nobody should switch back and forth between manic and depressive that fast.

    15.Favorite Pony Quote

    Just pull up the script list for Pinkie Pie. It's in there somewhere.

    16.Favorite Movie Quote

    "What's in the Box, Frank?" from Se7en. Not a favorite, but I've been saying it a lot recently.

    17,Favorite Number

    No real favorite, but I like when I'm at register and a customer's total is a palindrome.

    18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most.

    Tadayasu, from Moyasimon. Being surrounded by chaos that only he can see.

  3. It's magic. And magic, in every fiction I've ever seen, turns reality to silly putty. So yes, I bet there are "Sound Filter" spells or "Wah pedal" spells or something. If the Unicorn can dream it, and it's their special talent, sky is the limit.

  4. Those here that know me, also, in passing, know my wife. She's been struggling with my status as a Brony for some time now. And I in turn struggled with that. It's been pretty back and forth. Not so recently was Bronycon, which I couldn't attend and was pretty depressed that whole day. That concerned her, to put the whole situation mildly. More than recently was Otakon, which we attend every year. To those not in the know, it's for anime. But since cosplayers come from all walks of life, there were plenty of ladies in full pony garb. Pictures later. In the dealer's hall, there was a booth full of prints and badges and such, of all kinds of fanart. Because they're favorites of mine, I got Riddler and Two-Face badges, plus a little Tom Baker badge for her brother. Naturally, there were ponies there too. I sighed quietly and dismissed them, and then I hear her chirp up and "Ooooo" at something. This:


    She could not deny how pretty the art was, and how clever the Metallica reference was. Ten dollars later, it's mine.


    You guys know her! The embargo! I have a pony thing now! But wait. The story continues: I'm in the dealers hall again the next day. She's at a Learning Japanese panel. With no supervision, I crack down and get this:


    It's hidden at the bottom of my bag until lunch, when she's curious as to what I got that day. Meanwhile, I'm telling her my initial response to anything pony is shame. Her first question is "what color is it?". I say black. Looking at the shirt, she said I could have done a lot worse. Day three, I find a booth with absolutely gorgeous hand made (she was making them behind the booth all day I can assume) pony plushies for fifty bones. Now, as tempting as it was (THERE WAS A LUNA! GAH!) , I'm not insane enough to drop that much cash. So I got two buttons instead, Pinkie and RD as carousel horses. My wife asks "You know I love you, right?"

    Final bit of the story. Then you get to give me marital advice. Because on the drive home, I'm making first drafts to the RP that I attend here. She knows I do this. No biggie. But what surprises me is her snatching away my little two dollar notebook and, I'm really not kidding here, begins writing erotic pony fanfiction. It's brief. Two and a half little pages. But it's graphic and Luna x Big Mac of all things.

    What. The. Heck. Happened.

    • Like 3
  5. Okay. There are a few 'Anime you're watching' and 'Recommend me an anime' threads floating around here. And every time, I say Moyasimon. And every time, nopony listens to me. Well, this time, I'm putting my hoof down! Watch this! The second official season is airing right now in Japan! Two volumes of the manga are published in the States and are available for purchase! There was even a live action drama! This series is my favorite. Hands down.

    It's about a grumpy college hopeful, raised by sake brewers, with the awkward ability to see microorganisms of all types with the naked eye. They talk. They crack jokes. They make rude comments and break the fourth wall. And they're everywhere in the show. It's humor is a little dry, full of gross-out scenes. It's educational! Lots of information about microbiology, health and fermentation that's just a part of the show. There's also a cross dresser!

    Watch this mess! You will NOT be disappointed! In closing:




  6. 4 Tainted Soul

    4 Knight of Infamy

    4 Gravecrawler

    4 Diregraf Ghoul

    4 Demonlord of Ashmouth

    4 Duress

    4 Sign in Blood

    4 Murder

    4 Dark Favor

    4 Tragic Slip

    20 Swamps

    I just got back from a prerelease of M13. I did... poorly. But I did see the sudden potential for Monoblack aggro. This is something I came up with in two minutes, keeping it Innistrad/M13 for now. I would absolutely love to run MBA again. Probably needs more oomph but that's what Return to Ravnica is for.

    Edit: Oops. Forgot Vampire Nighthawk.

  7. Ironmane2.jpg

    So, recently, in the gallery, an image popped up that while similar to my idea of a Pony Paladin and blew it clean out of the water. Seriously. I'm trash compared to that. So, needless to say, the block came back for a while. Today I finally cracked and decided to improve on the Iromane design. I dug through many google images trying to find reference and find that delicate balance between "the party's tank" and "girl". Somehow, that translated into "Ponies in socks".

    I'm a pervert.

    Also, I forgot her cutie mark.

    Also also, I really do hate everything I do. But her face is cute.

    • Like 1
  8. Here's how I use quickfix:

    First, I hitch a ride with a scout into battle. If there isn't a big fight going on somewhere, I'll just cruise along with the scout, kicking butt and building uber. When we come to a fight, I'll break off and start healing everyone who's wounded. I build uber really fast doing this and can ofter get 2 ubers out in one battle. I also like pocketing the intel carrier and getting them back home safely, since it's a good way to build uber and it's a good precaution.

    Also, am I the only person who uses the Clincal Trial item set? I don't see it that often online and it's pretty good.

    Eh. The Solemn Vow is junk. The idea is good thematically, and I can see it working much better with the improved Crusader's Crossbow but... bleh. Seeing enemy health, mechanically, is best on Spy. Though, Solemn Vow + CC.... hmmmm...

    Edit: I have a nametag lying around waiting for a Strange to name. It found my Rainblower. While I could have made a pony reference, I decided instead "Merry-go-Round Meltdown". I'm happy.

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