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Kirby Krackle

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Posts posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. I found the spoiler tags. I'll be using them in a bit once I gather my thoughts, so that you may all read the long version. The short version is as follows: I enjoyed myself, on the whole. For eight movies, I enjoyed myself and would take the ride again. It, as a series, only committed the crime of omission but was faithful enough to a series with a tremendous amount of meat to it.

  2. Princess Jellyfish

    I love you.

    So much

    -cuddles- XD

    Princess Jellyfish is the best!

    I haven't finished watching the entire thing since the last time I watched it the episodes were still coming out so I need to catch up, but what I saw it was epic.

    Best character development I've seen in ages. And that's for all of them. Plus, I love the "Clara Tequila" commercial break. I hope for a second season.

  3. Hooo boy, I had to wait until I got home for this thread. Anyhow.

    Lately, I feel like I've been falling out of touch with Anime, just a little. Now that I get to watch as it comes out, it seems... less special. I dunno. My feelings are confusing, as I remember back when the only way to watch anime was to know a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy. I guess I'm over-saturated. This, on top of the convention I go to every year, plus my semi-career as an AMV editor. But anyway. The series that really star struck me are as follows:

    Read or Die


    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    Angel Beats

    Madoka Magika

    Princess Jellyfish

    Summer Wars

    Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan (or however the devil you spell it)

    Azumanga Daioh

    I know I've watched much much more but those are all I care to note, as they're fresh in my head.

  4. Name: Kirby Krackle

    Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: About... five months or so?

    How can you contribute?: Espionage and backstabbing!

    Do you have any connections in NASA?: Do you?

    Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: I've been to a mental ward twice

    If so, what for?: Uncomfortable behavior

    What languages are you fluent in?: I speak bad german

    What do you think of this font?: Needs to be 20% cooler

    Social Security Number: 867-5309

    Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 9780765525556

    Name on Credit Card/PIN: 2499


  5. Brother, take it from me. I know the kind of courage it took to actually register. So guess what? You ain't alone. Touch the screen for your internet brohoof. Welcome aboard.

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