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Kirby Krackle

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Posts posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. The majority of what I doodle (I honestly think that's what I'm doing, non photo blue or otherwise) is either a generic pose happening anywhere or my head canon. This particular shot is head canon.

    Technical notes: I like the bigger sharpie better. I get better lines, especially since I scan huge and scale down to 5 to 8%.

    Thirdly, heck yeah my screen name comes from Jack Kirby. Long live the king.

    Finally, I've been thinking about drawing plot. Talk me out of it.

  2. First, they came out with that.

    Then, our dear friend Pyro updated the TF2 main site's blog today with this message:

    Mmm Mmmph!

    June 22, 2012 - The Pyro

    Mmmmph mmmmph, mmmmm mmmmmp mmmmmph. Mmmmmph mpm! Mmmmmph mph mm! Hm mmmmmph, hmmmmph mm mmmmmph mmmmmph!

    People have since figured out that, the dialogue in morse code translates to "MONDAY." There is speculation that the final Meet The video for Pyro will be premiering on Monday.

    Some are speculating, furthermore, that it will be broadcast on Adult Swim. My guess (and this is only a small guess) is that they very well might show all the Meet The videos - including Pyro's - in a nice, big, half hour block on AS.

    That sounds beautiful...

  3. So. Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors.

    Thorium is metal, atomic number 90, and is allegedly the future of power production! It's super common to find. So common in fact that miners used to just... throw it out when mining for Uranium. It burns cleaner, as in it only gives out easy to stop Alpha particles and not kill-everything Gamma radiation. Its waste is toxic for... maybe three hundred years, as opposed to Uranium's waste which is toxic forevvvvvverrrrrrrr. Also, its waste, unlike Uranium is really hard to make bombs out of.

    Problem is that outfitting and modding the hundred and fifty (approx.) nuclear power plants to work with our new wonder-metal would be... expensive. Worth it in the long run? This brony thinks so. But what's your opinion?

  4. Strange knife: Coup de Fourde, which in French is literally Bolt of Lightning and figuratively "Love at First Sight"

    I'm still thinking about what to use my other nametag on. I gots 3 other Stranges I use regularly, the Liberty Launcher, the Reserve Shooter and the Persian Persuader.

  5. My mom and younger brother conspired to surprise me with a Pinkie Pie birthday cake for my 21st birthday. I'm tickled they knew she's my favorite.


    She was made with fresh strawberries, chocolate, whipped cream, strawberry icing, and half a bottle of Bacardi Rum.

    ...do you want an older brother? I'm low maintenance and I already live on my own!

    ...adopt me please...

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